20 research outputs found

    Studijuojančiųjų nuomonės diagnostika kaip studijų kokybės vertinimo prielaida

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    How should the quality of university education be measured? The authors state that the quality of university education is evaluated with reference to the dominant educational paradigm. In societies that have a student-oriented view of education, quality is held to be that which satisfies the students. It is based on openness to change and a philosophy of permanent improvement. In practice, a narrower evaluative concept of effectiveness is often used, highlighting students’ satisfaction with studies, on the premise that if the goal of education is the production of information and the development of human potential, then quality is determined by student aspirations and needs and the effort made to satisfy these. Quality is equated to a permanent improvement of the training process, seeking to create conditions for students’ intellectual emancipation. Students’ opinions about the training become a quality indicator relating to expressed opinions and wishes and students’ satisfaction in relation to their fulfilment. The study mentions the results a survey of opinion among students at Šiauliai University’s Continuing Studies Institute concerning the quality of the education they are receiving. A 7-dimensional model of evaluation is analysed, stressing the factorial analysis method: didactic structuring, lecturers’ speech, evaluation of students’ achievements, encouragement of creativity, delivery of technical information and use of information communication technology, erudition of the lecturers, creation of an emotionally safe environmen

    Valstybės tarnautojų profesinė kompetencijų plėtotė Lietuvoje

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    The establishment of modern management strategies in the public sector requires employees to have high professional qualifications as well as wider professional competences. All this determines changes in human resources of the public sector by focusing on the identification of general and specific competences and permanent development thereof. The article reviews peculiarities of development of competences of Lithuanian civil servants. The structure of competences of civil servants is revealed theoretically; legal, financial and organisational conditions for the development of competences of Lithuanian civil servants, which encourage the development of competences in the sector of public administration, are analysed. The empirical part compares the statistical data of the recent years, which reveal peculiarities of development of competences of Lithuanian civil servants

    University lecturers' abilities to apply anthropocentric point of view in education : the survey results of students involved in continuing studies

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    Straipsnyje pateikiami empirinės diagnostinės apklausos, kurią sudarė 34 klausimai, rezultatai. Klausimai atspindi įvairias universiteto lektorių akademinio darbo sferas ir jų elgesio modelius. Atskira klausimų sekcija atskleidžia tokius lektoriaus gebėjimus, kurie jį įgalina (arba ne) taikyti liberalaus universitetinio išsilavinimo principus bei antropocentrinį požiūrį. Apklausos dalyviai yra Šiaulių universiteto tęstinių studijų instituto studentai (N = 226). Buvo įvertinti 23 universiteto lektoriai. Klausimyno validumas buvo patikrintas taikant faktorinę analizė ir suformuluojant 7 vertinimo dimensijas (lektoriaus erudicija, lektoriaus kalba, studentų akademinių pasiekimų vertinimas, didaktinis struktūravimas, pozityvios ir emociniai saugios mokymosi atmosferos sukūrimas, kūrybiškumo ir aktyvumo skatinimas, technologinių priemonių naudojimas perteikiant informaciją). Buvo sukurta kompetencijos įvertinimo rangavimo skalė. Naudojant išskirtinių atvejų analizės metodą ir kokybinės analizės pricipus, buvo nustatytos lektorių-lyderių ir nepopuliarių lektorių kategorijos. Apklausos rezultatai atskleidžia, kad geriausi lektoriai reprezentuoja klasikinę didaktinę paradigmą, o antropocentrinis požiūris į išsilavinimą užima silpnesnę poziciją. Paradoksalu, bet modernių informacinių technologijų naudojimui tenka žemiausi skalės įverčiai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Distancinis mokymas; Antropocentrizmo koncepcija; Dėstytojo rolė; Kompetencija; Studentai; Empirinis tyrimas; Diagnostinis tikrinimasThe article reveals the results of empirical diagnostic survey consisting of 34 questions. The questions reflect various spheres of university lecturer's academic work and patterns of his behavior. A separate block of questions reveals such abilities of a lecturer that enable him or not to realize the principles of liberal university education and apply anthropocentric approach. Respondents of the survey are the students of Šiauliai University Continuing Studies Institute (N = 226). 23 university lecturers were assessed The questionnaire was validated applying the method of factor analysis and formulating 7 dimensions of evaluation (Lecturer's erudition, Lecturer's speech, Assessment of students' academic attainment, Didactic structurization, Creating positive and emotionally safe learning atmosphere, Encouragement of creativity and activeness, Provision of information technological means application of ICT). The rating scale of competence evaluation was created. Employing the method of extreme case analysis as well as the means of qualitative research the situations of lecturer-leaders and lecturer-outsiders were identified. The results of the survey show that the best lecturers represent classical didactic paradigm while anthropocentric approach towards education gains weaker positions. Paradoxically but modern information technologies receive the lowest rating scores in the scale

