364 research outputs found

    Preliminary geophysical interpretation of the McKeand River area, southern Baffin Island, Nunavut: insights from gravity, magnetic and geological data

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    The recently completed McKeand River and Amittok Lake aeromagnetic surveys on southern Baffin Island, Nunavut pro- vide a new high-resolution magnetic dataset over an area with no previous coverage. Complemented by regional gravity data, newly acquired rock-property information and geological-mapping products, the aeromagnetic dataset yields qualita- tive and quantitative information on the structure and geology of the underlying bedrock. This paper presents a preliminary interpretation of these datasets that delineates three gravimetric and five magnetic domains. The gravity data outline a broad negative anomaly associated with a plutonic-intrusive suite, as well as several isolated gravity highs associated with metasedimentary strata. Magnetic domains are defined on the basis of anomaly amplitude, wavelength and texture, and are correlated to the mapped geology and magnetic properties. Associations between potential-field anomalies, physical prop- erties and mineral occurrences help define the regional distribution of economically significant horizons

    Therapeutic Potential of Annexins in Sepsis and COVID-19

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    Sepsis is a continuing problem in modern healthcare, with a relatively high prevalence, and a significant mortality rate worldwide. Currently, no specific anti-sepsis treatment exists despite decades of research on developing potential therapies. Annexins are molecules that show efficacy in preclinical models of sepsis but have not been investigated as a potential therapy in patients with sepsis. Human annexins play important roles in cell membrane dynamics, as well as mediation of systemic effects. Most notably, annexins are highly involved in anti-inflammatory processes, adaptive immunity, modulation of coagulation and fibrinolysis, as well as protective shielding of cells from phagocytosis. These discoveries led to the development of analogous peptides which mimic their physiological function, and investigation into the potential of using the annexins and their analogous peptides as therapeutic agents in conditions where inflammation and coagulation play a large role in the pathophysiology. In numerous studies, treatment with recombinant human annexins and annexin analogue peptides have consistently found positive outcomes in animal models of sepsis, myocardial infarction, and ischemia reperfusion injury. Annexins A1 and A5 improve organ function and reduce mortality in animal sepsis models, inhibit inflammatory processes, reduce inflammatory mediator release, and protect against ischemic injury. The mechanisms of action and demonstrated efficacy of annexins in animal models support development of annexins and their analogues for the treatment of sepsis. The effects of annexin A5 on inflammation and platelet activation may be particularly beneficial in disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection. Safety and efficacy of recombinant human annexin A5 are currently being studied in clinical trials in sepsis and severe COVID-19 patients

    Completing the bedrock mapping of southern Baffin Island, Nunavut; plutonic suites and regional stratigraphy

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    This paper summarizes the field observations and initial interpretations following eight weeks of regional and targeted bed- rock mapping on south-central Baffin Island, Nunavut. The 2015 field campaign completes a two-decade mission to update the geoscience knowledge for the whole of Baffin Island south of latitude 70°N. The bedrock in the area is dominated by a Paleoproterozoic metaplutonic suite, ranging in composition from gabbro to syenogranite, with crosscutting relations indi- cating a progression from mafic to silicic magmatism. Phase-equilibria modelling reveals that the prevailing upper-amphi- bolite– to lower-granulite–facies metamorphic conditions overlap the stability limits of magnetite and orthopyroxene for a typical granitoid bulk composition, which is consistent with field observations of the discontinuous presence of both phases throughout the map area. This result is also consistent with regional aeromagnetic data that show complex structures within relatively homogeneous map units, which are primarily attributed to variations in the abundance of magnetite. The granitoid rocks are interpreted as part of the middle Paleoproterozoic Cumberland Batholith. Metasedimentary rocks, including quartzite, pelite, marble and metagreywacke, are present as enclaves and screens within and between plutonic bodies. An examination of the ‘ghost’stratigraphy suggests that the metasedimentary rocks through- out most of the map area can be correlated with the middle Paleoproterozoic Lake Harbour Group, except in the northeast, where the unique presence of greywacke suggests a middle Paleoproterozoic Piling Group affinity. This transition in strata is consistent with the proposal that a middle Paleoproterozoic tectonic suture (the Baffin suture) associated with the Trans- Hudson Orogen runs through Cumberland Sound. Completion of the bedrock mapping in southern Baffin Island indicates that the region offers a world-class exposure of a reworked Paleoproterozoic convergent margin, which affords valuable in- sight into a variety of magmatic and tectonic processes that can be applied to younger collisional belt

