8 research outputs found

    Bidirectional redox cycling of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid by Citrobacter portucalensis MBL drives increased nitrate reduction

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    Phenazines are secreted metabolites that microbes use in diverse ways, from quorum sensing to antimicrobial warfare to energy conservation. Phenazines are able to contribute to these activities due to their redox activity. The physiological consequences of cellular phenazine reduction have been extensively studied, but the counterpart phenazine oxidation has been largely overlooked. Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) is common in the environment and readily reduced by its producers. Here, we describe its anaerobic oxidation by Citrobacter portucalensis strain MBL, which was isolated from topsoil in Falmouth, MA, and which does not produce phenazines itself. This activity depends on the availability of a suitable terminal electron acceptor, specifically nitrate or fumarate. When C. portucalensis MBL is provided reduced PCA and either nitrate or fumarate, it continuously oxidizes the PCA. We compared this terminal electron acceptor-dependent PCA-oxidizing activity of C. portucalensis MBL to that of several other γ-proteobacteria with varying capacities to respire nitrate and/or fumarate. We found that PCA oxidation by these strains in a fumarate-or nitrate-dependent manner is decoupled from growth and correlated with their possession of the fumarate or periplasmic nitrate reductases, respectively. We infer that bacterial PCA oxidation is widespread and genetically determined. Notably, reduced PCA enhances the rate of nitrate reduction to nitrite by C. portucalensis MBL beyond the stoichiometric prediction, which we attribute to C. portucalensis MBL’s ability to also reduce oxidized PCA, thereby catalyzing a complete PCA redox cycle. This bidirectionality highlights the versatility of PCA as a biological redox agent

    The Discovery and Biological Mechanisms of a Widespread Phenazine's Oxidation

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    During the 2017 Microbial Diversity course at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA, Scott Saunders and Yinon Bar-On started enrichment cultures in hopes of dis-covering biological oxidation of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA). I took these enrich-ment cultures and described their PCA oxidation activity. From one of the mixed cultures, I isolated a bacterial strain that recapitulated the behavior of the enrichment. I identified it as a strain of Citrobacter portucalensis via a whole-genome analysis and called the strain "MBL" in reference to the Marine Biological Laboratory. Using a combination of analytical chemistry, quantitative fluorescence measurements, and genetic engineering, I showed that C. portucalensis MBL couples PCA oxidation to each mode of anaerobic respiration it employs with nitrate, fumarate, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) as terminal electron acceptors (TEAs). I further found that most of the PCA oxidation activi-ty depends on electron flux through the quinone/quinol pool but can be driven by certain terminal reductase complexes when no quinones are available, particularly in the case of ni-trate reductases. Every bacterial strain I tested catalyzed PCA oxidation when provided the appropriate TEA. My described mechanism for bacterial PCA oxidation is generalizable and implies that this previously undocumented phenomenon should occur wherever PCA is produced in rhizosphere environments.</p

    Draft Genome Sequence of the Redox-Active Enteric Bacterium Citrobacter portucalensis Strain MBL

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    We grew a soil enrichment culture to identify organisms that anaerobically oxidize phenazine-1-carboxylic acid. A strain of Citrobacter portucalensis was isolated from this enrichment and sequenced by both Illumina and PacBio technologies. It has a genome with a length of 5.3 Mb, a G+C content of 51.8%, and at least one plasmid

    Draft Genome Sequence of the Redox-Active Enteric Bacterium Citrobacter portucalensis Strain MBL

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    We grew a soil enrichment culture to identify organisms that anaerobically oxidize phenazine-1-carboxylic acid. A strain of Citrobacter portucalensis was isolated from this enrichment and sequenced by both Illumina and PacBio technologies. It has a genome with a length of 5.3 Mb, a G+C content of 51.8%, and at least one plasmid

    The Co-regulation Data Harvester: Automating gene annotation starting from a transcriptome database

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    Identifying co-regulated genes provides a useful approach for defining pathway-specific machinery in an organism. To be efficient, this approach relies on thorough genome annotation, a process much slower than genome sequencing per se. Tetrahymena thermophila, a unicellular eukaryote, has been a useful model organism and has a fully sequenced but sparsely annotated genome. One important resource for studying this organism has been an online transcriptomic database. We have developed an automated approach to gene annotation in the context of transcriptome data in T. thermophila, called the Co-regulation Data Harvester (CDH). Beginning with a gene of interest, the CDH identifies co-regulated genes by accessing the Tetrahymena transcriptome database. It then identifies their closely related genes (orthologs) in other organisms by using reciprocal BLAST searches. Finally, it collates the annotations of those orthologs’ functions, which provides the user with information to help predict the cellular role of the initial query. The CDH, which is freely available, represents a powerful new tool for analyzing cell biological pathways in Tetrahymena. Moreover, to the extent that genes and pathways are conserved between organisms, the inferences obtained via the CDH should be relevant, and can be explored, in many other systems. Keywords: Bioinformatics, Evolution, Protists, Automatio

    An apical membrane complex for triggering rhoptry exocytosis and invasion in Toxoplasma

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    Apicomplexan parasites possess secretory organelles called rhoptries that undergo regulated exocytosis upon contact with the host. This process is essential for the parasitic lifestyle of these pathogens and relies on an exocytic machinery sharing structural features and molecular components with free‐living ciliates. However, how the parasites coordinate exocytosis with host interaction is unknown. Here, we performed a Tetrahymena ‐based transcriptomic screen to uncover novel exocytic factors in Ciliata and conserved in Apicomplexa. We identified membrane‐bound proteins, named CRMPs, forming part of a large complex essential for rhoptry secretion and invasion in Toxoplasma . Using cutting‐edge imaging tools, including expansion microscopy and cryo‐electron tomography, we show that, unlike previously described rhoptry exocytic factors, TgCRMPs are not required for the assembly of the rhoptry secretion machinery and only transiently associate with the exocytic site—prior to the invasion. CRMPs and their partners contain putative host cell‐binding domains, and CRMPa shares similarities with GPCR proteins. Collectively our data imply that the CRMP complex acts as a host–molecular sensor to ensure that rhoptry exocytosis occurs when the parasite contacts the host cell