44 research outputs found

    West Africa Regional Training On the Improved NextGen Seasonal Forecasting Approach (PyCPT 2)

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    From October 10-19, a nine-day training targeting West Africa (WA) was implemented in Lomé, Togo by the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) of the Columbia Climate School, in close collaboration with the Regional Center for Training and Application in Agrometeorology and Operational Hydrology (AGRHYMET) and Meteo Togo. The workshop, which was organized as part of the World Bank’s Accelerating the Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project, brought together 7 national meteorological services from the WA region, as well as its regional climate center (AGRHYMET) to improve seasonal forecasting capacities using the “NextGen” approach and its concomitant PyCPT version 2 interface (PyCPT2). In particular, the major objectives of the training were to strengthen the knowledge and understanding of national meteorological services of seasonal forecasting tools, introduce the new advances and functionalities of the Python (PyCPT2) interface for the NextGen forecasting approach, configure and run PyCPT version 2 to make the best-available forecasts in participants’ home countries, including forecast verification, and provide foundational training on best practices for forecast communication including the flexible forecast format

    Scaling Out the Next Generation of Seasonal Climate Forecasts in Africa

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    AICCRA is supporting African National Meteorological Services (NMS) and Regional Climate Centres to implement Next Generation (NextGen) seasonal and sub-seasonal climate forecast systems and an improved online Flexible Forecast presentation. This brief describes the NextGen forecast system and the transformative presentation of these forecasts using an interactive web interface (Flexible Forecast Maproom), summarizes AICCRA training and support to scale out these forecast tools, and introduces a workshop process developed to equip farmers to take advantage of the Next Generation of seasonal forecasts and the Flexible Forecast Maproom

    Senegal Climate Risk Management for Agriculture Curriculum Design Workshop

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    The Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project aims to benefit millions of smallholder farmers in Senegal and five other target countries through climate information services and climate smart agriculture. Strengthening the capacity of next users, particularly agricultural extension and advisory service (EAS) providers who work to support farmers in Senegal and five other target countries, is crucial to achieving this goal. Therefore, AICCRA gathered the key EAS partners and stakeholders in a 5-day workshop, held in Dakar, 5-9 December 2022, to: • design a curriculum to strengthen the capacity of EAS providers to incorporate climate services in their work with Senegal’s farmers and agropastoralists, and • formulate a roadmap for implementing the curriculum

    Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Extension

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    A two-week training of trainers (ToT) workshop was implemented from June 7-18, 2021, in Adama, Ethiopia by the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) of the Columbia Climate School and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) in East Africa. The workshop, which was organized as part of the World Bank’s Accelerating the Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project and in close collaboration with the Adapting Agriculture to Climate Today, for Tomorrow (ACToday) Columbia World Project, brought together various professionals from the Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) colleges, the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), and the National Meteorological Agency (NMA) to pilot a four-module curriculum aimed at improving climate risk management in agricultural extension

    Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Extension (CRMAE) Curriculum: Training of Trainers for Senegal’s Agricultural Extension System

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    A nine-day training of trainers (ToT) workshop on the Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Extension (CRMAE) curriculum was convened from March 6-15, 2023, in Saly, Senegal with the country’s main extension and advisory service (EAS) providers from both the public and private sectors. The workshop, which was organized as part of the World Bank’s Accelerating the Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project, brought these EAS providers together to train them on a new co-produced and competency-based curriculum to build foundational knowledge and skills to manage climate risk in agriculture. In particular, the curriculum aims to help EAS providers to take advantage of best-available and location-specific climate information products and tools in Senegal, including those freely available and accessible online through the National Agency for Civil Aviation and Meteorology (ANACIM) to better plan for, manage, and respond to a changing and varying climate

    Ag-Data Hub Webinar with Senegal’s Agricultural Extension and Advisory Service Providers

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    A webinar on the topic of Senegal’s newly launched Ag-Data Hub was convened with Senegal’s main public and private agricultural extension and advisory service (EAS) providers on April 27, 2023. The webinar, which was organized as part of the World Bank’s Accelerating the Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project, brought together EAS providers who were involved in the co-production, training of trainers (ToT), and upcoming pilot of the newly developed Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Extension (CRMAE) curriculum to learn more about the Ag-Data Bub incorporated within the curriculum’s Module 2 covering climate information and tools available for agriculture in Senegal. The Ag-Data Hub integrates data from multiple sources to help farmers and those who support them such as EAS to make informed decisions such as about which crops or varieties to plant in a given location, when to sow them, and more