16 research outputs found

    Measurement of particle adhesion force and effective contact radius via centrifuge equipped with horizontal and vertical substrates

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    A centrifugal method was used to analyze and evaluate particle–surface interactions. Particles with count median diameters of 9.7, 14.5, and 32.8 μm were removed from horizontally and vertically mounted metal substrates. A point-mass model is conventionally used to analyze the forces exerted on particles during centrifugation. Conversely, in this study, a rigid-body model was employed considering the particle diameter and effective contact radius between a particle and substrate. As the moments of force exerted on the particles on the horizontal and vertical substrates were simultaneously formulated, the adhesion force and contact radius could be determined based on the particle diameter and angular velocities obtained at a given removal fraction. It was quantitatively demonstrated that as the particle diameter, relative humidity, and/or initial load increase and surface roughness decreases, the adhesion force increases. Furthermore, the contact radius increased as the particle diameter and/or surface roughness increased

    In vitro confocal micro-PIV measurements of blood flow in a square microchannel: the effect of the haematocrit on instantaneous velocity profiles

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    A confocal microparticle image velocimetry (micro-PIV) system was used to obtain detailed information on the velocity profiles for the flow of pure water (PW) and in vitro blood (haematocrit up to 17%) in a 100-μm-square microchannel. All the measurements were made in the middle plane of the microchannel at a constant flow rate and low Reynolds number (Re=0.025). The averaged ensemble velocity profiles were found to be markedly parabolic for all the working fluids studied. When comparing the instantaneous velocity profiles of the three fluids, our results indicated that the profile shape depended on the haematocrit. Our confocal micro-PIV measurements demonstrate that the root mean square (RMS) values increase with the haematocrit implying that it is important to consider the information provided by the instantaneous velocity fields, even at low Re. The present study also examines the potential effect of the RBCs on the accuracy of the instantaneous velocity measurements

    Velocity fields of blood flow in microchannels using a confocal micro-PIV system

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    The in vitro experimental investigations provide an excellent approach to understand complex blood flow phenomena involved at a microscopic level. This paper emphasizes an emerging experimental technique capable to quantify the flow patterns inside microchannels with high spatial and temporal resolution. This technique, known as confocal micro-PIV, consists of a spinning disk confocal microscope, high speed camera and a diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) laser. Velocity profiles of pure water (PW), physiological saline (PS) and in vitro blood were measured in a 100mm glass square and rectangular polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) microchannel. The good agreement obtained between measured and estimated results suggests that this system is a very promising technique to obtain detail information about micro-scale effects in microchannels by using both homogeneous and non-homogeneous fluids such as blood flow.This study was supported in part by the following grants: 21st Century COE Program for Future Medical Engineering based on Bio-nanotechnology, International Doctoral Program in Engineering from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT), “Revolutionary Simulation Software (RSS21)” next-generation IT program of MEXT; Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from MEXT and JSPS Scientific Research in Priority Areas (768) “Biomechanics at Micro- and Nanoscale Levels,” Scientific Research (A) No.16200031 “Mechanism of the formation, destruction, and movement of thrombi responsible for ischemia of vital organs.” The authors also thank all members of Esashi, Ono and Tanaka Lab. for their assistance in fabricating the PDMS microchannel

    Velocity measurements of blood flow in a rectangular PDMS microchannel assessed by confocal micro-PIV system

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    This paper examines the ability to measure the velocity of both physiological saline (PS) and in vitro blood in a rectangular polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) microchannel by means of the confocal micro-PIV system. The PDMS microchannel, was fabricated by conventional soft lithography, had a microchannel near to a perfect rectangular shape (300μm wide, 45μm deep) and was optically transparent, which is suitable to measure both PS and in vitro blood using the confocal system. By using this latter combination, the measurements of trace particles seeded in the flow were performed for both fluids at a constant flow rate (Re=0.021). Generally, all the velocity profiles were found to be markedly blunt in the central region mainly due to the low aspect ratio (h/w=0.15) of the rectangular microchannel. Predictions by a theoretical model for the rectangular microchannel have showed fairly good correspondence with the experimental micro-PIV results for the PS fluid. Conversely, for the in vitro blood with 20% haematocrit, small fluctuations were found on velocity profiles.This study was supported in part by the following grants: International Doctoral Program in Engineering from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT), “Revolutionary Simulation Software (RSS21)” next-generation IT program of MEXT; Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from MEXT and JSPS Scientific Research in Priority Areas (768) “Biomechanics at Micro- and Nanoscale Levels,” Scientific Research (A) No.16200031 “Mechanism of the formation, destruction, and movement of thrombi responsible for ischemia of vital organs.” The authors also thank all members of Esashi, Ono and Tanaka Lab. for their assistance in fabricating the PDMS microchannel

    Measurement of erythrocyte motions in microchannels by using a confocal micro-PTV system

