10,999 research outputs found

    A mathematical characterization of vegetation effect on microwave remote sensing from the Earth

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    In passive microwave remote sensing of the earth, a theoretical model that utilizes the radiative transfer equations was developed to account for the volume scattering effects of the vegetation canopy. Vegetation canopies such as alfalfa, sorghum, and corn are simulated by a layer of ellipsoidal scatterers and cylindrical structures. The ellipsoidal scatterers represent the leaves of vegetation and are randomly positioned and oriented. The orientation of ellipsoids is characterized by a probability density function of Eulerian angles of rotation. The cylindrical structures represent the stalks of vegetation and their radii are assumed to be much smaller than their lengths. The underlying soil is represented by a half-space medium with a homogeneous permittivity and uniform temperature profile. The radiative transfer quations are solved by a numerical method using a Gaussian quadrature formula to compute both the vertical and horizontal polarized brightness temperature as a function of observation angle. The theory was applied to the interpretation of experimental data obtained from sorghum covered fields near College Station, Texas

    Spatial distribution functions of random packed granular spheres obtained by direct particle imaging

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    We measure the two-point density correlations and Voronoi cell distributions of cyclically sheared granular spheres obtained with a fluorescence technique and compare them with random packing of frictionless spheres. We find that the radial distribution function g(r)g(r) is captured by the Percus-Yevick equation for initial volume fraction ϕ=0.59\phi=0.59. However, small but systematic deviations are observed because of the splitting of the second peak as ϕ\phi is increased towards random close packing. The distribution of the Voronoi free volumes deviates from postulated Γ\Gamma distributions, and the orientational order metric Q6Q_6 shows disorder compared to numerical results reported for frictionless spheres. Overall, these measures show significant similarity of random packing of granular and frictionless spheres, but some systematic differences as well.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Surface electrical properties experiment. Part 2: Theory of radio-frequency interferometry in geophysical subsurface probing

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    The radiation fields due to a horizontal electric dipole laid on the surface of a stratified medium were calculated using a geometrical optics approximation, a modal approach, and direct numerical integration. The solutions were obtained from the reflection coefficient formulation and written in integral forms. The calculated interference patterns are compared in terms of the usefulness of the methods used to obtain them. Scattering effects are also discussed and all numerical results for anisotropic and isotropic cases are presented

    Cavity quantum electro-optics. II. Input-output relations between traveling optical and microwave fields

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    In the previous paper [M. Tsang, Phys. Rev. A 81, 063837 (2010), e-print arXiv:1003.0116], I proposed a quantum model of a cavity electro-optic modulator, which can coherently couple an optical cavity mode to a microwave resonator mode and enable novel quantum operations on the two modes, including laser cooling of the microwave mode, electro-optic entanglement, and backaction-evading optical measurement of a microwave quadrature. In this sequel, I focus on the quantum input-output relations between traveling optical and microwave fields coupled to a cavity electro-optic modulator. With red-sideband optical pumping, the relations are shown to resemble those of a beam splitter for the traveling fields, so that in the ideal case of zero parasitic loss and critical coupling, microwave photons can be coherently up-converted to "flying" optical photons with unit efficiency, and vice versa. With blue-sideband pumping, the modulator acts as a nondegenerate parametric amplifier, which can generate two-mode squeezing and hybrid entangled photon pairs at optical and microwave frequencies. These fundamental operations provide a potential bridge between circuit quantum electrodynamics and quantum optics.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, v2: updated and submitte

    Expert systems for automated maintenance of a Mars oxygen production system

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    A prototype expert system was developed for maintaining autonomous operation of a Mars oxygen production system. Normal operation conditions and failure modes according to certain desired criteria are tested and identified. Several schemes for failure detection and isolation using forward chaining, backward chaining, knowledge-based and rule-based are devised to perform several housekeeping functions. These functions include self-health checkout, an emergency shut down program, fault detection and conventional control activities. An effort was made to derive the dynamic model of the system using Bond-Graph technique in order to develop the model-based failure detection and isolation scheme by estimation method. Finally, computer simulations and experimental results demonstrated the feasibility of the expert system and a preliminary reliability analysis for the oxygen production system is also provided

    Multifractality and scale invariance in human heartbeat dynamics

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    Human heart rate is known to display complex fluctuations. Evidence of multifractality in heart rate fluctuations in healthy state has been reported [Ivanov et al., Nature {\bf 399}, 461 (1999)]. This multifractal character could be manifested as a dependence on scale or beat number of the probability density functions (PDFs) of the heart rate increments. On the other hand, scale invariance has been recently reported in a detrended analysis of healthy heart rate increments [Kiyono et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 93}, 178103 (2004)]. In this paper, we resolve this paradox by clarifying that the scale invariance reported is actually exhibited by the PDFs of the sum of detrended healthy heartbeat intervals taken over different number of beats, and demonstrating that the PDFs of detrended healthy heart rate increments are scale dependent. Our work also establishes that this scale invariance is a general feature of human heartbeat dynamics, which is shared by heart rate fluctuations in both healthy and pathological states

    Resonant Shattering of Neutron Star Crusts

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    The resonant excitation of neutron star (NS) modes by tides is investigated as a source of short gamma-ray burst (sGRB) precursors. We find that the driving of a crust-core interface mode can lead to shattering of the NS crust, liberating ~10^46-10^47 erg of energy seconds before the merger of a NS-NS or NS-black hole binary. Such properties are consistent with Swift/BAT detections of sGRB precursors, and we use the timing of the observed precursors to place weak constraints on the crust equation of state. We describe how a larger sample of precursor detections could be used alongside coincident gravitational wave detections of the inspiral by Advanced LIGO class detectors to probe the NS structure. These two types of observations nicely complement one another, since the former constrains the equation of state and structure near the crust-core boundary, while the latter is more sensitive to the core equation of state.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Accepted to PR

    Quantum theory of optical temporal phase and instantaneous frequency. II. Continuous time limit and state-variable approach to phase-locked loop design

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    We consider the continuous-time version of our recently proposed quantum theory of optical temporal phase and instantaneous frequency [Tsang, Shapiro, and Lloyd, Phys. Rev. A 78, 053820 (2008)]. Using a state-variable approach to estimation, we design homodyne phase-locked loops that can measure the temporal phase with quantum-limited accuracy. We show that post-processing can further improve the estimation performance, if delay is allowed in the estimation. We also investigate the fundamental uncertainties in the simultaneous estimation of harmonic-oscillator position and momentum via continuous optical phase measurements from the classical estimation theory perspective. In the case of delayed estimation, we find that the inferred uncertainty product can drop below that allowed by the Heisenberg uncertainty relation. Although this result seems counter-intuitive, we argue that it does not violate any basic principle of quantum mechanics.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, v2: accepted by PR