1,215 research outputs found

    Topological analysis of a haloacid permease of a Burkholderia sp. bacterium with a PhoA-LacZ reporter

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>2-Haloacids can be found in the natural environment as degradative products of natural and synthetic halogenated compounds. They can also be generated by disinfection of water and have been shown to be mutagenic and to inhibit glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity. We have recently identified a novel haloacid permease Deh4p from a bromoacetate-degrading bacterium <it>Burkholderia </it>sp. MBA4. Comparative analyses suggested that Deh4p is a member of the Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS), which includes thousands of membrane transporter proteins. Members of the MFS usually possess twelve putative transmembrane segments (TMS). Deh4p was predicted to have twelve TMS. In this study we characterized the topology of Deh4p with a PhoA-LacZ dual reporters system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty-six Deh4p-reporter recombinants were constructed and expressed in <it>E. coli</it>. Both PhoA and LacZ activities were determined in these cells. Strength indices were calculated to determine the locations of the reporters. The results mainly agree with the predicted model. However, two of the TMS were not verified. This lack of confirmation of the TMS, using a reporter, has been reported previously. Further comparative analysis of Deh4p has assigned it to the Metabolite:H<sup>+ </sup>Symporter (MHS) 2.A.1.6 family with twelve TMS. Deh4p exhibits many common features of the MHS family proteins. Deh4p is apparently a member of the MFS but with some atypical features.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The PhoA-LacZ reporter system is convenient for analysis of the topology of membrane proteins. However, due to the limitation of the biological system, verification of some of the TMS of the protein was not successful. The present study also makes use of bioinformatic analysis to verify that the haloacid permease Deh4p of <it>Burkholderia </it>sp. MBA4 is a MFS protein but with atypical features.</p

    Word learning deficit among Chinese dyslexic children

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    The present study examined word learning difficulties in Chinese dyslexic children, readers of a nonalphabetic script. A total of 105 Hong Kong Chinese children were recruited and divided into three groups: Dyslexic (mean age 8;8), CA control (mean age 8;9), and RL control (mean age 6;11). They were given a word learning task and a familiar word writing task. It was found that the Dyslexic group performed less well than the RL group in learning irregular words over trials but not the regular ones. Error analyses showed that the Dyslexic group made more orthographic and word association errors but less intra-wordlist interference errors than the RL control group. The Dyslexic group also performed significantly less well than both control groups in writing familiar words (e.g. their own name). These findings suggest that Chinese dyslexic children have difficulty learning new words, especially irregular ones, and retaining overlearned words in long-term memory. We conclude that Chinese dyslexic children have a specific impairment in word learning like their alphabetic counterparts. © 2006 Cambridge University Press.published_or_final_versio

    Regional differences in attenuation modelling for Eastern China

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    This paper describes the development of seismological models for three sub-regions within Eastern China. An important feature of the modelling is that two main types of local data were used to determine parameters for input into the seismological model. Shear wave velocity data was used in Step One of the procedure for deriving the upper crustal factors which are part of the seismological model. Two further steps were involved in incorporating the historical Intensity (MMI) data into the modelling. In Step Two, the simulated peak ground velocity (PGV) values were converted to MMI values, and site factor was calculated by dividing the inferred PGV value by the respective simulated PGV value for each given (short distance) earthquake scenario. In Step Three, the quality (Q) factor of the seismological model for each sub-region was calibrated in accordance with the criterion that site factors inferred from records of long distance earthquakes in the database match with the median site factor obtained in Step Two for short distance earthquakes. Importantly, the Q values obtained by this calibration method were highly consistent with Coda Q values (obtained for each sub-region from a previous study by Jin and Aki based on analysing records of local earth tremors). The calibrated Q values in combination with the developed crustal factors and geometrical attenuation factor constitute the regional seismological model for Eastern China. The seismological model so developed takes into account intra-regional differences and has been used to simulate strong ground motions by the stochastic method for assessing the potential seismic hazards in the region. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.postprin

    Screening for Chinese children with dyslexia in Hong Kong: The use of the teachers' behaviour checklist

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    Primary school teachers rated the frequency of occurrence of 65 reading-related behavioural characteristics in a sample of 251 Grade 1 to Grade 6 Chinese school children in Hong Kong. These behavioural characteristics were in the areas of general performance, reading, dictation, writing, mathematics, language, memory, concentration, sequential ability, motor co-ordination, spatial orientation, and social/emotional adjustment. Of these 12 areas, 10 yielded scale scores that could distinguish children with dyslexia from those without dyslexia, identified on the basis of their performance in five domains of literacy and cognitive skills. Using a summary score derived from the 10 relevant scales, an optimal cut-off score was suggested to arrive at a balance between high sensitivity and an acceptable rate of false positives in screening for children with dyslexia. The need for cross-replication in screening children with dyslexia using the behaviour checklist with different samples of school students is emphasised.published_or_final_versio

    Estimating incidence of developmental dyslexia in Hong Kong: What differences do different criteria make?

