103 research outputs found

    Stabilité monétaire dans l'Egypte ottomane du XVIe siècle et commerce de l'or en poudre à partir du Bilâd al-Takrûr

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    International audienceDuring the 16th century, the Ottoman Province of Egypt and its dependencies (Yemen, Hedjaz and Habash) formed a monetary area, distinctively different from other parts of the Ottoman Empire. After a severe crisis, its monetary system recovered stability around 1525. The mamluk silver medin (nisf fidda) continued to be mint, but gold coins prevailed largely and Egypt remained unaffected by debasements until the very end of the sixteenth century. This was probably due to the influx of large quantities of gold powder carried into Egypt from Bilâd al-Takrûr by caravans.Durant le XVIe siècle, la province ottomane d'Egypte et ses dépendances (Hedjaz, Yémen et Habash) constituaient une zone monétaire notablement différente de celle des autres régions de l'Empire ottoman. Après une période de crise à partir de la fin du XVe siècle, le système monétaire égyptien retrouva sa stabilité aux alentours de 1525. Avec le maintien du médin mamelouk (nisf fidda), elle se distinguait par la place dominante occupée par les espèces or. L'Egypte semble aussi avoir échappé aux tensions monétaire jusqu'à l'extrême fin du XVIe siècle. Cette singularité était sans doute largement liée à l'afflux d'or en poudre en provenance du Bilâd al-Takrûr, grâce au trafic caravanier transsaharien

    Measurement of hadronic shower punchthrough in magnetic field

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    The total punchthrough probability of showers produced by negative pions, positive pions, positive kaons and protons, has been measured as a function of depth in an absorber in a magnetic field ranging from 0 to 3 Tesla. The incident particle momentum varied from 10 to 300 GeV/c. The lateral shower development and particle multiplicity at several absorber depths have been determined. The measurements are compared with the predictions of Monte Carlo simulation programs

    Status report of the RD5 experiment

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    ʽIrāqī Yūsuf Muḥammad, al-Wuğūd al-ʽuṯmānï al-mamlūkī fī Miṣr fī ’l-qarn al-ṯāmin ʽašar wa awā’il al-qarn al-tāsiʽ ʽašar. Le Caire. Dār al-ma'ārif, 1985

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    Tuchscherer Michel. ʽIrāqī Yūsuf Muḥammad, al-Wuğūd al-ʽuṯmānï al-mamlūkī fī Miṣr fī ’l-qarn al-ṯāmin ʽašar wa awā’il al-qarn al-tāsiʽ ʽašar. Le Caire. Dār al-ma'ārif, 1985. In: Bulletin critique des annales islamologiques, n°4, 1987. pp. 151-152

    Aḥmad b. ʿUmar al-Zaylaʿī, al-Awḍāʿ (al-siyāsiyya wa-l-ʿalāqāt al-ḫāriǧiyya li-minṭaqat Ǧāzān (al-miḫlāf al-sulaymānī). Riyād, université du roi Saʿūd, 1413/1992

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    Tuchscherer Michel. Aḥmad b. ʿUmar al-Zaylaʿī, al-Awḍāʿ (al-siyāsiyya wa-l-ʿalāqāt al-ḫāriǧiyya li-minṭaqat Ǧāzān (al-miḫlāf al-sulaymānī). Riyād, université du roi Saʿūd, 1413/1992. In: Bulletin critique des annales islamologiques, n°11, 1994. pp. 149-151

    Ahmad Fu’ād Mutawalli, Al-alfāẓ al-turkiyya fi-l-lahğāt al-ʿarabiyya wa fī luġat al-kitāba. Dar al-Zahrā’, Le Caire, 1991

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    Tuchscherer Michel. Ahmad Fu’ād Mutawalli, Al-alfāẓ al-turkiyya fi-l-lahğāt al-ʿarabiyya wa fī luġat al-kitāba. Dar al-Zahrā’, Le Caire, 1991. In: Bulletin critique des annales islamologiques, n°9, 1992. pp. 4-6

    Idris Bostan, Osmanlı bahriye teskilâtı : XVII. yüzyılda Tersâne-i Amire, Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, 1992

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    Tuchscherer Michel. Idris Bostan, Osmanlı bahriye teskilâtı : XVII. yüzyılda Tersâne-i Amire, Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, 1992. In: Bulletin critique des annales islamologiques, n°12, 1996. pp. 174-175

    Roxani Eleni Margariti, Aden 150 Years in the Life of a Medieval Arabian Port, the Indian Ocean Trade, The University of North Carolina Press (2007)

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    Tuchscherer Michel. Roxani Eleni Margariti, Aden 150 Years in the Life of a Medieval Arabian Port, the Indian Ocean Trade, The University of North Carolina Press (2007). In: Topoi, volume 16/2, 2009. pp. 667-669