28 research outputs found

    The landscape of BRAF transcript and protein variants in human cancer

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    Background: The BRAF protein kinase is widely studied as a cancer driver and therapeutic target. However, the regulation of its expression is not completely understood. Results: Taking advantage of the RNA-seq data of more than 4800 patients belonging to 9 different cancer types, we show that BRAF mRNA exists as a pool of 3 isoforms (reference BRAF, BRAF-X1, and BRAF-X2) that differ in the last part of their coding sequences, as well as in the length (BRAF-ref: 76 nt; BRAF-X1 and BRAF-X2: up to 7 kb) and in the sequence of their 3'UTRs. The expression levels of BRAF-ref and BRAF-X1/X2 are inversely correlated, while the most prevalent among the three isoforms varies from cancer type to cancer type. In melanoma cells, the X1 isoform is expressed at the highest level in both therapy-naïve cells and cells with acquired resistance to vemurafenib driven by BRAF gene amplification or expression of the Δ[3-10] splicing variant. In addition to the BRAF-ref protein, the BRAF-X1 protein (the full length as well as the Δ[3-10] variant) is also translated. The expression levels of the BRAF-ref and BRAF-X1 proteins are similar, and together they account for BRAF functional activities. In contrast, the endogenous BRAF-X2 protein is hard to detect because the C-terminal domain is selectively recognized by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and targeted for degradation. Conclusions: By shedding light on the repertoire of BRAF mRNA and protein variants, and on the complex regulation of their expression, our work paves the way to a deeper understanding of a crucially important player in human cancer and to a more informed development of new therapeutic strategies

    Pre-Micro RNA Signatures Delineate Stages of Endothelial Cell Transformation in Kaposi Sarcoma

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    MicroRNAs (miRNA) have emerged as key regulators of cell lineage differentiation and cancer. We used precursor miRNA profiling by a novel real-time QPCR method (i) to define progressive stages of endothelial cell transformation cumulating in Kaposi sarcoma (KS) and (ii) to identify specific miRNAs that serve as biomarkers for tumor progression. We were able to compare primary patient biopsies to well-established culture and mouse tumor models. Loss of mir-221 and gain of mir-15 expression demarked the transition from merely immortalized to fully tumorigenic endothelial cells. Mir-140 and Kaposi sarcoma–associated herpesvirus viral miRNAs increased linearly with the degree of transformation. Mir-24 emerged as a biomarker specific for KS

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    Le manifestazioni dell'arte nei video musicali

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    La tesi affronta le diverse modalità con cui le varie espressioni dell'arte visiva sono state sfruttate creativamente nei video musicali. Dopo una breve introduzione al video musicale in generale, si è proceduto ad una vera e propria classificazione di queste modalità ricorrenti (individuate nei tre gruppi di rappresentazione, imitazione e citazione), analizzando per ogni tipologia un video particolarmente significativo del genere. In appendice si è inserito un elenco di tutti quei video musicali che sono stati utili alla ricerca

    Alkaline Phosphatase-Positive Immortal Mouse Embryo Fibroblasts Are Cells in a Transitional Reprogramming State Induced to Face Environmental Stresses

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    In this study, we report that immortal mouse embryonic fibroblasts (I-MEFs) have a baseline level of cells positive for alkaline phosphatase (AP + ) staining. Environmental stresses, including long-lasting growth in the absence of expansion and treatment with drugs, enhance the frequency of AP + I-MEFs. By adapting fast red AP staining to the sorting procedure, we separated AP + and AP – I-MEFs and demonstrated that the differentially expressed genes are consistent with a reprogrammed phenotype. In particular, we found that sestrin 1 is upregulated in AP + I-MEFs. We focused on this gene and demonstrated that increased sestrin 1 expression is accompanied by the growth of I-MEFs in the absence of expansion and occurs before the formation of AP + I-MEFs. Together with sestrin 1 upregulation, we found that AP + I-MEFs accumulated in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, suggesting that the two events are causally related. Accordingly, we found that silencing sestrin 1 expression reduced the frequency and G1 accumulation of AP + I-MEFs. Taken together, our data suggested that I-MEFs stressed by environmental changes acquire the AP + phenotype and achieve a quiescent state characterized by a new transcriptional network