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    Based on the data of a school-referred sample of Cantonese-speaking Chinese children who met the Hong Kong criterion of dyslexia, we estimated for developmental dyslexia of Chinese children aged between 6 and 10½ in Hong Kong an incidence rate of 0.66% and a gender ratio of 3.29 boys to 1 girl over a four-year period. We also explored the differences in estimates based on this Hong Kong criterion that emphasizes cognitive markers with more conventional discrepancy-based criteria. In view of the possible biases in self-selection and underreporting in the data of the school-referred sample, we compared the figures with those derived from the sample of the normative study of the Hong Kong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing, which yielded an estimate of 9.7% in prevalence rate and boy-girl gender ratio of 2 to 1 over a one-year period. The differences in estimates based on the two samples and implications of the findings are discussed in light of the limitations of the study.postprin

    An unusual S-adenosylmethionine synthetase gene from dinoflagellate is methylated

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    Background: S-Adenosylmethionine synthetase (AdoMetS) catalyzes the formation of S-Adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), the major methyl group donor in cells. AdoMet-mediated methylation of DNA is known to have regulatory effects on DNA transcription and chromosome structure. Transcription of environmental-responsive genes was demonstrated to be mediated via DNA methylation in dinoflagellates. Results: A full-length cDNA encoding AdoMetS was cloned from the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the CcAdoMetS gene, is associated with the clade of higher plant orthrologues, and not to the clade of the animal orthrologues. Surprisingly, three extra stretches of residues ( 8 to 19 amino acids) were found on CcAdoMetS, when compared to other members of this usually conserved protein family. Modeled on the bacterial AdeMetS, two of the extra loops are located close to the methionine binding site. Despite this, the CcAdoMetS was able to rescue the corresponding mutant of budding yeast. Southern analysis, coupled with methylation-sensitive and insensitive enzyme digestion of C. cohnii genomic DNA, demonstrated that the AdoMetS gene is itself methylated. The increase in digestibility of methylation-sensitive enzymes on AdoMet synthetase gene observed following the addition of DNA methylation inhibitors L-ethionine and 5-azacytidine suggests the presence of cytosine methylation sites within CcAdoMetS gene. During the cell cycle, both the transcript and protein levels of CcAdoMetS peaked at the G1 phase. L- ethionine was able to delay the cell cycle at the entry of S phase. A cell cycle delay at the exit of G2/M phase was induced by 5-azacytidine. Conclusion: The present study demonstrates a major role of AdoMet-mediated DNA methylation in the regulation of cell proliferation and that the CcAdoMetS gene is itself methylated

    Three-dimensional graphene based passively mode-locked fiber laser

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    © 2014 Optical Society of America. We present an all-fiber passively mode-locked fiber laser incorporating three-dimensional (3D) graphene as a saturable absorber (SA) for the first time to the best of our knowledge. The 3D graphene is synthesized by template-directed chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The SA is then simply formed by sandwiching the freestanding 3D graphene between two conventional fiber connectors without any deposition process. It is demonstrated that such 3D graphene based SA is capable to produce high quality mode-locked pulses. A passively mode-locked fiber laser is constructed and stable output pulses with a fundamental repetition rate of ∼9.9 MHz and a pulse width of ∼1 ps are generated from the fiber laser. The average output power of the laser is ∼10.5 mW while the output pulse is operating at single pulse region. The results imply that the freestanding 3D graphene can be applied as an effective saturable absorption material for passively mode-locked lasers

    Expanding the clinical phenotype in patients with disease causing variants associated with atypical Usher syndrome

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    Atypical Usher syndrome (USH) is poorly defined with a broad clinical spectrum. Here, we characterize the clinical phenotype of disease caused by variants in CEP78, CEP250, ARSG, and ABHD12. Chart review evaluating demographic, clinical, imaging, and genetic findings of 19 patients from 18 families with a clinical diagnosis of retinal disease and confirmed disease-causing variants in CEP78, CEP250, ARSG, or ABHD12. CEP78-related disease included sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in 6/7 patients and demonstrated a broad phenotypic spectrum including: vascular attenuation, pallor of the optic disc, intraretinal pigment, retinal pigment epithelium mottling, areas of mid-peripheral hypo-autofluorescence, outer retinal atrophy, mild pigmentary changes in the macula, foveal hypo-autofluorescence, and granularity of the ellipsoid zone. Nonsense and frameshift variants in CEP250 showed mild retinal disease with progressive, non-congenital SNHL. ARSG variants resulted in a characteristic pericentral pattern of hypo-autofluorescence with one patient reporting non-congenital SNHL. ABHD12-related disease showed rod-cone dystrophy with macular involvement, early and severe decreased best corrected visual acuity, and non-congenital SNHL ranging from unreported to severe. This study serves to expand the clinical phenotypes of atypical USH. Given the variable findings, atypical USH should be considered in patients with peripheral and macular retinal disease even without the typical RP phenotype especially when SNHL is noted. Additionally, genetic screening may be useful in patients who have clinical symptoms and retinal findings even in the absence of known SNHL given the variability of atypical USH
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