86 research outputs found

    The gap in soft skills perceptions: A dyadic analysis

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Previous studies have shown that soft skills play a significant role in applicants’ employability and in the job search, recruitment, selection and hiring process. However, past research indicates a gap in perceptions of soft skills, between employees and employers. The present empirical research aims to explore this gap in perceptions and to suggest effective ways to resolve any mismatch. Demographical factors affecting these perceptions are also taken into consideration for the analysis. A quantitative research design has been applied. The survey undertaken, covers all three main sectors of employment (manufacturing, retail and services), with 151 employee–employer dyads around Greece participating in the survey. Paired sample t-test, independent t-test and One-way ANOVA were used to analyze the data. The results show a gap between employees’ and their subsequent employers’ perceptions of employees’ soft skills. Employees seem to regard their skills more highly than do their employers, whereas employers seem to consider employees as not properly equipped with the necessary soft skills. These findings are a worrying sign for business operations and suggest that difficulties in manager–employee co-operation can arise. This study has both theoretical and practical implications. It adds to the literature in human resources appraisal process by identifying soft skills perceived differently by employees and employers. It also highlights the reasons for that gap and makes suggestions for the enhancement of required skills. The majority of previous studies in the field focus either on employees’ or employers’ perceptions, without comparing them. In addition, the few former studies attempt a comparison focused on students as employees or trainees, with no previous work experience. The current study focuses on employees whose work experience has already shaped perceptions of their skills and employability

    Rrm3 and Pif1 division of labor during replication through leading and lagging strand G-quadruplex

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    Members of the conserved Pif1 family of 5\u27-3\u27 DNA helicases can unwind G4s and mitigate their negative impact on genome stability. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two Pif1 family members, Pif1 and Rrm3, contribute to the suppression of genomic instability at diverse regions including telomeres, centromeres and tRNA genes. While Pif1 can resolve lagging strand G4s in vivo, little is known regarding Rrm3 function at G4s and its cooperation with Pif1 for G4 replication. Here, we monitored replication through G4 sequences in real time to show that Rrm3 is essential for efficient replisome progression through G4s located on the leading strand template, but not on the lagging strand. We found that Rrm3 importance for replication through G4s is dependent on its catalytic activity and its N-terminal unstructured region. Overall, we show that Rrm3 and Pif1 exhibit a division of labor that enables robust replication fork progression through leading and lagging strand G4s, respectively

    Intelligent paging strategies for third generation mobile telecommunication systems

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    Thrombophilia and Pregnancy: Diagnosis and Management

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    Thromboembolic disease during pregnancy is a significant cause of maternal morbidity and mortality involving venous or arterial thrombosis and possible clinical manifestations like clinical symptoms of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and hyperhomocysteinemia. For diminishing the prevalence of thromboembolic disease, the early identification of pregnant women with various risk factors for thrombosis without clinical symptoms is of great importance. However, the optimal management for asymptomatic pregnant women who have inherited thrombophilia is uncertain and recognized only due to pregnancy complications such as recurrent pregnancy loss and preeclampsia. The clinical approach to thromboembolism is the same in pregnant women with or without thrombophilia. Based on family history, clinical symptoms should begin with simple reliable inexpensive laboratory tests like prothrombin time and activated thromboplastin time to test the status. Early diagnosis and appropriate use of thromboprophylaxis lead to increasing better maternal and perinatal outcomes. Conclusively, it is important to recognize these patients in order to prevent all pregnancy complications

    Abortions in First Trimester Pregnancy, Management, Treatment

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    The miscarriages’ investigation should include a familiar history, gynecological examination and a full laboratory testing including hormonal control, as well as karyotype, maternal immune control and thrombophilia testing. If the physician suspects the cause of abortions is chromosomal due to heredity, a special blood test (karyotype) for the pair is recommended. Chromosomal abnormalities are the most common reason for first trimester abortions, and are impossible to be prevented. Based on the above data, abortion and the subsequent possible infertility should not be considered as a personal failure for the woman and the treating physician. Nowadays, medical advancement provides many options combined with psychological support can actually reduce the miscarriages’ risk