    Factors of Local Authorities Reliability: The Case of Šiauliai District Municipality

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    Relationship between government and society changes, what implicates political trust. Governing institutions are forced to find new ways of making and implementing decisions and to pursuit citizens trust in their efficiency, transparency etc. The scientific literature suggests term of political trust to explain expectations which citizens experienced in relationship with governing institutions. Internal and external factors, such as the economic situation of a territory, the performance of institutions, social capital, the composition of government, the media, and so on has various influence on political confidence of citizens. It can be also analyzed at three levels: micro, meso and macro. The same factors work at each level, but their significance may vary. Micro-level emerges when public confidence influences governmental institutions performance when provide public services and should take into account their perceptions and expectations. At the mezo level, public policy-making and implementation can depend on citizens' trust when municipal authorities operating in specific public policy sub-systems, such as health, education etc. The macro level includes the highest, general level of trust in public authorities, which may even be limited by some structural reforms or various systemic changes. In the theoretical part, general factors are revealed, whereas empirical research is focused on the mezo level. The aim of this study is to reveal the factors that determine confidence in local self-government institutions by choosing Siauliai district municipality as the case. Survey help to identify the prevailing factors of political confidence.Keičiantis valdžios ir visuomenės santykiui, o kartu ir politiniam pasitikėjimui, valdymo institucijos yra priverstos ieškoti naujų sprendimų priėmimo ir įgyvendinimo būdų. Mokslinėje literatūroje teigiama, kad politinį pasitikėjimą įtakoja daugelis vidinių ir išorinių veiksnių, tokių kaip ekonominė šalies situacija, institucijų veiklos rezultatai, socialinis kapitalas, valdžios sudėtis, žiniasklaida ir pan. Politinis pasitikėjimas gali būti analizuojamas trimis lygmenimis: mikro, mezo ir makro. Kiekviename lygmenyje veikia tie patys veiksniai, tačiau jų reikšmingumas gali pasireikšti skirtingai. Analizuojant politinio pasitikėjimo raišką mezolygmeniu, viešosios politikos formavimas ir jos įgyvendinimas gali priklausyti nuo piliečių požiūrio į valstybės ir savivaldybių institucijas, veikiančias konkrečiuose viešosios politikos posistemiuose (pvz., sveikatos priežiūros ar švietimo srityse). Šio tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti pasitikėjimą vietos savivaldos institucijomis lemiančius veiksnius, kaip atvejį pasirinkus Šiaulių rajono savivaldybę. Atlikta gyventojų apklausa leidžia apibrėžti vyraujančius politinio pasitikėjimo veiksnius

    Models of organizational learning in the learning organization

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    Šiuolaikinėje sparčiai besikeičiančioje aplinkoje individo ir organizacijos gebėjimas mokytis, generuoti naujas idėjas, pritaikyti jas veikloje greičiau nei varžovai daro įtaką konkurenciniam pranašumui ir tampa pagrindine plėtros prielaida. Besimokančios organizacijos yra naujo tipo organizacijos, kurios suteikia galimybę lanksčiau ir efektyviau reaguoti į aplinkoje ir organizacijų viduje vykstančius pokyčius bei ugdyti individus, gebančius nuosekliai dalyvauti mokymosi procese. Straipsnyje pristatomo tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti organizacinių mokymosi modelių įvairovę ir jų derinimo svarbą šiuolaikinei organizacijai. Darbe analizuojami vienkilpis, dvikilpis ir trikilpis organizacinio mokymosi lygiai, dinaminis bei linijinis organizacinio mokymosi modeliai. Remiantis atlikta analize galima teigti, kad prisitaikant prie vis intensyvėjančių pokyčių aplinkoje reikalingas nuolatinis organizacijos narių ir visos organizacijos mokymasis. Atliktos apklausos rezultatai parodė, kad Šiaulių universitete yra sukurtos palankios dėstytojų kvalifikacijos kėlimo bei kompetencijos tobulinimo sąlygos (galimybė dalyvauti kvalifikacijos kėlimo kursuose, seminaruose, paskaitose, stažuotėse), tačiau nurodoma ir kliūčių, kurios trukdo realizuoti įgytas kompetencijas (per didelis darbo krūvis, darbui nepritaikytos auditorijos, techninė įranga, nėra kur pritaikyti įgytas žinias bei gebėjimus). Nustatyta, kad Šiaulių universitete kai kurių besimokančios organizacijos bruožų įvertinimas priklauso nuo demografinių kintamųjų: amžiaus, darbo stažo bei užimamų pedagoginių pareigų.The article discusses models of organizational learning; the application and coordination of these models gives a possibility for the organization to more actively and effectively react to changes occurring outside and inside sanitations, also to educate individuals who are able to insistently participate in the learning process. The theoretical part deals with one-clip, two-clip, three-clip levels of learning, dynamic and linear models of learning are analyzed, learning on individual and organization level is discussed. Survey of opinions of lecturers of Šiauliai University is presented in the empirical part of the article. This survey is aimed at disclosing models of organizational learning at the university. For this, "Dimensions of the learning organization questionnaire" by K. E. Watkins and V. J. Marsick was used (McCaffrey, 2004, p. 24)

