36 research outputs found

    Study of Fall and Fracture Risk in Menopausal Women Living in Urban Areas for the Prevention of Osteoporotic Fractures

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify whether preventive measures against falling, which leads to bone fractures, should be started in the senile stage or peri-menopausal period, when the bone mass decreases markedly. In a total of 395 females aged 45, 50, 55, 60, and 65, we measured bone density of the lumbar spine by DXA, calcaneus bone density by SXA, and they answered a questionnaire regarding their health status during a medical check-up at their public health care center. We conducted a questionnaire survey by mail 2 years after the check-up, and investigated their experiences of falling and bone fractures and the situation in which these incidents happened, and analyzed the occurrence of falling and bone fractures in menopausal women and associated factors. (The number of subjects involved in the analysis was 265.) A total of 23% experienced falls, 3.4% (9 people) occured fractures over the period of 2 years, and no significant difference was noted among the ages. Most falls occurred outdoors, on steps while they were walking. The reasons for falling were mostly related to external factors, such as slipping and tripping. The risk factors associated with falling for menopausal women were a high BMI and body fat percentage, weak grip strength. These results suggest that the prevention of falling in the menopausal period is essential, and that maintaining an appropriate physique and improving bone density and body strength are important measures. It was suggested that the promotion of concrete measures against falling not only for the elderly but also for menopausal women is essential

    Suitable Ovariectomy Age for Screening the Functional Agents by Femoral Bone Strength in Osteoporosis Model Rats

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    Abstract Osteoporosis is a major contributor to the high frequency of bone fracture in elderly women. The ovariectomized (OVX) rat is one of the excellent pre-clinical animal model of osteoporosis. Following ovariectomy, rapid loss of cancellous bone mass and strength occurs. Maximum breaking force of the femoral diaphysis is a major parameter to determine the severity of the osteoporosis directly. Although, the suitable age at ovariectomy remains obscure to evaluate the maximum breaking force of the femoral diaphysis. Accordingly, the suitable rat age at ovariectomy to evaluate the maximum breaking force of the femoral diaphysis for screening of therapeutic or functional agents was determined. Female Sprague-Dawley rats (6, 13 or 30 week-old) were used. Rats of each age were divided into two groups; underwent bilateral OVX and underwent bilateral laparotomy (sham). All rats were fed an AIN93G-based normal diet for further 10 weeks. Reduction of maximum bone strength in femur and increase of body weight gain were observed only in 6 week-old OVX rats after 10-week acclimatization, whereas the difference was obscure in 13 and 30 week-old OVX rats. Therefore, ovariectomy at 6 week-old was the suitable age for osteoporosis model to screen the effects of functional agents in rats

    Analysis of cell cycle-related proteins in gastric intramucosal differentiated-type cancers based on mucin phenotypes: a novel hypothesis of early gastric carcinogenesis based on mucin phenotype

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Abnormalities of cell cycle regulators are common features in human cancers, and several of these factors are associated with the early development of gastric cancers. However, recent studies have shown that gastric cancer tumorigenesis was characterized by mucin expression. Thus, expression patterns of cell cycle-related proteins were investigated in the early phase of differentiated-type gastric cancers to ascertain any mechanistic relationships with mucin phenotypes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Immunostaining for Cyclins D1, A, E, and p21, p27, p53 and β-catenin was used to examine impairments of the cell cycle in 190 gastric intramucosal differentiated-type cancers. Mucin phenotypes were determined by the expressions of MUC5AC, MUC6, MUC2 and CD10. A Ki-67 positive rate (PR) was also examined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overexpressions of p53, cyclin D1 and cyclin A were significantly more frequent in a gastric phenotype than an intestinal phenotype. Cyclin A was overexpressed in a mixed phenotype compared with an intestinal phenotype, while p27 overexpression was more frequent in an intestinal phenotype than in a mixed phenotype. Reduction of p21 was a common feature of the gastric intramucosal differentiated-type cancers examined.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that the levels of some cell cycle regulators appear to be associated with mucin phenotypes of early gastric differentiated-type cancers.</p

    Genetic and chemical inhibition of IRF5 suppresses pre-existing mouse lupus-like disease

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    The transcription factor IRF5 has been implicated as a therapeutic target for the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). However, IRF5 activation status during the disease course and the effects of IRF5 inhibition after disease onset are unclear. Here, we show that SLE patients in both the active and remission phase have aberrant activation of IRF5 and interferon-stimulated genes. Partial inhibition of IRF5 is superior to full inhibition of type I interferon signaling in suppressing disease in a mouse model of SLE, possibly due to the function of IRF5 in oxidative phosphorylation. We further demonstrate that inhibition of IRF5 via conditional Irf5 deletion and a newly developed small-molecule inhibitor of IRF5 after disease onset suppresses disease progression and is effective for maintenance of remission in mice. These results suggest that IRF5 inhibition might overcome the limitations of current SLE therapies, thus promoting drug discovery research on IRF5 inhibitors

