44 research outputs found


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    For many years, observation of gingival color has been a popular area of dental research. However these methods are hard to analyze for any other than the different base conditions and colors. Thus we introduced an alternative method using image analysis to measure gingival color. For the research we performed a dental examination on 30 female students.The system is set up by aligning the camera area and facial area. The subject's chin is placed in a fixed chin cup mounted 30 cm from the camera lens. Each image is acquired such that comparison may be made with the original bite holder as well as a standard color scale. After converted to computer we used a curves dialog box for color adjustment. The curves dialog box allows adjustment of the entire tonal range of an image.The results of the analysis of the free gingiva compared to the attached gingiva are that attached gingiva was more vivid red and yellow compared to the free gingiva. In conclusion, the system described herein of digital caputre and comparison of color images, analysis and separation in three channels of free and attached ginigval surface images and matching with colorimetric scales may be useful for demonstrating the diversity of ginigval color as well as analysis of gingival health

    インドネシア バリトウ ニ オケル シカ イリョウ ノ ジッタイ チョウサ ザイリュウ ホウジン ニ タイスル シカ シンリョウ ノ ゲンジョウ

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    インドネシア・バリ島において,在留邦人を対象とする歯科医院と協力して,バリ島における在留邦人に対 する歯科治療の現状を調査した。その結果,1.バリ島の邦人は海外の他の都市の邦人に比べ永住者が多かった。2.バリ島における歯科治療は日本の治療と異なるものが見られた。3.海外療養費の制度の認知度が低かった。 以上の結果から,在留邦人にとって歯科医療の充実度は満足のいくものではなかった。 バリ島では在留邦人のための適切な歯科サービスの提供が必要である。In cooperation with the dental clinic which intended for the Japanese residents in Bali Indonesia, we have investigated the condition of dental treatment in Bali.As a result,1. The number of Japanese permanent residents in Bali is greater than in other cities of Asia.2. The dental service in Bali is different from the way in Japan.3. The cash-back system of medical service in Japanese insurance system is not widely known to theJapanese in Bali. The findings indicate that the condition of dental treatment in Bali is not satisfactory to theJapanese residents. In Bali,the dental service appropriate to Japanese residents should be provided

    Development of a Flexible System for Measuring Muscle Area Using Ultrasonography

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    Muscular strength can be estimated by quantification of muscle area. For this purpose, we developed a flexible measuring system for muscle area using ultrasonography. This method is completely safe and is particularly suitable for elderly people because the subjects are not required to perform any muscular contraction during measurement. The ultrasound probe is installed on a mechanical arm, and continuously scans fragmental images along the body surface. A wide-area cross-sectional image is then constructed using the measured images. The link mechanism is very flexible, enabling the operator to measure images for any body posture and body site. Use of the spatial compounding method reduces speckle and artifact noise in the resultant cross-sectional images. The operator can observe individual muscles (extensor, flexor muscle, etc.) in detail. We conducted experiments to evaluate the performance of the system. In the experiments, the position of the ultrasound probe was calculated with high accuracy according to the link posture. In addition, a high degree of correlation was verified between MR images and those of the developed system. We observed a reduction in noise due to use of the spatial compounding method, and propose a new calibration method for correcting the measured muscle area, which were slightly deformed by the contact pressure of the ultrasound probe. Finally, we examined the relation between muscular area and muscular strength in young and middle-aged subjects. The results of these experiments confirm that the developed system can estimate muscular strength based on muscular area.autho

    Development of an Ultrasonographic Device for Healthcare

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    publisher 奈良2000年4月1日、介護保険制度が始まった。制度の目的は、社会保険方式によって「介護を社会全体で支える仕組み」を実現することで、その理念として「自立」「自己決定」、「主体性の尊重」等が掲げられている