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    Detailed knowledge on the motion of individual red blood cells (RBCs) flowing in microchannels is essential to provide a better understanding on the blood rheological properties and disorders in microvessels. Several studies on both individual and concentrated RBCs have already been performed in the past. However, all studies used conventional microscopes and also ghost cells to obtain visible trace RBCs through the microchannel. Recently, considerable progress in the development of confocal microscopy and consequent advantages of this microscope over the conventional microscopes have led to a new technique known as confocal micro-PIV. This technique combines the conventional PIV system with a spinning disk confocal microscope (SDCM). Due to its outstanding spatial filtering technique together with the multiple point light illumination system, this kind of microscope has the ability to obtain in-focus images with optical thickness less than 1 μm, a task extremely difficult to be achieved by using a conventional microscope. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the ability of our confocal micro-PTV system to measure the motion of individual RBCs at different haematocrit (Hct) through microchannels

    In vitro blood flow in a rectangular PDMS microchannel: experimental observations using a confocal micro-PIV system

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    Progress in microfabricated technologies has attracted the attention of researchers in several areas, including microcirculation. Microfluidic devices are expected to provide powerful tools not only to better understand the biophysical behavior of blood flow in microvessels, but also for disease diagnosis. Such microfluidic devices for biomedical applications must be compatible with state-of-the-art flow measuring techniques, such as confocal microparticle image velocimetry (PIV). This confocal system has the ability to not only quantify flow patterns inside microchannels with high spatial and temporal resolution, but can also be used to obtain velocity measurements for several optically sectioned images along the depth of the microchannel. In this study, we investigated the ability to obtain velocity measurements using physiological saline (PS) and in vitro blood in a rectangular polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) microchannel (300 μm wide, 45 μm deep) using a confocal micro-PIV system. Applying this combination, measurements of trace particles seeded in the flow were performed for both fluids at a constant flow rate (Re = 0.02). Velocity profiles were acquired by successive measurements at different depth positions to obtain three-dimensional (3-D) information on the behavior of both fluid flows. Generally, the velocity profiles were found to be markedly blunt in the central region, mainly due to the low aspect ratio (h/w = 0.15) of the rectangular microchannel. Predictions using a theoretical model for the rectangular microchannel corresponded quite well with the experimental micro-PIV results for the PS fluid. However, for the in vitro blood with 20% hematocrit, small fluctuations were found in the velocity profiles. The present study clearly shows that confocal micro-PIV can be effectively integrated with a PDMS microchannel and used to obtain blood velocity profiles along the full depth of the microchannel because of its unique 3-D optical sectioning ability. Advantages and disadvantages of PDMS microchannels over glass capillaries are also discussed

    Blood cell motions and interactions in microchannels

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    Detailed knowledge on the motions and interactions of individual blood cells flowing in microchannels is essential to provide a better understanding on the blood rheological properties and disorders in microvessels. This paper presents the ability of a confocal micro-PTV system to track red blood cells (RBCs) through a 100 μm circular glass microchannel. The technique consists of a spinning disk confocal microscope, high speed camera and a diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) laser combined with a single particle tracking (SPT) software (MtrackJ). Detailed measurements on the motions of RBCs were measured at different haematocrits (Hct). Our results show clearly that this technique can provide detailed information about microscale disturbance effects caused by the blood cells

    Microscale flow dynamics of red blood cells in a circular microchannel

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    The blood flow dynamics in microcirculation depends strongly on the motion, deformation and interaction of RBCs within the microvessel. This paper presents the application of a confocal micro-PTV system to track RBCs through a circular polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) microchannel. This technique, consists of a spinning disk confocal microscope, high speed camera and a diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) laser combined with a single particle tracking (SPT) method. By using this system detailed motions of individual RBCs were measured at a microscale level. Our results showed that this technique can provide detailed information about microscale disturbance effects caused by RBCs in flowing blood

    Measurement of multi-red blood cells interactions in blood flow by confocal micro-PTV

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    In microcirculation the flow behavior of red blood cells (RBCs) plays a crucial role in many physiological and pathological phenomena. For instance, the interaction of RBCs in shear flow is believed to play an important role to the thrombogenesis process. Despite the relevance of this phenomenon on the blood mass transport, very little studies have been performed during the years, partly due to the absence of adequate visualization techniques able to obtain both direct and quantitative measurements on multi-RBCs motions in concentrated suspensions. Past studies on both individual and concentrated RBCs used conventional microscopes and/or ghost cells to obtain visible trace RBCs at high concentration suspension of blood cells [1, 2]. Recently, advances of confocal microscopy and consequent advantages over conventional microscopes have led to an emerging technique known as confocal micro-PIV [3, 4]. This paper presents the application of a confocal micro- PTV system to measure RBC-RBC hydrodynamic interactions in flowing blood

    Tracking red blood cells in a circular PDMS microchannel using a confocal micro-PIV system

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    The blood flow in microcirculation is characterized mainly by the flow of red blood cells (RBCs), which may be normal or pathological. This paper presents the application of a confocal micro-P1V system lo track RBCs through a circular polydimelhysiloxane (PDMS) microchannel. This technique, consists o!’ a spinning disk confocal microscope, high speed camera and a diode-pumped solid stale (DPSS) laser combined with a single particle tracking (SPT) software (Mtracki). To show the ability of this system detailed motions o!’ individual RBCs were measured at different haematocrits (Hct): 3%, 14% and 37%. Our results show clearly that this technique can provide detailed information about micro-scale disturbance effects caused by RBCs lo the blood flow