    Abortions in First Trimester Pregnancy, Management, Treatment

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    Tujuan dari penelitian: 1. Mendeskripsikan penerepan pendekatan Client Centered dalam mengatasi kepribadian introvert pada siswa kelas XI IPS MA Al Hidayah Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017. 2. Mendeskripsikan kepribadian introvert pada konseli siswa kelas XI IPS MA Al Hidayah Kudus setelah diberikan konseling dengan pendekatan Client Centered. Pendekatan client centered adalah pendekatan yang berpusat pada diri klien, yang mana seorang konselor hanya memberikan konseling serta mengawasi klien pada saat mendapatkan pemberian konseling tersebut agar klien dapat berkembang atau keluar dari masalah yang dihadapinya. Introvert merupakan tipe kepribadian individu yang mempunyai kecenderungan menutup diri dari dunia luar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah peneltian kualitatif studi kasus. Penelitian dilakukan di MA NU Al Hidayah Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017, dengan dua subjek penelitian (ABS, DAS). Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan: 1. Wawancara, 2. Observasi, 3. Dokumentasi dan 4. Home Visit. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah: analisis sistem Bacon. Hasil penelitian: 1. Konseli I (ABS) faktor yang menyebabkan memiliki kepribadian intovert: 1. Tidak percaya diri. ABS yang berusia 16 tahun dan saat ini tengah duduk di kelas XI IPS MA NU Al Hidayah Kudus merasa kurang percaya diri dengan bentuk kaki yang dimiliki membuat ABS menjadi pibadi yang tidak percaya diri dalam pergaulan, sehingga membuat konseli sering mendapatkan perlakuan yang tidak menyenangkan dari siswa-siswi lain. Konseli memang terlahir dengan keadaan yang tidak sempurna karena cacat fisik pada salah satu kakinya atau yang biasa disebut sebagai (Clubfoot) atau kaki pengkor. 2. Perlakuan diskriminasi. Karena bentuk fisik yang dimiliki oleh konseli yang berbeda, konseli mendapatkan perlakuan diskrinasi dari siswa-siswi lain. 2. Konseli II (DAS) faktor yang menyebabkan konseli memiliki kepribadian introvert: 1. Rendahnya kemampuan interaksi konseli. Konseli sering berpindah tempat tinggal sejak usia sekolah dasar membuat kemampuan interaksi DAS kurang. Di sekolah, konseli banyak diperhatikan oleh siswa-siswi di sekolah karena secara fisik DAS merupakan siswa yang berpenampilan menarik. Tetapi kurang interaksi sosial, konseli lebih banyak memilih menyendiri dan tidak terlihat aktif dalam hubungan pertemanan yang sering terjalin pada anak usia sekolah atau remaja awal. 2. Perceraian kedua orang tua konseli. Perceraian yang ditimbulkan karena keuangan keluarga yang memburuk membuat konseli harus bekerja keras untuk membiayai sekolahnya semakin membuat konseli tidak memiliki waktu untuk bersosialisasi dengan teman sebayanya. Setelah pelaksanaan tiga kali konseling client centered terhadap kedua konseli diperoleh keterangan bahwa, konseli I (ABS) telah mampu menerima kekurangan dirinya yang memiliki keterbatasan pada kakinya. ABS telah percaya diri dan mampu bersosialisasi dengan baik. Konseli II (DAS) telah menyadari bahwa kehidupan yang ia alami harus tetap berjalan, dan DAS juga telah memahami bahwa makna kehidupan adalah terus bekerja dan bahagia atas apa yang dimilikinya sekarang. Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas peneliti dapat memberikan saran: 1. Kepala sekolah: Dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konseling individual sangat membantu siswa dalam memberikan mengatasi perilaku introvert siswa. Sehingga diharapkan kepala sekolah dapat mendukung adanya layanan konseling indivual ini dengan memfasilitasi guru pembimbing dalam memberikan layanan konseling individual. 2. Guru bimbingan dan konseling: Diharapkan guru bimbingan dan konseling dapat menjadikan hasil penelitian sebagai acuan dalam memberikan pelayanan konseling individual dengan konseling client centered. 3. Siswa: Diharapkan siswa dapat bergaul dengan baik dan semakin meningkatkan hubungan interpersonal. 4. Penelitian selanjutnya: Diharapkan peneliti selanjutnya dapat mengembangkan penelitian yang sejenis dengan menggunakan layanan konseling yang lebih varatif, sehingga didapatkan komparasi yang berbeda dengan penelitian ini

    Vein Thrombosis Risk in Women and Travel

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    Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the lower limbs is a serious condition that can lead to pulmonary embolism (PE) in about 15–24% of cases. If it is not diagnosed/treated timely, nearly 15% of these PE are lethal. The relationship between travel and staying in the same position for a long time is well-known since World War II. Generally, it is more frequent in air flights. It is also associated with the economic downturn in airplanes because passengers have limited space and have greater difficulty of moving. It is estimated that approximately 1–6% of long-haul passengers arrive at their destination with a clot in their veins, but most DVT are asymptomatic

    Premature Birth, Management, Complications

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    In recent years an increase in premature births (PB) rate has been noticed, as this pregnancy complication that still remain an important cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality, is multifactorial and prediction is not easy in many cases. There are many bibliographic data supporting the view that PB have also genetic predisposition. The trend of “recurrence” of PB in women as well as its increased frequency in ethnic groups suggests its association with genetic factors, either as such or as an interaction of genes and environment. Immunomodulatory molecules and receptors as well as polymorphisms of various genes and/or single nucleotides (single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs) now allow with advanced methods of Molecular Biology the identification of genes and proteins involved in the pathophysiology of PB. From the history of a pregnant woman, the main prognostic factor is a previous history of prematurity, while an ultrasound assessment of the cervix between 18 and 24 weeks is suggested, both in the developed and the developing world. According to the latest data, an effective method of successful prevention of premature birth has not been found. The main interventions suggested for the prevention of premature birth are the cervical cerclage, the use of cervical pessary, the use of progesterone orally, subcutaneously or transvaginally, and for treatment administration of tocolytic medication as an attempt to inhibit childbirth for at least 48 hours to make corticosteroids more effective. Despite the positive results in reducing mortality and morbidity of premature infants, the need for more research in the field of prevention, investigation of the genital code and the mechanism of initiation of preterm birth is important
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