64 research outputs found

    Proteinase-activated receptor 2 modulates neuroinflammation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis

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    The proteinase-activated receptors (PARs) are widely recognized for their modulatory properties of inflammation and neurodegeneration. We investigated the role of PAR2 in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS) in humans and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in mice. PAR2 expression was increased on astrocytes and infiltrating macrophages in human MS and murine EAE central nervous system (CNS) white matter (P < 0.05). Macrophages and astrocytes from PAR2 wild-type (WT) and knockout (KO) mice exhibited differential immune gene expression with PAR2 KO macrophages showing significantly higher interleukin 10 production after lipopolysaccharide stimulation (P < 0.001). PAR2 activation in macrophages resulted in the release of soluble oligodendrocyte cytotoxins (P < 0.01). Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein–induced EAE caused more severe inflammatory gene expression in the CNS of PAR2 WT animals (P < 0.05), together with enhanced T cell proliferation and interferon γ production (P < 0.05), compared with KO littermates. Indeed, PAR2 WT animals showed markedly greater microglial activation and T lymphocyte infiltration accompanied by worsened demyelination and axonal injury in the CNS compared with their PAR2 KO littermates. Enhanced neuropathological changes were associated with a more severe progressive relapsing disease phenotype (P < 0.001) in WT animals. These findings reveal previously unreported pathogenic interactions between CNS PAR2 expression and neuroinflammation with ensuing demyelination and axonal injury

    A transmission electron microscopic study of LLCMK 2 cells infected with Japanese encephalitis virus

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    LLCMK2 cells infected with Japanese encephalitis virus were studied by transmission electron microscopy, with a special consideration on the nature of white round granules of 0.4-1.3 μm dIameter with a scanning electron microscope. Virus particles were detected in cytoplasmic vacuoles with smooth-surfaced membranes, in those with rough-surfaced membranes and also in the perinuclear space. Besides the virus-enclosing vacuolar structures many lipid droplets were observed in the cytoplasm of infected cells, although they were few in control non-infected cells. These droplets were supposed to correspond to the white granules observed by a scanning electron microscope

    Prion protein attenuates excitotoxicity by inhibiting NMDA receptors

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    It is well established that misfolded forms of cellular prion protein (PrP [PrPC]) are crucial in the genesis and progression of transmissible spongiform encephalitis, whereas the function of native PrPC remains incompletely understood. To determine the physiological role of PrPC, we examine the neurophysiological properties of hippocampal neurons isolated from PrP-null mice. We show that PrP-null mouse neurons exhibit enhanced and drastically prolonged N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)–evoked currents as a result of a functional upregulation of NMDA receptors (NMDARs) containing NR2D subunits. These effects are phenocopied by RNA interference and are rescued upon the overexpression of exogenous PrPC. The enhanced NMDAR activity results in an increase in neuronal excitability as well as enhanced glutamate excitotoxicity both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, native PrPC mediates an important neuroprotective role by virtue of its ability to inhibit NR2D subunits

    Diagnosing Alzheimer's Disease from Circulating Blood Leukocytes Using a Fluorescent Amyloid Probe

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    BACKGROUND: Toxic amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides aggregate into higher molecular weight assemblies and accumulate not only in the extracellular space, but also in the walls of blood vessels in the brain, increasing their permeability, and promoting immune cell migration and activation. Given the prominent role of the immune system, phagocytic blood cells may contact pathological brain materials. OBJECTIVE: To develop a novel method for early Alzheimer's disease (AD) detection, we used blood leukocytes, that could act as "sentinels" after trafficking through the brain microvasculature, to detect pathological amyloid by labelling with a conformationally-sensitive fluorescent amyloid probe and imaging with confocal spectral microscopy. METHODS: Formalin-fixed peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from cognitively healthy control (HC) subjects, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD patients were stained with the fluorescent amyloid probe K114, and imaged. Results were validated against cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers and clinical diagnosis. RESULTS: K114-labeled leukocytes exhibited distinctive fluorescent spectral signatures in MCI/AD subjects. Comparing subjects with single CSF biomarker-positive AD/MCI to negative controls, our technique yielded modest AUCs, which improved to the 0.90 range when only MCI subjects were included in order to measure performance in an early disease state. Combining CSF Aβ 42 and t-Tau metrics further improved the AUC to 0.93. CONCLUSION: Our method holds promise for sensitive detection of AD-related protein misfolding in circulating leukocytes, particularly in the early stages of disease

