14 research outputs found


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    This study documents the difficulties encountered by graduates majoring in translation in Vietnam. The findings show some crucial points: First, a huge gap between text types that graduates learnt and those they are translating. Second, the difficulties encountered by graduates in text translation as well as the causes of these difficulties. Third, the recommendations made by graduates and trainers for enhancing the quality of teaching translation. Lastly, the implications for curriculum designers. It is our hope that this study will make a positive contribution to the orientation in translator training in order to respond to the needs of the growing, dynamic but demanding translation market in Vietnam


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    This study documents the difficulties encountered by graduates majoring in translation in Vietnam. The findings show some crucial points: First, a huge gap between text types that graduates learnt and those they are translating. Second, the difficulties encountered by graduates in text translation as well as the causes of these difficulties. Third, the recommendations made by graduates and trainers for enhancing the quality of teaching translation. Lastly, the implications for curriculum designers. It is our hope that this study will make a positive contribution to the orientation in translator training in order to respond to the needs of the growing, dynamic but demanding translation market in Vietnam

    A Study of the Effect of Magnetostrictive on the Deformation of Steel Core in Amorphous Transformesr

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    This paper constructs a general mathematical model to calculate magnetic force and magnetostrictive force based on the stress tensor, the magnetostriction strain tensor, and the magnetostriction reluctivity tensor and energy density functio. Based on mathematical models, the paper investigates the magnetomechanical coupling in amorphous steel cores of the transformer caused by the magnetostrictive phenomenon by Newton-Raphson iterative method. The specific investigations into the deformation of amorphous steel core of three phase transformers by ANSYS Maxwell software are carried out. The positions where the largest deformation and displacement are located on the steel core are also pointed out. The results are fundamental for the studies of vibration of amorphous steel core transformers and the generated noises. These economic and technical issues have attracted the attention of transformer designers and operators

    Nghiên cứu chuyển pha trong mô hình XYh4 bằng phương pháp mô phỏng monte carlo

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    Mô hình hai chiều (2D) XY thông thường có xuất hiện chuyển pha bậc vô hạn hay còn gọi là chuyển pha Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT). Tuy nhiên, các vật liệu thực tế thì ngoài tương tác trao đổi còn có thêm vai trò của trường tinh thể. Do vậy, mô hình tổng quát 2D XYh4 là mô hình XY có thêm trường tinh thể bất đẳng hướng h4 có triển vọng mô tả các vật liệu. Mô hình XYh4 đã và đang được nghiên cứu bằng lý thuyết giải tích (lý thuyết trường trung bình hoặc tái chuẩn hóa) và mô phỏng số. Tuy nhiên, chuyển pha của mô hình XYh4 vẫn còn tranh luận và chưa thống nhất là mô hình XYh4 có chuyển pha bậc 2 Ising hay chuyển pha KT. Để làm rõ hơn vấn đề này, sự chuyển pha của XYh4 được khảo sát phụ thuộc vào trường tinh thể bất đẳng hướng h4 bằng phương pháp mô phỏng Monte Carlo