617 research outputs found


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    Evolutionary cell biology: Functional insight from ā€œEndless forms most beautifulā€

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    In animal and fungal model organisms, the complexities of cell biology have been analyzed in exquisite detail and much is known about how these organisms function at the cellular level. However, the model organisms cell biologists generally use include only a tiny fraction of the true diversity of eukaryotic cellular forms. The divergent cellular processes observed in these more distant lineages are still largely unknown in the general scientific community. Despite the relative obscurity of these organisms, comparative studies of them across eukaryotic diversity have had profound implications for our understanding of fundamental cell biology in all species and have revealed the evolution and origins of previously observed cellular processes. In this Perspective, we will discuss the complexity of cell biology found across the eukaryotic tree, and three specific examples of where studies of divergent cell biology have altered our understanding of key functional aspects of mitochondria, plastids, and membrane trafficking

    Surgical Treatment of Persistent Fetal Vasculature and Visual Rehabilitation: One-Year Followup

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    We present the management and postoperative course of a persistent fetal vasculature (PFV) case. A four-year-old girl visited the Eye Department of Hippokration, General Hospital of Thessaloniki due to reduced visual acuity of her left eye. She was diagnosed with PFV and underwent surgery (lensectomy, capsulorhexis of the posterior capsule, insertion of an intraocular lens in the posterior chamber, and posterior vitrectomy) in order to dissect the PFV. Along with the postoperative medical care, she underwent intensive treatment for amblyopia. The postoperative course was uncomplicated, and the visual acuity of her left eye improved from hand movement to 20/25 with proper correction. Patients with unilateral PFV and gradually deteriorating visual acuity could be good candidates for a combined surgical procedure, as the one described above, with a good prognosis

    Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Questionnaire of Ethical Leadership (QueL)

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    In this five-study paper, we developed and validated the Questionnaire of ethical Leadership (QueL). We examined the factor structure of QueL using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, along with measurement invariance techniques, using data from more than 1,200 leaders and subordinates working in Greece. Exploratory analysis indicated two latent highly-correlated factors that were labeled ā€œTelosā€ and ā€œEthos.ā€ Confirmatory analysis verified a bifactor solution. The bifactor QueL showed configural, metric, and scalar invariance across independent samples of leaders and subordinates. QueL was found to be a reliable measure across time and occupational groups (leaders and subordinates). We found criterion correlations in the expected direction with other ethical leadership scales, related constructs (i.e., integrity, trust, ethical climate), as well as workplace attitudes and behaviors (i.e., burnout, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behaviors, deviant behaviors), leadership characteristics (transformational and transactional leadership, abusive supervision, personality), and socio-demographics (i.e., educational level and gender). We conclude that the new measure is a valuable tool for measuring workplace ethical leadership

    A Management Dilemma: Infectious Keratitis Associated with Soft Contact Lens Use and Dubious Treatment Compliance

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    Purpose. To present a case of infectious keratitis caused by the microorganism Serratia marcescens in a contact lens user and further to confer on the most advantageous management of comparable situations. Case. After altering the routine that she used for contact lens disinfection, a 24-year-old patient presented with pain and conjunctival redness in both eyes. Slit-lamp examination revealed two infiltrates in the inferior part of the cornea in the right eye and five smaller infiltrates in the superior half of the left cornea. Appropriate treatment, after hospitalization, improved the symptoms while culture of the contact lens material revealed Serratia marcescens as the responsible infectious factor. Conclusion. Enhancing the availability of information with respect to contact lens users and customized analysis regarding treatment for a particular complication could be beneficial in order to reduce the frequency of admission to the eye clinic due to infectious keratitis. In addition, rapid laboratory testing of the infected materials should be a priority for selection of the optimal treatment regimen

    A nonmitochondrial hydrogen production in Naegleria gruberi

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    Naegleria gruberi is a free-living heterotrophic aerobic amoeba well known for its ability to transform from an amoeba to a flagellate form. The genome of N. gruberi has been recently published, and in silico predictions demonstrated that Naegleria has the capacity for both aerobic respiration and anaerobic biochemistry to produce molecular hydrogen in its mitochondria. This finding was considered to have fundamental implications on the evolution of mitochondrial metabolism and of the last eukaryotic common ancestor. However, no actual experimental data have been shown to support this hypothesis. For this reason, we have decided to investigate the anaerobic metabolism of the mitochondrion of N. gruberi. Using in vivo biochemical assays, we have demonstrated that N. gruberi has indeed a functional [FeFe]-hydrogenase, an enzyme that is attributed to anaerobic organisms. Surprisingly, in contrast to the published predictions, we have demonstrated that hydrogenase is localized exclusively in the cytosol, while no hydrogenase activity was associated with mitochondria of the organism. In addition, cytosolic localization displayed for HydE, a marker component of hydrogenase maturases. Naegleria gruberi, an obligate aerobic organism and one of the earliest eukaryotes, is producing hydrogen, a function that raises questions on the purpose of this pathway for the lifestyle of the organism and potentially on the evolution of eukaryotes
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