    How to Design a Qualitative Health Research Study. Part 1: Design and Purposeful Sampling Considerations

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    In this first part of the article, we aim to provide health researchers with an understanding of how to design a qualitative health research study, including: topic identification, design selec- tion, and engagement in reflexivity. We offer practical guidance for writing an overarching question using a novel framework that helps develop a clearly articulated question that includes the following elements: emphasis, purposeful sampling, phenomenon of interest, and context. We then expand on specific methodological issues: study designs, contexts, sampling, and recruitment. Finally, we provide examples of qualitative health research studies that illustrate the application of different research designs. In part two of this article, we will discuss how to prepare for going into the field, how to generate, manage and analyse data, and plan for the dissemination of qualitative health research. Keywords: Research Methodology, Qualitative Research, Qualitative Health Research, Research Design, Purposeful Sample, RecruitmentCome Disegnare uno Studio di Ricerca Sanitaria Qualitativa. Parte 1: Considerazioni sui Disegni e sul Campionamento PropositivoAttraverso le nostre esperienze di insegnamento della ricerca qualitativa agli studenti in varie discipline sanitarie, abbiamo concluso che molti ricercatori alle prime armi richiedono un supporto chiaro, pratico e focalizzato per sviluppare protocolli di ricerca. In questa prima parte di articolo, miriamo a fornire ai ricercatori sanitari una comprensione di come proget- tare uno studio qualitativo sulla ricerca sanitaria, tra cui: identificazione dell'argomento, sele- zione del disegno e del coinvolgimento nella riflessività. Offriamo una guida pratica per scri- vere una domanda utilizzando una nuova framework che aiuta a sviluppare una domanda chiaramente articolata che include i seguenti elementi: enfasi, campionamento propositivo, fenomeno di interesse e contesto. Quindi, esponiamo questioni metodologiche specifiche: disegno di studio, contesti, campionamento e reclutamento. Infine, forniamo esempi di studi qualitativi di ricerca sanitaria tratti dalla letteratura. Nella seconda parte dell'articolo, discu- teremo come prepararsi per andare sul campo, come generare, gestire e analizzare i dati e pianificare la diffusione della ricerca qualitativa sanitaria. Parole Chiave: Metodologia della ricerca, Ricerca Qualitativa, Ricerca Sanitaria Qualitativa, Disegni di Ricerca, Campionamento Propositivo, Reclutamento

    Inside a Swiss Army Knife: An Assessment of AmeriCorps

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    This study reviews the goals and achievements of AmeriCorps, the national service program championed by President Clinton and approved by Congress in 1993. We identify five AmeriCorps goals: satisfying unmet social needs, developing corps members, enhancing the civic ethic, reinvigorating lethargic bureaucracies, and bridging race and class. The evidence of AmeriCorps\u27 effectiveness is not definitive. Self-reports from recipient programs, selective cost-benefit analyses, and some survey evidence indicate some positive results. More fine-grained survey and field research raise questions about AmeriCorps\u27 overall effects. Much more research is needed before policy makers and citizens can determine AmeriCorps\u27 productivity

    Experimental limits on massive neutrinos from e(+)e(-) annihilations at 29 GeV

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.37.577.A search was made in 29-GeV e(+)e(-) annihilations for massive neutrinos decaying to e(±)X(∓)(ν) where X is a muon or meson. A 300-pb(-1) data sample yielded just one candidate event with a mass m(e)X>1.8 GeV. Significant limits are found for new neutrinos with masses from 1.8 to 6.7 GeV and with mixing parameters in the range 3×10(-6)<‖U‖(2)<1. .A
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