40 research outputs found

    Petrophysical Properties (Density and Magnetization) of Rocks from the Suhbaatar-Ulaanbaatar-Dalandzadgad Geophysical Profile in Mongolia and Their Implications

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    Petrophysical properties of 585 rock samples from the Suhbaatar-Ulaanbaatar-Dalandzadgad geophysical profile in Mongolia are presented. Based on the rock classifications and tectonic units, petrophysical parameters (bulk density, magnetic susceptibility, intensity of natural remanent magnetization, and Köenigsberger ratio) of these rocks are summarized. Results indicate that (1) significant density contrast of different rocks would result in variable gravity anomalies along the profile; (2) magnetic susceptibility and natural remanent magnetization of all rocks are variable, covering 5-6 orders of magnitude, which would make a variable induced magnetization and further links to complex magnetic anomalies in ground surface; (3) the distribution of rocks with different lithologies controls the pattern of lithospheric magnetic anomaly along the profile. The petrophysical database thus provides not only one of the keys to understand the geological history and structure of the profile, but also essential information for analysis and interpretation of the geophysical (e.g., magnetic and gravity) survey data

    Characterization and Organic Compounds in Peloids from Mongolia

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    The peloids are the important natural remedy all over the world. The physicochemical properties and some organic matters of peloids from 12 lakes in Mongolia were examined. These peloids belong to the continental hydrosulfide sticky peloid except Gurvan nuur peloid. Peloid from Lake Gurvan nuur was classified as a sapropel with high ash content.The peloid organic matters were investigated using chemical analysis and several analytical techniques, such as IR, and 13C NMR spectroscopy, GC/MS, gas chromatography. The concentration of total organic carbon in all continental hydrosulfide sticky peloids is ranged from 0.4% to 3.1%, but 15.3% in the sapropel. It shows that the majority of the peloids in Mongolia are hydrosulfide sticky peloid with lower organic matters than the sapropel and peat. In this study, no significant difference of chemical composition was observed between dissoluble and insoluble organic matters from peloids. Some classes of biomolecules, including lipid and carbohydrate, were identified. Biogenic stimulator humic acid (HA) is the major part of the peloid organic matter. HA concentration varied between 11.2% and 55.9% of total organic matter of peloids. The macromolecule of the sapropel HA exhibited a lower aromatization degree and more functional groups than other HAs, as revealed by the 13C NMR data and C/H ratio. The genesis of peloid organic matter is discussed in this paper.Our results suggest that the presence of known bioactive organic compounds, such as humic acid, lipid, and carbohydrate, as well as hydrogen sulfide causes the balneological value of peloids in Mongolia.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5564/pmas.v0i4.42Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences 2009 No 4 pp.3-2

    High molecular weight humic-like substances in carboneous aerosol of Ulaanbaatar city

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    Total carbon content of the atmospheric suspended particulate matters consisted of as high as 89-93% organic carbon (OC) in Ulaanbaatar aerosol without showing seasonal variation. However, limited aerosol measurements have been conducted on these OC rich aerosols particularly for high molecular weight constituents. In order to address the gap above, abundance of high molecular weight humic-like substances (HULIS) in total suspended particulates (TSP) from Ulaanbaatar atmospheric aerosol were determined for the first time. HULIS molecular structure was characterised for different seasons using carbon content and UV absorbance measurements coupled with solid phase extraction methods. Although, HULIS contributions to water soluble organic fraction of the winter and summer aerosols were similar HULIS carbon concentration was higher in winter samples (9-37 mg·L-1) than in summer (2-6 mg·L-1). Consequently quantity of aromatic moieties and degree of aromaticity varied between seasons

    A new humic acid remedy with addition of silver nanoparticles

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    Previously known biogenic stimulator humic acid (HA) was the subject of this current study and HA based new remediation was developed by addition of silver (Ag) nanoparticles in its macromolecule. Extracted HA from a healing mud was characterized and used as reducing agent for Ag ion as well as a stabilizer for the formed Ag nanoparticles. The properties of the obtained hybrid composite were examined by XRD, UV and FTIR spectroscopic techniques. The diameter of the nanoparticles in the HA polymer was up to 8.6 nm and they were identified to be metallic Ag.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5564/mjc.v13i0.151 Mongolian Journal of Chemistry Vol.13 2012: 7-1

