22 research outputs found

    The semantic classification of adjectives in the Bulgarian Wordnet: Towards a multiclass approach

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    The semantic classification of adjectives in the Bulgarian Wordnet: Towards a multiclass approach The paper presents an attempt at semantic classification of adjectives in the Bulgarian wordnet. Although designed for the Bulgarian wordnet, the classification can be applied to other wordnets which are developed in parallel to the Princeton WordNet. The classification relies on information that is already available in WordNet from other synsets (noun, verb, and other adjective synsets) that are linked to the adjective synsets via lexico-semantic relations - including their semantic classes, as well as definitions and usage examples. The first stage of the work was already presented at the workshop "Challenges for WordNets" within the conference "Language, Data and Knowledge 2017". The continuation of the effort as described in this article, covers a proposal for introducing additional semantic classes to the adjective synsets (if applicable).   Semantyczna klasyfikacja przymiotników w bułgarskim Wordnecie: w kierunku podejścia wielopłaszczyznowego W pracy przedstawiono próbę semantycznej klasyfikacji przymiotników w bułgarskim wordnecie. Chociaż została ona zaprojektowana dla wordnetu bułgarskiego, klasyfikacja może być zastosowana w innych wordnetach, które są rozwijane równolegle do Princeton WordNet. Klasyfikacja opiera się na informacjach, które są już dostępne w bułgarskim wordnecie pozyskanych z innych synsetów (rzeczownikowych, czasownikowych i innych przymiotnikowych), powiązanych z synsetami przymiotnikowymi poprzez relacje leksykalno-semantyczne, w tym ich klasy semantyczne, a także definicje i przykłady użycia. Pierwszy etap pracy został już przedstawiony, a kolejny obejmuje propozycję wprowadzenia dodatkowych klas semantycznych w synsetach przymiotnikowych (w stosownych przypadkach)

    Genitive-Dative Syncretism in the History of the Bulgarian Language. Towards an Analysis

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    This article traces the diachronic phases of so-called genitive-dative syncretism in Old Bulgarian, a phenomenon which marks the beginning of the disintegration of the Case system in the history of the language. The research, based on a corpus study (comprising the texts of Codex Marianus, Codex Zographensis and Codex Suprasliensis), identifies a specific construction, namely the External Possessive construction, also known as dativus sympatheticus, as the main trigger for the genitive-dative syncretism, Additionally, it is demonstrated that influence from Greek has played an important though not a crucial role in the process leading to the emergence of possessive datives.In this article, we trace the diachronic phases of so-called genitive-dative syncretism in Old Bulgarian, a phenomenon which marks the beginning of the process of disintegration of the Case system in the history of Bulgarian. We base our research on a corpus study (comprising the texts of Codex Marianus, Codex Zographensis and Codex Suprasliensis) and we show, after a careful examination of the available syntactic positions for the Genitive and the Dative, that the main reason for the Dative shift in Old Bulgarian was the so-called External Possessive construction (also known as dativus sympatheticus) which allowed the dative to be interpreted outside the noun phrase but with reference to an inalienable possessive element inside the noun phrase. We discuss each stage of the functional reanalysis leading to the establishment of noun phrase internal dative possessives, and in particular the role of the emerging clitic pronouns and their second position syntactic behaviour as a main trigger of genitive-dative syncretism

    Multiword expressions: Insights from a multi-lingual perspective

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    Multiword expressions (MWEs) are a challenge for both the natural language applications and the linguistic theory because they often defy the application of the machinery developed for free combinations where the default is that the meaning of an utterance can be predicted from its structure. There is a rich body of primarily descriptive work on MWEs for many European languages but comparative work is little. The volume brings together MWE experts to explore the benefits of a multilingual perspective on MWEs. The ten contributions in this volume look at MWEs in Bulgarian, English, French, German, Maori, Modern Greek, Romanian, Serbian, and Spanish. They discuss prominent issues in MWE research such as classification of MWEs, their formal grammatical modeling, and the description of individual MWE types from the point of view of different theoretical frameworks, such as Dependency Grammar, Generative Grammar, Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical Functional Grammar, Lexicon Grammar

