183 research outputs found

    A New Take on the Top Ten Rules for Court and Professional Life

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    Performance of the PADME calorimeter prototype at the DAΦ\PhiNE BTF

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    The PADME experiment at the DAΦ\PhiNE Beam-Test Facility (BTF) aims at searching for invisible decays of the dark photon by measuring the final state missing mass in the process e+eγ+Ae^+e^- \to \gamma+ A', with AA' undetected. The measurement requires the determination of the 4-momentum of the recoil photon, performed using a homogeneous, highly segmented BGO crystals calorimeter. We report the results of the test of a 5×\times5 crystals prototype performed with an electron beam at the BTF in July 2016

    Expansion of elevational range in a forest pest: Can parasitoids track their hosts?

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    We are thankful to Karim Senhadji and Ramon Ruiz-Puche for their help during the field work, and to Sara Garcia Morato for her contribution to quantifying rates of parasitism in PPM clutches at the laboratory. Two anonymous referees contributed to improve the manuscript. This study was supported by projects PROPINOL (PN22/2008), GESBOME (P06-RNM-1890) from Junta de Andalucia, REMEDINAL TE-CM (S2018/EMT-4338) from Comunidad de Madrid, ADAPTAMED (LIFE14 CCA/ES/000612) from LIFE program, and GILES (PCIN-2016-150) from the ERANET-LAC H2020 Programme.Gradients in elevation impose changes in environmental conditions, which in turn modulate species distribution and abundance as well as the interactions they maintain. Along the gradient, interacting species (e.g., predators, parasitoids) can respond to changes in different ways. This study aims to investigate how egg parasitism of a forest pest, the pine processionary moth (PPM), Thaumetopoea pityocampa, vary along an elevational gradient (190-2000 m.a.s.l.) in a mountain range of SE Spain, including areas of recent elevational expansion, for a seven years period (2008-2014). We used generalized linear mixed models to ascertain the effect of both elevation and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index (a proxy of interannual climatic conditions) on the rate of parasitism, and the occurrence probabilities of two parasitoid species: a PPM specialist and a generalist species. Since four pine species are stratified along the elevational gradient, we repeated all the analyses separately for lowlands (190-1300 m. a.s.l.) and uplands (1350-2000 m. a.s.l.). Results showed a decrease in both parasitism rate and probability of occurrence of the two main parasitoid species with elevation, although decline was more severe for the specialist species. The effect of elevation was more conspicuous and intense in uplands than in lowlands. Positive NAO winter values, associated with cold and dry winters, reduced the rate of parasitism and the probability of occurrence of the two main parasitoid species-but particularly for the generalist species-as elevation increases. In a context of climate warming, it is crucial to mitigate PPM elevational and latitudinal expansion. Increasing tree diversity at the PPM expansion areas may favor the establishment of parasitoids, which could contribute to synchronizing host- parasitoid interactions and minimize the risk of PPM outbreaks.Junta de Andalucia PN22/2008REMEDINAL TE-CM from Comunidad de Madrid S2018/EMT-4338ADAPTAMED from LIFE program LIFE14 CCA/ES/000612GILES from the ERANET-LAC H2020 Programme PCIN-2016-150Junta de Andalucia P06-RNM-189

    Associating transcription factor-binding site motifs with target GO terms and target genes

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    The roles and target genes of many transcription factors (TFs) are still unknown. To predict the roles of TFs, we present a computational method for associating Gene Ontology (GO) terms with TF-binding motifs. The method works by ranking all genes as potential targets of the TF, and reporting GO terms that are significantly associated with highly ranked genes. We also present an approach, whereby these predicted GO terms can be used to improve predictions of TF target genes. This uses a novel gene-scoring function that reflects the insight that genes annotated with GO terms predicted to be associated with the TF are more likely to be its targets. We construct validation sets of GO terms highly associated with known targets of various yeast and human TF. On the yeast reference sets, our prediction method identifies at least one correct GO term for 73% of the TF, 49% of the correct GO terms are predicted and almost one-third of the predicted GO terms are correct. Results on human reference sets are similarly encouraging. Validation of our target gene prediction method shows that its accuracy exceeds that of simple motif scanning

    Ultraweak excitations of the quantum vacuum as physical models of gravity

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    It has been argued by several authors that the space-time curvature observed in gravitational fields, and the same idea of forms of physical equivalence different from the Lorentz group, might emerge from the dynamical properties of the physical flat-space vacuum in a suitable hydrodynamic limit. To explore this idea, one could start by representing the physical vacuum as a Bose condensate of elementary quanta and look for vacuum excitations that, on a coarse grained scale, resemble the Newtonian potential. In this way, it is relatively easy to match the weak-field limit of classical General Relativity or of some of its possible variants. The idea that Bose condensates can provide various forms of gravitational dynamics is not new. Here, I want to emphasize some genuine quantum field theoretical aspects that can help to understand i) why infinitesimally weak, 1/r interactions can indeed arise from the same physical vacuum of electroweak and strong interactions and ii) why, on a coarse-grained scale, their dynamical effects can be re-absorbed into an effective curved metric structure.Comment: 30 pages, no figures, accepted by Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Genetic diversity and host alternation of the egg parasitoid Oencyrtus pityocampae between the pine processionary moth and caper bug

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    Research ArticleThe increased use of molecular tools for species identification in recent decades revealed that each of many apparently generalist parasitoids are actually a complex of morphologically similar congeners, most of which have a rather narrow host range. Ooencyrtus pityocampae (OP), an important egg parasitoid of the pine processionary moth (PPM), is considered a generalist parasitoid. OP emerges from PPM eggs after winter hibernation, mainly in spring and early summer, long before the eggs of the next PPM generation occurs. The occurrence of OP in eggs of the variegated caper bug (CB) Stenozygum coloratum in spring and summer suggests that OP populations alternate seasonally between PPM and CB. However, the identity of OP population on CB eggs seemed uncertain; unlike OP-PPM populations, the former displayed apparently high male/female ratios and lack of attraction to the PPM sex pheromone. We studied the molecular identities of the two populations since the morphological identification of the genus Ooencyrtus, and OP in particular, is difficult. Sequencing of COI and ITS2 DNA fragments and AFLP analysis of individuals from both hosts revealed no apparent differences between the OP-PPM and the OP-CB populations for both the Israeli and the Turkish OPs, which therefore supported the possibility of host alternation. Sequencing data extended our knowledge of the genetic structure of OP populations in the Mediterranean area, and revealed clear separation between East and West Mediterranean populations. The overall level of genetic diversity was rather small, with the Israeli population much less diverse than all others; possible explanations for this finding are discussed. The findings support the possibility of utilizing the CB and other hosts for enhancing biological control of the PPMinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio