4 research outputs found

    Welcoming Ukrainians: The Hosts' Perspective

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    A new report by More in Common finds that one year on from its launch the Homes for Ukraine scheme has been a broad success that should be celebrated and learned from. Drawing on public opinion research and a survey of over 1200 Homes for Ukraine hosts, More in Common finds: Support for the UK taking in refugees from Ukraine is strong and consistently so.The hosts' experience of the scheme has been overwhelmingly positive.Hosts and guests matched in a variety of ways.The community of hosts come from across British society.Most hosts are willing to continue hosting their guests, and would be willing to host new Ukrainian guests, either immediately or after a break.Hosts are open about the challenges they face and those their guests face as they settle in the UK.The key challenge hosts identified was the lack of support helping their guests to find appropriate alternative accommodation.Support from the government and local authorities has been patchy.There's an opportunity to build on the success of the Homes for Ukraine model across other welcoming efforts

    Britons and Refugees: The last six months

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    Our research shows that when it comes to immigration simply proposing ever more punitive measures won't hold the Tory coalition together. While the Rwanda plan might resonate with some parts of the Tory base it is toxic to others. Instead, a policy that could reach across both blue and red walls needs to balance tough action against people smugglers and detering small boats with compassion and humane treatment for those fleeing persecution

    Core business

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