    Multiword expressions: Insights from a multi-lingual perspective

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    Multiword expressions (MWEs) are a challenge for both the natural language applications and the linguistic theory because they often defy the application of the machinery developed for free combinations where the default is that the meaning of an utterance can be predicted from its structure. There is a rich body of primarily descriptive work on MWEs for many European languages but comparative work is little. The volume brings together MWE experts to explore the benefits of a multilingual perspective on MWEs. The ten contributions in this volume look at MWEs in Bulgarian, English, French, German, Maori, Modern Greek, Romanian, Serbian, and Spanish. They discuss prominent issues in MWE research such as classification of MWEs, their formal grammatical modeling, and the description of individual MWE types from the point of view of different theoretical frameworks, such as Dependency Grammar, Generative Grammar, Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical Functional Grammar, Lexicon Grammar

    Multiword expressions: Insights from a multi-lingual perspective

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    Multiword expressions (MWEs) are a challenge for both the natural language applications and the linguistic theory because they often defy the application of the machinery developed for free combinations where the default is that the meaning of an utterance can be predicted from its structure. There is a rich body of primarily descriptive work on MWEs for many European languages but comparative work is little. The volume brings together MWE experts to explore the benefits of a multilingual perspective on MWEs. The ten contributions in this volume look at MWEs in Bulgarian, English, French, German, Maori, Modern Greek, Romanian, Serbian, and Spanish. They discuss prominent issues in MWE research such as classification of MWEs, their formal grammatical modeling, and the description of individual MWE types from the point of view of different theoretical frameworks, such as Dependency Grammar, Generative Grammar, Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical Functional Grammar, Lexicon Grammar

    Multiword expressions: Insights from a multi-lingual perspective

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    Multiword expressions (MWEs) are a challenge for both the natural language applications and the linguistic theory because they often defy the application of the machinery developed for free combinations where the default is that the meaning of an utterance can be predicted from its structure. There is a rich body of primarily descriptive work on MWEs for many European languages but comparative work is little. The volume brings together MWE experts to explore the benefits of a multilingual perspective on MWEs. The ten contributions in this volume look at MWEs in Bulgarian, English, French, German, Maori, Modern Greek, Romanian, Serbian, and Spanish. They discuss prominent issues in MWE research such as classification of MWEs, their formal grammatical modeling, and the description of individual MWE types from the point of view of different theoretical frameworks, such as Dependency Grammar, Generative Grammar, Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical Functional Grammar, Lexicon Grammar

    Multiword expressions: Insights from a multi-lingual perspective

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    Multiword expressions (MWEs) are a challenge for both the natural language applications and the linguistic theory because they often defy the application of the machinery developed for free combinations where the default is that the meaning of an utterance can be predicted from its structure. There is a rich body of primarily descriptive work on MWEs for many European languages but comparative work is little. The volume brings together MWE experts to explore the benefits of a multilingual perspective on MWEs. The ten contributions in this volume look at MWEs in Bulgarian, English, French, German, Maori, Modern Greek, Romanian, Serbian, and Spanish. They discuss prominent issues in MWE research such as classification of MWEs, their formal grammatical modeling, and the description of individual MWE types from the point of view of different theoretical frameworks, such as Dependency Grammar, Generative Grammar, Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical Functional Grammar, Lexicon Grammar

    Multiword expressions: Insights from a multi-lingual perspective

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    Multiword expressions (MWEs) are a challenge for both the natural language applications and the linguistic theory because they often defy the application of the machinery developed for free combinations where the default is that the meaning of an utterance can be predicted from its structure. There is a rich body of primarily descriptive work on MWEs for many European languages but comparative work is little. The volume brings together MWE experts to explore the benefits of a multilingual perspective on MWEs. The ten contributions in this volume look at MWEs in Bulgarian, English, French, German, Maori, Modern Greek, Romanian, Serbian, and Spanish. They discuss prominent issues in MWE research such as classification of MWEs, their formal grammatical modeling, and the description of individual MWE types from the point of view of different theoretical frameworks, such as Dependency Grammar, Generative Grammar, Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical Functional Grammar, Lexicon Grammar