    Sediment oxygen demand in streams : lab measurements underestimate in situ rates substantially

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    Global warming is expected to affect stream metabolism significantly; and higher temperatures may lead to higher respiration and thus higher risk of oxygen depletion. It is, therefore, crucial to obtain reliable data on the oxygen dynamics in the different stream compartments. Determination of sediment oxygen demand (SOD) is typically based on lab or field measurement using cores or benthic chamber in which the actual physical conditions in the streams are not possible to mimic perfectly. We compared SOD based on lab core incubations with SOD measured in situ in stream sections where the oxygen exchange between water and air was eliminated artificially. The in situ SOD increased with increasing oxygen concentrations and both the temperature and the oxygen dependency of SOD increased with increasing organic content in the surface sediment. The laboratory rates reached 17 - 83% of the rates obtained in situ. The percentages were especially low at low stream velocity, likely reflecting a pure imitation of the physical conditions near the sediment in the lab when the sediment organic content was high (at low velocity). Therefore, alternative methods, simulating the natural horizontal water flow, are needed to provide reliable information on SOD in streams

    Anthropogenic, detritic and atmospheric soil-derived sources of lead in an alpine poor fen in northeast China

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    Ombrotrophic bogs are faithful archive of atmospheric metal deposition, but the potential for fens to reconstruct environmental change is often underestimated. In this study, some new data on the Pb depositional history in northeast China were provided using two ~(210)Pb-dated peat sequences from a poor fen in the Fenghuang Mountain of Heilongjiang province. Anthropogenic, detritic and atmospheric soil sources were discriminated using a two-step sequential digestion (weak acid leaching to liberate mobile Pb which is often regarded as anthropogenic Pb, especially for recent samples) and a ratio of unsupported ~(210)Pb and supported ~(210)Pb with the logic of that the 214Pb mainly represents the residual detritus (constant throughout the core) and the unsupported ~(210)Pb arises from atmospheric fallout. A higher ~(210)Pb/214Pb suggests more contributions from atmospheric deposition to the Pb content in the peat, and a ratio of 10 was defined to indicate the boundary between detritic input and atmospheric deposition. The detritic Pb was estimated to be 10–13 mg·kg~(–1), the anthropogenic Pb ranged from 10–80 mg·kg~(–1), and the atmospheric soil-derived Pb ranged from < 5 mg·kg~(–1) to 30 mg·kg~(–1). The history of anthropogenic Pb pollution over the last 150 years was reconstructed, and the calculated Pb deposition rate (AR Pb) ranged from 5 to 56 mg·m-2·yr-1. Using Ti as a reliable reference, the enrichment factor of Pb (EF Pb) relative to the upper continental crust was calculated. Both AR Pb and EF Pb increased with time, especially after the foundation of the People's Republic of China. This is consistent with increasing industrialization and coal burning in the last 60 years in northeast China. The present record of anthropogenic Pb deposition was consistent with the previous reports and an increasing trend of environmental pollution due to anthropogenic activities, in contrasts to Europe and North America which have experienced a major environmental cleanup. For the first time, this work estimates atmospheric Pb deposition via a minerotrophic peat core in China. This will enhance the use of peat archives for studies of environmental change

    Do Cross-Latitude and Local Studies Give Similar Predictions of Phytoplankton Responses to Warming? An Analysis of Monitoring Data from 504 Danish Lakes