    Development of microfabricated TiO2 channel waveguides

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    An optical channel waveguide is a key solution to overcome signal propagation delay. For the benefits of miniaturization, development of microfabrication process for waveguides is demanded. TiO2 is one of the suitable candidates for the microfabricated waveguide because of the high refractive index and the transparency. In the present study, conventional microfabrication processes manufactured TiO2 channel waveguides with 1-20 μm width on oxidized Si substrates and the propagation loss was measured. The prepared channels successfully guided light of 632.8 nm along linear and Y-branched patterns. The propagation loss for the linear waveguide was 9.7 dB/cm

    Bifidobacterium bifidum OLB6378 Simultaneously Enhances Systemic and Mucosal Humoral Immunity in Low Birth Weight Infants: A Non-Randomized Study

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    Probiotic supplementation has been part of the discussion on methods to enhance humoral immunity. Administration of Bifidobacterium bifidum OLB6378 (OLB6378) reduced the incidence of late-onset sepsis in infants. In this non-randomized study, we aimed to determine the effect of administration of live OLB6378 on infants’ humoral immunity. Secondly, we tried to elucidate whether similar effects would be observed with administration of non-live OLB6378. Low birth weight (LBW) infants weighing 1500–2500 g were divided into three groups: Group N (no intervention), Group L (administered live OLB6378 concentrate), and Group H (administered non-live OLB6378 concentrate). The interventions were started within 48 h after birth and continued until six months of age. Serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels (IgG at one month/IgG at birth) were significantly higher in Group L than in Group N (p &lt; 0.01). Group H exhibited significantly higher serum IgG levels (p &lt; 0.01) at one month of age and significantly higher intestinal secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) levels (p &lt; 0.05) at one and two months of age than Group N. No difference was observed in the mortality or morbidity between groups. Thus, OLB6378 administration in LBW infants enhanced humoral immunity, and non-live OLB6378, which is more useful as a food ingredient, showed a more marked effect than the viable bacteria

    Copper ions, prion protein and Aβ modulate Ca levels in central nervous system myelin in an NMDA receptor-dependent manner

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    Abstract As in neurons, CNS myelin expresses N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptors (NMDARs) that subserve physiological roles, but have the potential to induce injury to this vital element. Using 2-photon imaging of myelinic Ca in live ex vivo mouse optic nerves, we show that Cu ions potently modulate Ca levels in an NMDAR-dependent manner. Chelating Cu in the perfusate induced a substantial increase in Ca levels, and also caused significant axo-myelinic injury. Myelinic NMDARs are shown to be regulated by cellular prion protein; only in prion protein KO optic nerves does application of NMDA + D-serine induce a large Ca increase, consistent with strong desensitization of these receptors in the presence of prion protein limiting Ca overload. Aβ1-42 peptide induced a large Ca increase that was also Cu-dependent, and was blocked by NMDAR antagonism. Our results indicate that like in neurons, myelinic NMDARs permeate potentially injurious amounts of Ca, and are also potently regulated by micromolar Cu and activated by Aβ1-42 peptides. These findings shed mechanistic light on the important primary white matter injury frequently observed in Alzheimer's brain

    Modulation of NMDA receptors by prion proteins

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    Background: The precise physiological function of endogenous cellular prion protein (PrPC) remains unclear. It has been shown that PrP-null mice exhibit reduced LTP and greater susceptability to seizure mortality in several in vivo (e.g. kainic acid) models of epilepsy. In addition, PrP-null mice exhibit greater exctitotoxic cell death in response to kainic acid exposure. Methods: In our study we investigated the synaptic properties of WT and PrP-null mice. Results: Recordings in the CA1 layer of adult hippocampal slices showed that PrP-null mice exhibit a reduced threshold to evoked responses and no difference in paired-pulse facilitation relative to WT animals. In addition, greater excitability was observed in PrP-null slices in response to zero-Mg2+ induced seizure-like events. Recordings from mature hippocampal cultures showed slightly altered AMPA and GABAA miniature synaptic currents. NMDA mEPSCs were observed to be increased in amplitude and significantly prolonged in decay time. NMDA-evokved currents also exhibited markedly prolonged deactivation kinetics. This effect on evoked NMDA currents was reproduced in WT neurons by PrP-RNAi transfection, and eliminated by PrPC transfection into PrP-null neurons. Conclusions: These data suggest enhanced NMDA activity in PrP-null neurons. Consistent with this finding, in vitro and in vivo excitotoxicity assays demonstrated increased neuronal cell death in PrP-null cultures and animals upon transient exposure to NMDA. The prolonged deactivation kinetics were most consistent with functional activity/augmentation of NR2D NMDA receptor subunits, and PrP coimmunoprecipiated with NR2D NMDA receptor subunits. This enhanced NMDA receptor function was paralleleld by increased excitotoxicy in Prp-null mice. Our findings demonstrate a novel functional role for PrP as a modulator of synaptic NMDA currents and attributes a neuroprotective function to PrP