4,339 research outputs found

    The Key Success Factors of Wearable Computing Devices: An User-Centricity Perspective

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    In modern electronic business era, the currently popular topic of wearable computing devices (WCD) has prompted foreign and local industry players to look proactively into various WCD-related developments, including the external appearances of WCD hardware, software applications, human-device interface designs, and the appearances of WCDs expected by general users. Setting aside the necessary functional specifications and application requirements of WCDs, the wearing habits that general users have already developed is a more fundamental consideration. These habits should form the basis for the design of both WCD hardware and software at the technological level. In this paper, an analysis is made of the items that general users customarily wear and the purpose(s) and frequency of wearing them. The findings will serve as a reference for industry players who wish to enter the WCD market

    Design of a Multi-Host Shared Memory Services System

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    Memory cache is one kind of memory, through which data and objects are stored, thereby reducing the time required to access the database and hard disk I/O, and achieving accelerated technology effects by a significant application in large-scale web systems. In this paper, we design Memcahed Helper (MH), based on a set of memcached with the scalability of a distributed memory cache system, in line with the progress of the cloud environment. The experimental results show that this system and the more efficient use of memory, provides better performance and speed

    Facial Expression Synthesis Based on Imitation

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    [[abstract]]It is an interesting and challenging problem to synthesise vivid facial expression images. In this paper, we propose a facial expression synthesis system which imitates a reference facial expression image according to the difference between shape feature vectors of the neutral image and expression image. To improve the result, two stages of postprocessing are involved. We focus on the facial expressions of happiness, sadness, and surprise. Experimental results show vivid and flexible results.[[incitationindex]]SCI[[incitationindex]]EI[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子

    Upstream process optimization to support efficient HEK293 cell growth and adenovirus production

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    Development of effective vaccines against emerging and re-emerging pathogens is a worldwide public health priority. In response to the current pandemic, global vaccine manufacturers have developed several types of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, including adenovirus (AdV)-vector based vaccines. Production of viral vector vaccines requires optimization of several cell culture parameters. Using wildtype AdV type 5 infection with suspension HEK293 cells as a model system, we evaluated various conditions (including time of harvest, multiplicity of infection (MOI), cell density, insulin supplementation, and temperature shift) to optimize adenovirus production. In addition, we evaluated cell growth and AdV5 production in different chemically defined media and feeds. Viral titers were quantified by qPCR, TCID50 and Focus Forming Assay (FFA). While GibcoTM CD 293TM Medium supports comparable cell density to other commercially available media, cell density attained in GibcoTM DynamisTM Medium was \u3e2-fold higher. Predictably, upon AdV5 infection, cell density and cell viability decreased for all infected cultures from 2 to 7 days post infection (dpi). Addition of feed on 0 and 2dpi (with temperature downshift on 3dpi), resulted in peak AdV titers on 4 or 5 dpi for DynamisTM Medium and CD 293TM Medium, respectively. The AdV5 titers in both DynamisTM Medium and CD 293TM Medium showed comparable or better peak titers than other commercially available media. Furthermore, peak virus titers were not dependent on insulin in either DynamisTM Medium or CD 293TM Medium. Finally, infectivity assays (TCID50 assays and FFA) confirmed the AdV5 titers obtained with qPCR. Overall, these results demonstrate DynamisTM Medium and CD 293TM Medium can effectively support HEK293 cell growth and high adenovirus production

    Modeling the pulse signal by wave-shape function and analyzing by synchrosqueezing transform

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    We apply the recently developed adaptive non-harmonic model based on the wave-shape function, as well as the time-frequency analysis tool called synchrosqueezing transform (SST) to model and analyze oscillatory physiological signals. To demonstrate how the model and algorithm work, we apply them to study the pulse wave signal. By extracting features called the spectral pulse signature, {and} based on functional regression, we characterize the hemodynamics from the radial pulse wave signals recorded by the sphygmomanometer. Analysis results suggest the potential of the proposed signal processing approach to extract health-related hemodynamics features

    Adiposity, its related biologic risk factors, and suicide: a cohort study of 542,088 Taiwanese adults

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    Recent studies in Western nations have shown inverse associations between body mass index (BMI, measured as weight (kg)/height (m)(2)) and suicide. However, it is uncertain whether the association is similar in non-Western settings, and the biologic pathways underlying the association are unclear. The authors investigated these issues in a cohort of 542,088 Taiwanese people 20 years of age or older who participated in a health check-up program (1994-2008); there were 573 suicides over a mean 8.1 years of follow up. There was a J-shaped association between BMI and suicide risk (P for the quadratic term = 0.033) but limited evidence of a linear association (adjusted hazard ratio per 1-standard-deviation increase = 0.95 (95% confidence interval: 0.85, 1.06)); compared with individuals whose BMI was 18.5-22.9, adjusted hazard ratios for those with a BMI /=35 were 1.56 (95% confidence interval: 1.07, 2.28) and 3.62 (95% confidence interval: 1.59, 8.22), respectively. A high waist-to-hip ratio was associated with an increased risk of suicide. There was some evidence for a reverse J-shaped association of systolic blood pressure and high density lipoprotein cholesterol with suicide and an association of higher triglyceride level with increased suicide risk; these associations did not appear to mediate the associations of BMI and waist-to-hip ratio with suicide.postprin