    Analysis of specific features of the general and special competence in the announcements to the vacancies of career public servants

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    The aim of the research is to analyse specific features of special and general competences in databases of announcements to the vacancies of career public servants at the state Public Service Department website. In theoretic part of the research attempt is made to analyse the conception of competence and its importance for modern human resources management; the specifics of civil servants' competences, its structure and concepts are ascertained; and the meaning of general and specific competences in state service is discussed. In practical part of the final work attempt is made to analyse competences listed in announcements of vacancies for career public servants. Special and general competences in general announcements set were singled out; the specifics of competences and their relation were ascertained. One of the findings is that in requirements of state service that are raised for applicants, more attention is paid to special competences

    Organizacijos ir darbuotojo sąveika karjeros valdyme : Šiaulių universiteto atvejis

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    Straipsnyje aptariamos teorinės darbuotojo ir organizacijos interesų derinimo prielaidos analizuojant karjeros valdymo funkciją. Pristatoma idėja, kad karjeros valdymas organizacijoje leidžia suderinti organizacinius ir individualius veiksmus, patenkinti darbuotojo karjeros interesus ir organizacijai apsirūpinti reikiamu personalu. Vertinant iš darbuotojo pozicijos, tokia organizacijos žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo strategija leidžia teigti, kad darbuotojas, žinodamas savo perspektyvas organizacijoje, dirba efektyviau, atskleidžia savo gebėjimus ir patirtį siekdamas organizacijos tikslų. Straipsnyje laikomasi prielaidos, kad kiekviena organizacija, norėdama išlaikyti gabius ir kompetentingus darbuotojus, turi organizuoti sistemingą karjeros valdymą, paremtą darbuotojų karjeros interesų tenkinimu. Siekiant išsiaiškinti darbuotojo ir organizacijos atsakomybę karjeros valdymo procese bei atskleisti, ar Šiaulių universitetas patenkina darbuotojų karjeros interesus, taikant ekspertų interviu, apklausti Šiaulių universiteto tarnybų ir skyrių vadovai ir darbuotojai (18 ekspertų). Išanalizavus teorinius pagrindus ir apibendrinus gautus kokybinio karjeros valdymo Šiaulių universiteto administraciniuose padaliniuose tyrimo rezultatus, autoriai daro išvadas, kad šiuolaikinės karjeros valdymo pagrindinis bruožas - siekis suderinti darbuotojo ir organizacijos interesus. Karjeros valdymo sėkmę organizacijoje lemia bendros individo ir organizacijos pastangos: individas planuoja savo karjerą, organizacija padeda įvertinti karjeros galimybes organizacijoje, suteikia reikiamus išteklius. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Karjera; Karjeros vadyba; žmogaus išteklių vadyba; Career; Career management; Human resource managementThe first part of the article includes the review of career management conception and career management in the strategy of human resources management and common strategy of organization, an overview of organizational and personal career management in the organization. In the other part of the article, an interview was carried out in order to find out the responsibility scale of the worker and the organization in the career management in the departments and services of Šiauliai University and to detect whether the University fulfils the workers' career expectations. It helped to clear out the dominant opinion that career perspectives of staff of Šiauliai University administrative divisions mostly depend on their initiative and activity in planning and realizing their career in organization, but also unclosed insufficiently used organizational tools (information on vacant workplaces, activity assessment procedures, career plans), which could help a worker to understand, measure his or her possibilities and combine them with the needs of organization

    Time-usage strategies in the context of work-life balance : the survey results

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    Work-Life-Balance has become a long-term subject. In an economy which brings people to the limits of their possibilities it depends more than ever on creating a well-balanced relation between professional requirements and personal wishes by suitable measures and conditions. But it is not simply about the reduction of work and rise of spare time-oriented life. It is about the creation of a wellharmonized balance which connects efficiency with personal well-being. This division cannot hide some main problems concerning the use of time and its importance for the quality of life: on the one hand, it concerns the necessity of the "deacceleration" of time to lead a full life and to create time reserves for a comprehensive life balance; on the other hand, it concerns the abilities to handle time in such a way that efficiency and working ability is preserved. Results of online survey will be presented in the article. The survey was conducted in Austria, Germany, Italy, Romania and Lithuania in the framework of international project T.U.P.E.C. - Time Use Patterns in European Countries. The project aims at gathering empirical data by an Online-Survey regarding Time-Usage Strategies in the context of Work-Life Balance (WLB). The empirical data shall answer the question, which strategies are caused by which institutional/political general conditions, by economic parameters, by cultural and by individual differences. There where presented Lithuanian data and interpretations according to the general data of the survey