    Consideration of the Psychosocial Process of Overcoming Crises by Yogo Teachers

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    This study aimed to elucidate the psychological process of overcoming crises by yogo teachers. On eight yogo teachers of A city who have experienced crises in the past, we conducted semi-structured interviews. As a result of analyzing the content of the interviews, using the modified grounded theory approach; seven categories and eighteen perspectives were extracted. Yogo teachers would fall in crises by feeling [wobble of existence as a yogo teacher], and although they would try to make a [positive backdown] tentatively, they would retain the [uncompromising desires to accomplish their duties]. Then, by getting energy from people around them such as their children or colleagues, they would search for“ cooperators” to [find a clue to solve the problem], and would find “solutions through trial and error” and carry out “strategies of assessment and deliberation”. Eventually, yogo teachers got a“regained confidence”will proceed to [before again]. Those yogo teachers who have gone through crises were [aware of their owng rowths].本研究は、養護教諭が危機を乗り越える心理社会的プロセスを明らかにすることを目的とした。A市内に勤務する、過去に危機を経験した養護教諭8名を対象として、半構造化面接を行った。修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いて面接内容を分析した結果、7のカテゴリーと18の概念が抽出された。養護教諭は、【養護教諭としての存在の揺らぎ】を感じ、危機に陥る。そのような状況から、一時的には【前向きな撤退】を図るものの、養護教諭としての職務を遂行しようとする【養護教諭としての譲れない思い】を持ち続けている。そして、子どもや同僚など周囲の人からの【エネルギー補給】しながら、問題の【解決への一手】を図るため、〈協力者の探索〉をし、〈試行錯誤の解決策〉見つけ出し、〈見極めて練る戦略〉を実行していく。やがて、〈取り戻した自信〉を得た養護教諭は、【もう一度、前へ】進んでいく。危機を乗り越えた養護教諭は、自らの【成長の自覚】をしていた

    解放直後・在日済州島出身者の生活史調査(5・上) : 高蘭姫さんへのインタビュー記録

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    本稿は,在日の済州島出身者の方に,解放直後の生活体験を伺うインタビュー調査の第5回報告である。この調査の目的や方法などは,「解放直後・在日済州島出身者の生活史調査(1・上)」『大阪産業大学論集人文科学編』(第102号,2000年10月)に掲載しているので,ご参照いただきたい。今回の記録は,大阪市在住の高蘭姫さんのお話をまとめたものである。高蘭姫さんは1930年ごろ兵庫県西宮市で生まれた。解放直後に韓国・済州道済州市朝天邑新村里(現在の行政地名)に帰国,その後再び渡日され大阪市で生活されている。インタビューは2006年12月23日,大阪市の高蘭姫さんのご自宅で,高正子・伊地知紀子・鄭雅英・皇甫佳英・高村竜平・村上尚子・塚原理夢の8名が聞き手となって実施し,その後2007年10月20日には高村が確認のために再度高さん宅を訪問した。今回の原稿については,高村が全体の整理と校正,村上が用語解説,福本が参考地図の作成,藤永が最終チェックを担当した。また,高蘭姫さんの生涯については,すでに以下の記事で取り上げられたことがある。「母に詫びた半世紀の「親不孝」高蘭姫さん」『月刊イオ』第110号,2005年8月(文・写真:鄭茂憲)「生涯現役11時間の心臓手術に耐え抜いた高蘭姫さん」『朝鮮新報』2006年7月24日(朴日粉記者)宋連玉「4・3事件を体験した在日朝鮮人女性たち」『季刊前夜』第11号,2007年4月〓〓〓「〓〓〓,〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓」『〓〓〓〓〓4・3〓〓〓〓〓』〓〓4・3〓〓〓〓〓〓〓,〓〓〓〓〓〓4・3〓〓〓,2003(高蘭姫「お父さん,親不孝な子を許して下さい」『在日済州人4・3証言採録集』済州4・3事件支援事業所,社団法人済州4・3研究所,2003年)以下,凡例的事項を箇条書きにしておく。(1)本文中,文脈からの推測が難しくて誤解が発生しそうな場合や,補助的な解説が必要な場合は,[ ]で説明を挿入した。(2)とくに重要な歴史用語などには初出の際*を付し,本文の終わりに解説を載せた。前号および前々号に掲載した第4回報告で解説した用語については,丸数字で報告番号を,アラビア数字で注番号を記し,かっこでくくった(例:((4)-*13)は第4回報告の*13をあらわす)。また,2000~2001年の第1回から第3回の報告でとりあげた用語は「(再掲)」と記して解説した。(3)朝鮮語で語られた言葉は,一般的な単語や固有名詞などの場合には漢字やカタカナで,特殊な単語や文章の場合はハングルで表記し,日本語のルビをふった。(4)インタビューの際に生じたインタビュアー側の笑いや驚きなどの反応については,〈 〉で挿入した。なお本稿は言うまでもなく,高蘭姫さんの証言からとくに重要と思われる箇所を中心に抜粋,編集したものである。できるだけ客観性に配慮しつつ証言を再現しようと努めたが,編集の手が入っている以上,叙述に編者の主観が反映されている可能性は排除できない。本稿の内容に関する責任は全面的に編者にあることを,あらかじめおことわりしておく