5 research outputs found

    A case of successful implant treatment of a patient with alcohol and tobacco addiction

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    The negative effects of smoking and poor oral hygiene on the outcome of implant placement can be related to many factors, and their mechanism can be mediated by both local and systemic biological pathways. The effects of smoking on the survival and success of implants are more pronounced in areas of poor trabecular bone quality. In this report, we present a case of a 64-year-old patient with low oral hygiene and multiple upper jaw gangrenous roots. Relatives reported that the patient suffers from chronic alcoholism and tobacco abuse. The patient insisted on implant treatment, which he was subsequently subjected to, although he is warned about the risks. The oral cavity was rehabilitated and the existing gangrenous roots were extracted under antibiotic therapy including penicillin. In the postoperative period, extremely good wound healing of the patient was observed, with no early or late bleeding.

    Use of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. A case report

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    Introduction: Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is an area of uncovered bone in the maxillofacial region that does not heal within 8 weeks after identification by a healthcare provider, in a patient who is receiving or has been exposed to bisphosphonate therapy without previous radiation therapy to the craniofacial region. Case Description: The survey was conducted in 2018/2019. It was conducted at the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery, St. George University Hospital, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. In order to conduct thestudy, we obtained informed consent from the patient, who was 63 years of age. We have diagnosed medication-related osteonecrosis of the lower jaw. We performed bone resection and applied platelet-rich plasma (PRF) in order to enhance soft tissue healing. Discussion: Management of MRONJ remains a challenge and controversial topic. Multiple treatment approaches have been introduced to control MRONJ. Surgical treatment remains one of the most reliable methods but it also needs to take advantages of advanced scientific researches and technologies. One of these achievements is the use of a platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM). Conclusion: In addition to the established surgical treatment options, we can add the application of platelet-rich plasma as an adjuvant treatment for MRONJ

    Treatment of Medication-Induced Osteonecrosis of the Jaws, Using Platelet-Rich Fibrin PRF // Лечение на медикаментозно-индуцирана остеонекроза на челюстите с приложение на богат на тромбоцити фибрин PRF

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    Medication-induced osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) in an area of exposed bone, which does not heal in a period of more than eight weeks and affects patients underdoing medication therapy. These are mostly patients diagnosed with cancer and on intravenous treatment. The impact of the disease globally increases with the increase of medication prescribed. Currently, the treatment of MRONJ is still problematic, as effective treatment has not yet been developed. Surgical treatment is still one of the most trusted methods, although current updates are much needed, by means of scientific progress and technical advancement, which provide relatively easy application of growth factors in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. One of these advancements is the Platelet-rich Fibrin membrane, which could easily be obtained (extracted) in ambulatory conditions. Application of PRF in surgery is an alternative method of MIONJ treatment. Doham et al.(2006) develop an extraction protocol for PRF.Медикаментозно-индуцираната остеонекроза на челюстите (МИОНЧ) е зона на открита кост в лицево-челюстната област, която не зараства за повече от 8 седмици и засяга пациенти подложени на медикаментозна терапия.Това са предимно пациенти, които са с рак и са претърпели продължително интравенозно лечение с медикаменти, които са част от раковата терапия.Честотата на МИОНЧ в световен мащаб се увеличава заедно с увеличаването на предписаните медикаменти. По настоящем, лечението на МИОНЧ остава дилема.Все още не е разработено ефективно лечение.Хирургичното лечение остава един от най-надеждните методи, но и то също трябва да претърпи своето осъвременяване и да се използва напредъка в научните изследвания и развитието на технологиите, които предоставят възможности за сравнително лесно и достъпно използване на нови растежни фактори в лицево-челюстната хирургия.Едно от тези достижения е мембраната от богат на тромбоцити фибрин ( PRF), която може да се добие по лесен и достъпен начин в амбулаторни условия.Приложението на богатия на тромбоцити фибрин ( PRF) в хирургията представлява нов алтернативен метод за лечение на МИОНЧ. Dohan et al. (2006) разработват производствения протокол на PRF

    A case of simultaneous and joint implant and orthodontic treatment

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    Treatment including an orthodontic and implant prosthesis improves the occlusal connection and aesthetic appearance in the anterior region of the jaw. In this report, we describe a case of combined treatment of a patient with orthodontic abnormalities and implant therapy applied. Following the placement of braces and radiographs, the buds of the permanent upper right second premolar, lower left and right second premolars were found to be absent. Implant treatment of the upper and lower jaws was undertaken after the age of 18. Prior to the placement of the upper jaw implant and after extensive examination and discussion of OCG, sinus procedans was identified and a lateral sinus lift was required. A bone graft and a collagen membrane were used to perform the operation to raise the maxillary sinus. This case underscores the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to achieving an aesthetic result

    А case of a lower jaw fracture treatment after lower wisdom tooth extraction

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    One of the most common dental surgical procedures performed in specialized oral surgery and dental practice is extractions of mandibular third molar. In this report, we look at the case of a 55-year-old patient who is receiving hospital treatment for lower jaw pain and edema. After orthopantomography, a fracture was found in the angle of the lower jaw, accompanied by an inflammatory process. In the intraoral examination, an unhealed completely extraction wound to the left of the mandible was observed in the area of the wisdom tooth, pathological mobility and bone crepitus. Mandibular angle fracture is the most common mandibular fracture, accounting for approximately 40% of all mandibular fractures. Mandibular angle fracture is defined as a fracture line between the anterior border of the mandibular ramus and the jaw body. In the present case, the patient received an additional graphy of the facial skeleton and was treated with intermaxillary fixation with rigid fixation and restraints bilaterally in the area of the upper and lower jaws and molars