85 research outputs found

    Knee Dislocation: Comprehensive Rehabilitation Program after Two-Stage Ligament Reconstruction

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    Knee dislocation is a multi-structure injury that usually requires surgical treatment. One of procedures is two-stage reconstruction that gives possibility to carry out rehabilitation after each of the stages in accordance with the requirements resulting from graft anatomy and biomechanics of the joint. The aim of the study is to analyze possibilities of using created rehabilitation program and to evaluate its effectiveness in a young woman who suffered an accident while practicing sports. The study of peak power shows differences between limbs primarily in maximum strength of the quadriceps muscle. With increasing load, differences in power in knee extension were 32, 17, and 61%. The rate of power development examination on force platform showed similar possibilities of operated and unoperated limb (best 19.5 cm test, 70–74 W/kg/s), however, in each subsequent trial operated limb achieved a worse result, which was not observed in healthy limb. Good results in Lysholm and IKDC 2000 knee assessment questionnaire (in sequence 95 and 81.6 points) 6 months after completed rehabilitation indicate good functional preparation of the joint, which is additionally confirmed by the jump test. Peak power test indicates the need to increase the elements of strength and endurance training in rehabilitation

    Acute Effects of Different Blood Flow Restriction Protocols on Bar Velocity During the Squat Exercise

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    The main goal of the present study was to evaluate the effects of different blood flow restriction (BFR) protocols (continuous and intermittent) on peak bar velocity (PV) and mean bar velocity (MV) during the squat exercise at progressive loads, from 40 to 90% 1RM. Eleven healthy men (age = 23.4 ± 3.1 years; body mass = 88.5 ± 12.1 kg; squat 1RM = 183.2 ± 30.7 kg; resistance training experience, 5.7 ± 3.6 years) performed experimental sessions once a week for 3 weeks in random and counterbalanced order: without BFR (NO-BFR), with intermittent BFR (I-BFR), and with continuous BFR (C-BFR). During the experimental session, the participants performed six sets of the barbell squat exercise with loads from 40 to 90% 1RM. In each set, they performed two repetitions. During the C-BFR session, the cuffs were maintained throughout the training session. During the I-BFR, the cuffs were used only during the exercise and released for each rest interval. The BFR pressure was set to ∼80% arterial occlusion pressure (AOP). Analyses of variance showed a statistically significant interaction for MV (p < 0.02; η2 = 0.18). However, the post hoc analysis did not show significant differences between particular conditions for particular loads. There was no significant condition × load interaction for PV (p = 0.16; η2 = 0.13). Furthermore, there were no main effects for conditions in MV (p = 0.38; η2 = 0.09) as well as in PV (p = 0.94; η2 = 0.01). The results indicate that the different BFR protocols used during lower body resistance exercises did not reduce peak bar velocity and mean bar velocity during the squat exercise performed with various loads

    Application of peripheral nerve conduits in clinical practice: A literature review

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    Understanding the pathomechanisms behind peripheral nerve damage and learning the course of regeneration seem to be crucial for selecting the appropriate methods of treatment. Autografts are currently the gold standard procedure in nerve reconstruction. However, due to the frequency of complications resulting from autografting and a desire to create a better environment for the regeneration of the damaged nerve, artificial conduits have become an approved alternative treatment method. The aim of this mini-review is to present the nerve scaffolds that have been applied in clinical practice to date, and the potential directions of developments in nerve conduit bioengineering. Articles regarding construction and characterization of nerve conduits were used as the theoretical background. All papers, available in PubMed database since 2000, presenting results of application of artificial nerve conduits in clinical trials were included into this mini-review. Fourteen studies including ≤10 patients and 10 trials conducted on >10 patients were analyzed as well as 24 papers focused on artificial nerve conduits per se. Taking into consideration the experiences of the authors investigating nerve conduits in clinical trials, it is essential to point out the emergence of bioresorbable scaffolds, which in the future may significantly change the treatment of peripheral nerve injuries. Also worth mentioning among the advanced conduits are hybrid conduits, which combine several modifications of a synthetic material to provide the optimal regeneration of a damaged nerve

