34 research outputs found

    Perpetual emulation threshold of PT-symmetric Hamiltonians

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    We describe a technique to emulate a two-level \PT-symmetric spin Hamiltonian, replete with gain and loss, using only the unitary dynamics of a larger quantum system. This we achieve by embedding the two-level system in question in a subspace of a four-level Hamiltonian. Using an \textit{amplitude recycling} scheme that couples the levels exterior to the \PT-symmetric subspace, we show that it is possible to emulate the desired behaviour of the \PT-symmetric Hamiltonian without depleting the exterior, reservoir levels. We are thus able to extend the emulation time indefinitely, despite the non-unitary \PT dynamics. We propose a realistic experimental implementation using dynamically decoupled magnetic sublevels of ultracold atoms.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Synthetic clock transitions via continuous dynamical decoupling

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    Decoherence of quantum systems due to uncontrolled fluctuations of the environment presents fundamental obstacles in quantum science. `Clock' transitions which are insensitive to such fluctuations are used to improve coherence, however, they are not present in all systems or for arbitrary system parameters. Here, we create a trio of synthetic clock transitions using continuous dynamical decoupling in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate in which we observe a reduction of sensitivity to magnetic field noise of up to four orders of magnitude; this work complements the parallel work by Anderson et al. (submitted, 2017). In addition, using a concatenated scheme, we demonstrate suppression of sensitivity to fluctuations in our control fields. These field-insensitive states represent an ideal foundation for the next generation of cold atom experiments focused on fragile many-body phases relevant to quantum magnetism, artificial gauge fields, and topological matter.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Supplemental material

    Fourier transform spectroscopy of a spin-orbit coupled Bose gas

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    We describe a Fourier transform spectroscopy technique for directly measuring band structures, and apply it to a spin-1 spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate. In our technique, we suddenly change the Hamiltonian of the system by adding a spin-orbit coupling interaction and measure populations in different spin states during the subsequent unitary evolution. We then reconstruct the spin and momentum resolved spectrum from the peak frequencies of the Fourier transformed populations. In addition, by periodically modulating the Hamiltonian, we tune the spin-orbit coupling strength and use our spectroscopy technique to probe the resulting dispersion relation. The frequency resolution of our method is limited only by the coherent evolution timescale of the Hamiltonian and can otherwise be applied to any system, for example, to measure the band structure of atoms in optical lattice potentials

    (py)LIon: a package for simulating trapped ion trajectories

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    The (py)LIon package is a set of tools to simulate the classical trajectories of ensembles of ions in electrodynamic traps. Molecular dynamics simulations are performed using LAMMPS, an efficient and feature-rich program. (py)LIon has been validated by comparison with the analytic theory describing ion trap dynamics. Notable features include GPU-accelerated force calculations, and treating collections of ions as rigid bodies to enable investigations of the rotational dynamics of large, mesoscopic charged particles.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Sub-Doppler laser cooling of potassium atoms

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    We investigate sub-Doppler laser cooling of bosonic potassium isotopes, whose small hyperfine splitting has so far prevented cooling below the Doppler temperature. We find instead that the combination of a dark optical molasses scheme that naturally arises in this kind of systems and an adiabatic ramping of the laser parameters allows to reach sub-Doppler temperatures for small laser detunings. We demonstrate temperatures as low as 25(3)microK and 47(5)microK in high-density samples of the two isotopes 39K and 41K, respectively. Our findings will find application to other atomic systems.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Repeated Measurements with Minimally Destructive Partial-Transfer Absorption Imaging

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    We demonstrate partial-transfer absorption imaging as a technique for repeatedly imaging an ultracold atomic ensemble with minimal perturbation. We prepare an atomic cloud in a state that is dark to the imaging light. We then use a microwave pulse to coherently transfer a small fraction of the ensemble to a bright state, which we image using in situ absorption imaging. The amplitude or duration of the microwave pulse controls the fractional transfer from the dark to the bright state. For small transfer fractions, we can image the atomic cloud up to 50 times before it is depleted. As a sample application, we repeatedly image an atomic cloud oscillating in a dipole trap to measure the trap frequency

    Unconventional topology with a Rashba spin-orbit coupled quantum gas

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    Topological order can be found in a wide range of physical systems, from crystalline solids, photonic meta-materials and even atmospheric waves to optomechanic, acoustic and atomic systems. Topological systems are a robust foundation for creating quantized channels for transporting electrical current, light, and atmospheric disturbances. These topological effects are quantified in terms of integer-valued invariants, such as the Chern number, applicable to the quantum Hall effect, or the Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 invariant suitable for topological insulators. Here we engineered Rashba spin-orbit coupling for a cold atomic gas giving non-trivial topology, without the underlying crystalline structure that conventionally yields integer Chern numbers. We validated our procedure by spectroscopically measuring the full dispersion relation, that contained only a single Dirac point. We measured the quantum geometry underlying the dispersion relation and obtained the topological index using matter-wave interferometry. In contrast to crystalline materials, where topological indices take on integer values, our continuum system reveals an unconventional half-integer Chern number, potentially implying new forms of topological transport