48 research outputs found

    About Scandals of School Teachers and Countermeasures : How Should a Workshop in Workplace Be Held?

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    学校教職員の不祥事が社会的に問題になっている。各地の教育委員会は,専門家を招いて講演会を開催し,定期的な校内研修を促すなど防止策を実施しているが,教育委員会の関係課や管理職からは「なかなか『わがこと』として捉えてもらえない」という嘆きが聞かれる。本稿では,不祥事防止研修に身が入らないのはなぜか,どうすれば「不祥事をわがこととしてとらえ,そこでの学びを教育実践に還元できるか」について論じた。The scandals of school teachers and staff are becoming a social issue, such as obscene acts on schoolchild students and the loss of USB memory with personal information. Educational committees in various places hold lecture meetings inviting experts and are implementing preventive measures such as urging regular stuff training. However, the officials of the related department of the Board of Education and the management staffs of the school are lamenting that "they are not quite recognized as about myself ". I discussed in this paper "Why is not the motivation for scandal-prevention training motivated", "How can we recognize scandals as our problem and return it to our daily educational practices

    Departure From "I Do Not Want to Learn These Matters Over and Over" 3 Years Challenge in Okayama Prefecture Board of Education

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    A Memorandum about Practice Processes of "Collage technique" in Clinical Places

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    コラージュ療法が臨床現場に定着して15年になる。「持ち運べる箱庭」というアイデアから生まれたことからもわかるように、特別な準備を要せず、気軽に実施でき、なおかつプレイフルな要素を持ち合わせている技法であり、特に児童思春期臨床において盛んに実践されている。それにつれ基礎研究も進んできているが、現場で役に立つ研究を行うためには何度も実践に立ち戻って、研究デザインを検討すべきであろう。そこで本論文で筆者は、今後のコラージュ研究のために、現場でのコラージュ療法の実践課程とその折々の問題点を記述した。"Collage technique" is joyful and playful technique for psychotherapy. Therefore, it have been practiced frequently in psychiatrical clinic for children in particular. With such practices, lots of fundamental researches of collage technique came to advanced too. However, to perform useful researches, researchers have to return to practice many times and examine a study design. In this atricle, therefore, I will describe and examine practice processes of collage technique in detail for a future study of collage technique

    Infinitesimal Blaschke conjectures on projective spaces

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    A Study of Characteristics of work of the school teacher for every place of work -What should be know with the staff of mental health support?-

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    学校教師の仕事は非常に複雑で難しく、教師は非常に多忙である。そのため、教師のメンタルヘルスは次第に悪化し、休職者も増える傾向である。ところが精神科医やカウンセラーなどの教師を支援する立場にある専門家の中には、「教師の仕事は楽である」という誤解をしているものもいる。それでは十分な支援ができるはずもない。筆者は、支援にあたる者が、教師の業務の特性や学校組織の特徴を知りことが重要であると考えた。そこで小学校、中学校、高等学校ごとに、その職場の特性や人間関係の特徴を列記し、不調の背景要因を整理した。The school teachers' works are very complicated and difficult, and most of teachers are very busy. Therefore, the state of teachers' mental health is in a very bad tendency. However, among the specialists in the position which supports teachers, such as a psychiatrist and counselor, there are those who have misunderstanding, saying "A teacher's work is easy". The writer thought it important that a psychiatrist and counselor got to know the characteristic of a teacher's work and culture peculiar to school. So, in thia paper, the writer summarized the characteristic of the work for every elementary school, junior high school, and high school, and described the factor to which a school teacher becomes out of condition mentally

    Stability in SO(n+3)/SO(3)×SO(n) Branching

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    Effect of change in body mass index on morbidity in non-obese university graduates.

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    To establish the actual serial changes in body weight in Japanese people and to elucidate the influence of changes in BMI on morbidity, we conducted a historical cohort study of university graduates from 1955 to 1990 using questionnaires and BMI data. The subjects of this study were 3,675 university graduates aged 26-62 years in whom BMI was determined at the time of enrollment in the university (Pre-BMI), 5 to 40 years earlier. Morbidity (one or more system diseases or obesity-related system diseases) was analyzed according to current age, sex, current BMI, deltaBMI (difference between current BMI and pre-BMI), and various lifestyle variables. The proportion of overweight subjects at enrollment to university was higher in recent male students compared to old students, but not in female graduates, and the BMI in both genders increased progressively after graduation, especially in recent male graduates. Pre-BMI correlated negatively and significantly with deltaBMI. The percentages of obese (BMI > or = 30 kg/m2) males and females were 1.6% and 0.5%, respectively, and high morbidity was observed in 56.1% and 42.2% of males and females, respectively. Stepwise regression analysis showed that in subjects with normal BMI at enrollment, prospective morbidity was dependent on ABMI in addition to age. Our results indicate that in subjects with normal body weight, prospective morbidity is determined by increment of ABMI, and suggest that maintenance of BMI at the late adolescence level is an important factor in preventing future disease.</p

    Self-esteem in Children with Psychosomatic Symptoms: Examination of Low Self-esteem and Prognosis

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    Self-esteem is the evaluative feelings one holds for oneself and the sense that one has essential worth. It is evaluated as the difference between the actual self and the ideal self. Healthy self-esteem supports psychological stability and positive social activity and is an essential element in the psychological development of children. The purpose of this study was to evaluate self-esteem in children with psychosomatic symptoms and elucidate a strategy for using such evaluations in therapy. We evaluated self-esteem in 56 patients at the Department of Pediatrics of Okayama University Hospital who were undergoing outpatient therapy for psychosomatic symptoms, using Pope's 5-scale test of self-esteem for children. We examined patient attributes, course of therapy, and social adjustment. Patients with low self-esteem on multiple scales at the first visit were all female, and these patients had a significantly higher frequency of family function problems, such as a family member with a psychiatric disorder, economic hardship, or experience of child abuse. Moreover, the prognosis for these patients was poor regardless of their social adjustment at the first visit