264 research outputs found

    Vortex-lattice pinning in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We investigate the vortex-lattice structure for single- and two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in the presence of an optical lattice, which acts as a pinning potential for the vortices. The problem is considered in the mean-field quantum-Hall regime, which is reached when the rotation frequency Ω\Omega of the condensate in a radially symmetric trap approaches the (radial) trapping frequency ω\omega and the interactions between the atoms are weak. We determine the vortex-lattice phase diagram as a function of optical-lattice strength and geometry. In the limit of strong pinning the vortices are always pinned at the maxima of the optical-lattice potential, similar to the slow-rotation case. At intermediate pinning strength, however, due to the competition between interactions and pinning energy, a structure arises for the two-component case where the vortices are pinned on lines of minimal potential

    Thermotunnel refrigerator with vacuum/insulator tunnel barrier: A theoretical analysis

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    The authors use two insulator layers in thermotunnel refrigerator to modify the shape of the tunneling barrier so that electrons with high kinetic energy pass it with increased probability. Theoretical analysis show that the overall tunneling current between the electrodes contains an increased number of high kinetic energy electrons and a reduced number of low energy ones, leading to high efficiency. The particular case of vacuum gap and solid insulator layer is calculated using digital methods. Efficiency remains high in the wide range of the emitter electric field. The cooling coefficient is found to be as high as 40%-50% in the wide range of the emitter electric field.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Pinning and collective modes of a vortex lattice in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We consider the ground state of vortices in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate that is loaded in a corotating two-dimensional optical lattice. Due to the competition between vortex interactions and their potential energy, the vortices arrange themselves in various patterns, depending on the strength of the optical potential and the vortex density. We outline a method to determine the phase diagram for arbitrary vortex filling factor. Using this method, we discuss several filling factors explicitly. For increasing strength of the optical lattice, the system exhibits a transition from the unpinned hexagonal lattice to a lattice structure where all the vortices are pinned by the optical lattice. The geometry of this fully pinned vortex lattice depends on the filling factor and is either square or triangular. For some filling factors there is an intermediate half-pinned phase where only half of the vortices is pinned. We also consider the case of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate, where the possible coexistence of the above-mentioned phases further enriches the phase diagram. In addition, we calculate the dispersion of the low-lying collective modes of the vortex lattice and find that, depending on the structure of the ground state, they can be gapped or gapless. Moreover, in the half-pinned and fully pinned phases, the collective mode dispersion is anisotropic. Possible experiments to probe the collective mode spectrum, and in particular the gap, are suggested.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, changes in section

    Inductively coupled plasmas sustained by an internal oscillating current

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    A global electromagnetic model of an inductively coupled plasma sustained by an internal oscillating current sheet in a cylindrical metal vessel is developed. The electromagnetic field structure, profiles of the rf power transferred to the plasma electrons, electron/ion number density, and working points of the discharge are studied, by invoking particle and power balance. It is revealed that the internal rf current with spatially invariable phase significantly improves the radial uniformity of the electromagnetic fields and the power density in the chamber as compared with conventional plasma sources with external flat spiral inductive coils. This configuration offers the possibility of controlling the rf power deposition in the azimuthal direction
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