14 research outputs found

    Attractive Bose-Einstein Condensates in three dimensions under rotation: Revisiting the problem of stability of the ground state in harmonic traps

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    We study harmonically trapped ultracold Bose gases with attractive interparticle interactions under external rotation in three spatial dimensions and determine the critical value of the attraction strength where the gas collapses as a function of the rotation frequency. To this end we examine the stationary state in the corotating frame with a many-body approach as well as within the Gross-Pitaevskii theory of systems in traps with different anisotropies. In contrast to recently reported results [N. A. Jamaludin, N. G. Parker, and A. M. Martin, Phys. Rev. A \textbf{77}, 051603(R) (2008)], we find that the collapse is not postponed in the presence of rotation. Unlike repulsive gases, the properties of the attractive system remain practically unchanged under rotation in isotropic and slightly anisotropic traps.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Optimized observable readout from single-shot images of ultracold atoms via machine learning

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    Single-shot images are the standard readout of experiments with ultracold atoms, the imperfect reflection of their many-body physics. The efficient extraction of observables from single-shot images is thus crucial. Here we demonstrate how artificial neural networks can optimize this extraction. In contrast to standard averaging approaches, machine learning allows both one- and two-particle densities to be accurately obtained from a drastically reduced number of single-shot images. Quantum fluctuations and correlations are directly harnessed to obtain physical observables for bosons in a tilted double-well potential at an extreme accuracy. Strikingly, machine learning also enables a reliable extraction of momentum-space observables from real-space single-shot images and vice versa. With this technique, the reconfiguration of the experimental setup between in situ and time-of-flight imaging is required only once to obtain training data, thus potentially granting an outstanding reduction in resources

    Many-body physics in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in a cavity: fragmented superradiance and polarization

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    We consider laser-pumped one-dimensional two-component bosons in a parabolic trap embedded in a high-finesse optical cavity. Above a threshold pump power, the photons that populate the cavity modify the effective atom trap and mediate a coupling between the two components of the Bose-Einstein condensate. We calculate the ground state of the laser-pumped system and find different stages of self-organization depending on the power of the laser. The modified potential and the laser-mediated coupling between the atomic components give rise to rich many-body physics: an increase of the pump power triggers a self-organization of the atoms while an even larger pump power causes correlations between the self-organized atoms -- the BEC becomes fragmented and the reduced density matrix acquires multiple macroscopic eigenvalues. In this fragmented superradiant state, the atoms can no longer be described as two-level systems and the mapping of the system to the Dicke model breaks down.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, software available at http://ultracold.or

    Attractive Bose gas in two dimensions: An analytical study of its fragmentation and collapse

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    MCTDH-X : The multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method for indistinguishable particles software

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    We introduce and describe the multiconfigurational time-depenent Hartree for indistinguishable particles (MCTDH-X) software. The MCTDH-X software is a set of programs and scripts to compute , analyze, and visualize solutions for the time-dependent and time-independent Schrödinger equation for many-body systems made of interacting indistinguishable particles. The MCTDH-X software represents a fairly general solver for the Schrödinger equation and is thus applicable to a wide range of problems in the fields of atomic, optical, and molecular physics, light-matter interaction, and the correlated dynamics of electrons in condensed matters, atoms or molecules. The MCTDH-X software solves a set of non-linear coupled working equations that are obtained by applying the variational principle to the Schrödinger equation using an ansatz for the wave-function that is a time-dependent expansion in a set of time-dependent, fully symmetrized or fully anti-symmetrized many-body basis states. It is this time-dependence of the basis set, that enables MCTDH-X to deal with quantum dynamics at a superior accuracy as compared to exact diagonal-ization or other approaches with a static basis, where the number of necessary basis states typically grows drastically with time. The MCTDH-X software is hosted, documented, and distributed at http://ultracold.org

    MCTDH-X: The multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method for indistinguishable particles software

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    We introduce and describe the multiconfigurational time-depenent Hartree for indistinguishable particles (MCTDH-X) software, which is hosted, documented, and distributed at http://ultracold.org. This powerful tool allows the investigation of ground state properties and dynamics of interacting quantum many-body systems in different spatial dimensions. The MCTDH-X software is a set of programs and scripts to compute, analyze, and visualize solutions for the time-dependent and time-independent many-body Schrödinger equation for indistinguishable quantum particles. As the MCTDH-X software represents a general solver for the Schrödinger equation, it is applicable to a wide range of problems in the fields of atomic, optical, molecular physics, and condensed matter systems. In particular, it can be used to study light–matter interactions, correlated dynamics of electrons in the solid state as well as some aspects related to quantum information and computing. The MCTDH-X software solves a set of nonlinear coupled working equations based on the application of the time-dependent variational principle to the Schrödinger equation. These equations are obtained by using an ansatz for the many-body wavefunction that is a expansion in a set of time-dependent, fully symmetrized bosonic (X = B) or fully anti-symmetrized fermionic (X = F) many-body basis states. It is the time-dependence of the basis set that enables MCTDH-X to deal with quantum dynamics at a superior accuracy as compared to, for instance, exact diagonalization approaches with a static basis, where the number of basis states necessary to capture the dynamics of the wavefunction typically grows rapidly with time. Herein, we give an introduction to the MCTDH-X software via an easy-to-follow tutorial with a focus on accessibility. The illustrated exemplary problems are hosted at http://ultracold.org/tutorial and consider the physics of a few interacting bosons or fermions in a double-well potential. We explore computationally the position-space and momentum-space density, the one-body reduced density matrix, Glauber correlation functions, phases, (dynamical) phase transitions, and the imaging of the quantum systems in single-shot images. Although a few particles in a double well potential represent a minimal model system, we are able to demonstrate a rich variety of phenomena with it. We use the double well to illustrate the fermionization of bosonic particles, the crystallization of fermionic particles, characteristics of the superfluid and Mott-insulator quantum phases in Hubbard models, and even dynamical phase transitions. We provide a complete set of input files and scripts to redo all computations in this paper at http://ultracold.org/data/tutorial_input_files.zip, accompanied by tutorial videos at https://tinyurl.com/tjx35sq. Our tutorial should guide the potential users to apply the MCTDH-X software also to more complex systems.ISSN:2058-956