    Application of deep oscillation therapy in the treatment of peripheral arterial diseases

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    Intermittent claudication is a common symptom of peripheral arterial disease, affecting up to 50% of patients over the age of 50, which is characterized by pain, discomfort, and cramping in the leg muscles during physical activity. Intermittent claudication is a common symptom of lower extremity arterial disease (LEAD), which significantly impacts patients’ quality of life and drives healthcare costs. Current treatments for intermittent claudication are often inadequate, leading to a need for more effective treatments. Developing new treatments is critical to improve outcomes for patients and address the public health implications of LEAD. This study’s aim was to present the impact of comprehensive physiotherapy, conducted independently, with the supervision of a physiotherapist, for 14 weeks, on a patient with intermittent claudication caused by peripheral arterial disease. The therapy included bicycle training in a form of physical therapy at home, combined with deep oscillation therapy. Deep oscillation therapy involved the use of an electrostatic field with a frequency of 5 to 250 Hz. The field was applied following the lymphatic drainage methodology. In the discussed case, a statistically significant and favourable increase in the measured variables was observed, such as the increase of bone-brachial index from 0.65 to 0.8, the increase of tissue perfusion, measured by laser Doppler flowmetry, from 12.3% to 61%, depending on the measurement site, and the increase in pain-free walking distance by 451%. TcPO2 measurement in the affected leg increased from 31 to 48 mmHg. The use of physical therapy at home combined with deep oscillation showed improvements in pain-free walking distance, Ankle Brachial Index, and other measures in patients with peripheral arterial disease. Deep oscillation therapy demonstrated potential analgesic effects but also raised concerns about possible nerve damage. The study indicated that physical therapy at home might serve as an alternative to supervised exercise therapy, but it had limitations like a small sample size and lack of direct comparisons

    Application of deep oscillation therapy in the treatment of peripheral arterial diseases

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    Intermittent claudication is a common symptom of peripheral arterial disease, affecting up to 50% of patients over the age of 50, which is characterized by pain, discomfort, and cramping in the leg muscles during physical activity. Intermittent claudication is a common symptom of lower extremity arterial disease (LEAD), which significantly impacts patients’ quality of life and drives healthcare costs. Current treatments for intermittent claudication are often inadequate, leading to a need for more effective treatments. Developing new treatments is critical to improve outcomes for patients and address the public health implications of LEAD. This study’s aim was to present the impact of comprehensive physiotherapy, conducted independently, with the supervision of a physiotherapist, for 14 weeks, on a patient with intermittent claudication caused by peripheral arterial disease. The therapy included bicycle training in a form of physical therapy at home, combined with deep oscillation therapy. Deep oscillation therapy involved the use of an electrostatic field with a frequency of 5 to 250 Hz. The field was applied following the lymphatic drainage methodology. In the discussed case, a statistically significant and favourable increase in the measured variables was observed, such as the increase of bone-brachial index from 0.65 to 0.8, the increase of tissue perfusion, measured by laser Doppler flowmetry, from 12.3% to 61%, depending on the measurement site, and the increase in pain-free walking distance by 451%. TcPO2 measurement in the affected leg increased from 31 to 48 mmHg. The use of physical therapy at home combined with deep oscillation showed improvements in pain-free walking distance, Ankle Brachial Index, and other measures in patients with peripheral arterial disease. Deep oscillation therapy demonstrated potential analgesic effects but also raised concerns about possible nerve damage. The study indicated that physical therapy at home might serve as an alternative to supervised exercise therapy, but it had limitations like a small sample size and lack of direct comparison

    Dwusetny kilometr cementowania w Łodzi

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    Każdy eksploatator sieci wodociągowej, nie tylko w Polsce, ale i na świecie, boryka się z tym samym problemem brudnych, zarośniętych i skorodowanych rurociągów. Zadajemy sobie wtedy pytanie: remontować czy wymieniać? Zakład Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o. w Łodzi (ZWiK) jako pierwszy w Polsce w 1991 r. rozpoczął remonty magistral wodociągowych metodą cementowania