14 research outputs found

    Rapporto sulla comunicazione tra ricercatori e stakeholder: un caso di studio nel settore agro‐biologico

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    Il rapporto presenta i risultati di un’indagine realizzata nell’ambito del progetto premiale Gestione sostenibile della risorsa acqua in agricoltura - AQUA del Dipartimento Scienze Bio-Agroalimentari del CNR, che si è svolto tra ottobre 2014 e ottobre 2015. L’obiettivo dello studio è stato acquisire il punto di vista dei ricercatori del progetto e degli stakeholder con cui collaborano, soprattutto aziende agricole e amministratori, rispetto alla comunicazione della ricerca. Tra i risultati emersi da due questionari somministrati alle due categorie: l’interesse alla comunicazione è reciproco e non si riscontrano problemi di comunicazione tra settori diversi; entrambe le parti vorrebbero comunicare di più con i politici; gli stakeholder acquisiscono i risultati di ricerca soprattutto tramite eventi collettivi come conferenze o contatti individuali con i ricercatori. Gli stakeholder hanno inoltre proposto alcune soluzioni per migliorare la comunicazione con il mondo della ricerca

    Firing-Induced Microstructural Properties of Quasi-Diamagnetic Carbonate-Based Porous Ceramics : a 1H NMR Relaxation Correlation Study

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    This study deals with the application of two-dimensional proton nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry (2D 1H NMR-R) to the characterization of porous ceramics nearly free of magnetic compounds. Different microstructural properties were obtained by firing a diamagnetic mixture of kaolin, calcium, and magnesium carbonate over a wide range of maximum temperatures (600–1100 °C) and firing times at the maximum temperature (soaking times) (0–10 h). The 2D 1H NMR-R method relies on the correlated measurement of 1H longitudinal (T1) and transverse (T2) relaxation times of pore-filling water by which the properties of the interconnected pore space may be investigated. In the absence of significant magnetic susceptibility effect due to para- and ferro-magnetic compounds, the 2D 1H NMR-R maps allow studying the conjoint effects on pore size distribution and inter-pore coupling due to the variations in both time and temperature of firing. The NMR experiments were performed with a low-field 1H NMR sensor, which allows non-destructive and in situ analysis. For ceramic specimens fired at 600 and 700 °C, the fraction of smallest pores increases with firing time at the expenses of those with intermediate size. The pore shrinkage occurring at this stage, and likely associated with the transformation of kaolinite in metakaolinite, is affected in a similar way by soaking time and firing temperature, in line with the concept of equivalent firing temperature. At temperatures from 800 to 1100 °C, the structural modifications involving interconnectivity and average pore size are driven primarily by firing temperature and, secondarily, by soaking time. The 2D 1H NMR-R results are confirmed by more traditional, but destructive, mineralogical, and structural analyses like X-ray powder diffraction, helium pycnometry, mercury intrusion porosimetry, and nitrogen adsorption/desorption method

    Iconografia delle migrazioni nei libri di testo

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    Le dinamiche migratorie e i processi di integrazione sono ormai diventate un elemento costitutivo della società italiana. A questi temi i ricercatori e gli associati dell’Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche hanno dedicato il presente volume, analizzando i due fenomeni dai seguenti punti di vista: partenze; luoghi e impatto dell’immigrazione straniera; scuola e minori; aree critiche e di disagio; concetti e pratiche dell’integrazione; politiche di integrazione

    Additional file 6: of Development of measurable indicators to enhance public health evidence-informed policy-making

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    Indicators excluded from the final set. The first and second columns include, respectively, the four thematic domains and the indicators, while the third and fourth columns specify, respectively, at which round each indicator was rejected and the reason for rejection. (DOCX 15 kb

    Additional file 3: of Development of measurable indicators to enhance public health evidence-informed policy-making

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    First Delphi round results for the initial set of 23 indicators developed by REPOPA researchers. The indicators highlighted in grey were sent to the second round for further evaluation. No indicators were rejected in the first round, according to the algorithm in Fig. 1. (DOCX 18 kb