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    Cross-latitude studies on lakes have a potential to predict how global warming may cause major changes in phytoplankton biomass and composition, e.g., the development of favourable conditions for cyanobacteria dominance. However, results from these studies may be influenced by biogeographical factors, and the conclusions may, therefore, not hold when considering local response patterns. We used monthly monitoring data from 504 lakes in Denmark—a small and homogeneous geographical region—to establish empirical relationships between key phytoplankton groups and a set of explanatory variables including total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), lake mean depth (DEP) and water temperature (TEMP). All variables had strong effects on phytoplankton biomass and composition, but their contributions varied over the seasons, with TEMP being particularly important in June–October. We found dominance of cyanobacteria in terms of biomass and also an increase in dinophytes biomass at higher TEMP, while diatoms and chlorophytes became less important. In May, however, the TEMP effect on total phytoplankton biomass was negative, likely reflecting intensified zooplankton grazing. Our results suggest that biogeographical effects are of minor importance for the response patterns of phytoplankton to temperature and that substantial concentration reductions of TN and TP are needed in eutrophic lakes to counteract the effect of the climate change-induced increase in TEMP

    Do Cross-Latitude and Local Studies Give Similar Predictions of Phytoplankton Responses to Warming? An Analysis of Monitoring Data from 504 Danish Lakes

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    Cross-latitude studies on lakes have a potential to predict how global warming may cause major changes in phytoplankton biomass and composition, e.g., the development of favourable conditions for cyanobacteria dominance. However, results from these studies may be influenced by biogeographical factors, and the conclusions may, therefore, not hold when considering local response patterns. We used monthly monitoring data from 504 lakes in Denmark&mdash;a small and homogeneous geographical region&mdash;to establish empirical relationships between key phytoplankton groups and a set of explanatory variables including total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), lake mean depth (DEP) and water temperature (TEMP). All variables had strong effects on phytoplankton biomass and composition, but their contributions varied over the seasons, with TEMP being particularly important in June&ndash;October. We found dominance of cyanobacteria in terms of biomass and also an increase in dinophytes biomass at higher TEMP, while diatoms and chlorophytes became less important. In May, however, the TEMP effect on total phytoplankton biomass was negative, likely reflecting intensified zooplankton grazing. Our results suggest that biogeographical effects are of minor importance for the response patterns of phytoplankton to temperature and that substantial concentration reductions of TN and TP are needed in eutrophic lakes to counteract the effect of the climate change-induced increase in TEMP

    Nutrients and Saltwater Exchange as Drivers of Environmental Change in a Danish Brackish Coastal Lake over the Past 100 Years

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    Many northwest European lake systems are suffering from the effects of eutrophication due to continued loading and/or poor, ineffective management strategies. Coastal brackish lakes are particularly difficult to manage due to complex nitrogen, phosphorus, and salinity dynamics that may exert varying influence on lake biological communities, but long-term data on how these important and often biodiverse systems respond to change are rare. In this study, palaeolimnological data (including sedimentary parameters, diatoms, and plant macrofossils) and environmental monitoring data (for the last ~40 years) have been used to assess environmental change over the last 100 years in Kilen, a brackish lake in northwest Jutland, Denmark. Kilen has been regularly monitored for salinity (since 1972), TP (from 1975), TN (from 1976), and since 1989 for biological data (phytoplankton, zooplankton, and macrophytes), which allows a robust comparison of contemporary and paleolimnological data at high temporal resolution. The palaeolimnological data indicate that the lake has been nutrient rich for the last 100 years, with eutrophication peaking from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s. Reduced nutrient concentrations have occurred since the late 1990s, though this is not reflected in the sediment core diatom assemblage, highlighting that caution must be taken when using quantitative data from biological transfer functions in paleolimnology. Lake recovery over the last 20 years has been driven by a reduction in TN and TP loading from the catchment and shows improvements in the lake water clarity and, recently, in macrophyte cover. Reduced salinity after 2004 has also changed the composition of the dominant macrophyte community within the lake. The low N:P ratio indicates that in summer, the lake is predominately N-limited, likely explaining why previous management, mainly focusing on TP reduction measures, had a modest effect on the water quality of the lake. Despite a slight recovery, the lake is still nutrient-rich, and future management of this system must continue to reduce the nutrient loads of both TN and TP to ensure sustained recovery. This study provides an exceptional opportunity to validate the palaeolimnological record with monitoring data and demonstrates the power of using this combined approach in understanding environmental change in these key aquatic ecosystems