342 research outputs found

    Hilbert functions of socle ideals

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    In this paper, we explore a relationship between Hilbert functions and the irreducible decompositions of ideals in local rings. Applications are given to characterize the regularity, Gorensteinness, Cohen-Macaulayness and sequentially Cohen-Macaulayness of local rings.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1504.0604

    Face Alignment Using Active Shape Model And Support Vector Machine

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    The Active Shape Model (ASM) is one of the most popular local texture models for face alignment. It applies in many fields such as locating facial features in the image, face synthesis, etc. However, the experimental results show that the accuracy of the classical ASM for some applications is not high. This paper suggests some improvements on the classical ASM to increase the performance of the model in the application: face alignment. Four of our major improvements include: i) building a model combining Sobel filter and the 2-D profile in searching face in image; ii) applying Canny algorithm for the enhancement edge on image; iii) Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to classify landmarks on face, in order to determine exactly location of these landmarks support for ASM; iv)automatically adjust 2-D profile in the multi-level model based on the size of the input image. The experimental results on Caltech face database and Technical University of Denmark database (imm_face) show that our proposed improvement leads to far better performance.Comment: 11 pages and 11 figure

    Asymptotic Behaviour of Parameter Ideals in Generalized Cohen-Macaulay Modules

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    The purpose of this paper is to give affirmative answers to two open questions as follows. Let (R, \m) be a generalized Cohen-Macaulay Noetherian local ring. Both questions, the first question was raised by M. Rogers \cite {R} and the second one is due to S. Goto and H. Sakurai \cite {GS1}, ask whether for every parameter ideal \q contained in a high enough power of the maximal ideal \m the following statements are true: (1) The index of reducibility N_R(\q;R) is independent of the choice of \q; and (2) I^2=\q I, where I=\q:_R\m.Comment: 12 page

    Parametric Decomposition of Powers of Parameter Ideals and Sequentially Cohen-Macaulay Modules

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    Let MM be a finitely generated module of dimension dd over a Noetherian local ring (R,\m) and \q the parameter ideal generated by a system of parameters \x = (x_1,..., x_d) of MM. For each positive integer nn, set Ξ›d,n={Ξ±=(Ξ±1,...,Ξ±d)∈Zd∣αiβ©Ύ1,βˆ€1β©½iβ©½dandβˆ‘i=1dΞ±i=d+nβˆ’1}\Lambda_{d,n}=\{\alpha =(\alpha_1,...,\alpha_d)\in\Bbb{Z}^d|\alpha_i\geqslant 1, \forall 1\leqslant i\leqslant d \text{and} \sum\limits_{i=1}^d\alpha_i=d+n-1\} and \qa = (x_1^{\alpha_1},...,x_d^{\alpha_d}). Then we prove in this note that MM is a sequentially Cohen-Macaulay module if and only if there exists a certain system of parameters \x such that the equality \q^nM=\pd holds true for all nn. As an application of this result, we can compute the Hilbert-Samuel polynomial of a sequentially Cohen-Macaulay module with respect to certain parameter idealsComment: 10 page

    On the index of reducibility in Noetherian modules

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    Let MM be a finitely generated module over a Noetherian ring RR and NN a submodule. The index of reducibility irM(N)_M(N) is the number of irreducible submodules that appear in an irredundant irreducible decomposition of NN (this number is well defined by a classical result of Emmy Noether). Then the main results of this paper are: (1) irM(N)=βˆ‘p∈AssR(M/N)dim⁑k(p)Soc(M/N)p\mathrm{ir}_M(N) = \sum_{{\frak p} \in \mathrm{Ass}_R(M/N)} \dim_{k(\frak p)} \mathrm{Soc}(M/N)_{\frak p} ; (2) For an irredundant primary decomposition of N=Q1βˆ©β‹―βˆ©QnN = Q_1 \cap \cdots \cap Q_n, where QiQ_i is pi\frak p_i-primary, then irM(N)=irM(Q1)+β‹―+irM(Qn)\mathrm{ir}_M(N) = \mathrm{ir}_M(Q_1) + \cdots + \mathrm{ir}_M(Q_n) if and only if QiQ_i is a pi\frak p_i-maximal embedded component of NN for all embedded associated prime ideals pi\frak p_i of NN; (3) For an ideal II of RR there exists a polynomial IrM,I(n)\mathrm{Ir}_{M,I}(n) such that IrM,I(n)=irM(InM)\mathrm{Ir}_{M,I}(n)=\mathrm{ir}_M(I^nM) for n≫0n\gg 0. Moreover, bightM(I)βˆ’1≀deg⁑(IrM,I(n))≀ℓM(I)βˆ’1\mathrm{bight}_M(I)-1\le \deg(\mathrm{Ir}_{M,I}(n))\le \ell_M(I)-1; (4) If (R,m)(R, \frak m) is local, MM is Cohen-Macaulay if and only if there exist an integer ll and a parameter ideal q\frak q of MM contained in ml\frak m^l such that irM(qM)=dim⁑kSoc(Hmd(M))\mathrm{ir}_M({\frak q}M)=\dim_k\mathrm{Soc}(H^d_{\frak m}(M)), where d=dim⁑Md=\dim M.Comment: 14 pages, To appear in J. Pure Appl. Algebr

    On a new invariant of finitely generated modules over local rings

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    Let MM be a finitely generated module on a local ring RR and \F: M_0\subset M_1\subset...\subset M_t=M a filtration of submodules of MM such that do<d1<...<dt=d d_o<d_1< ... <d_t=d, where di=dim⁑Mid_i=\dim M_i. This paper is concerned with a non-negative integer pF(M)p_\mathcal F(M) which is defined as the least degree of all polynomials in n1,...,ndn_1, ..., n_d bounding above the function β„“(M/(x1n1,...,xdnd)M)βˆ’βˆ‘i=0tn1...ndie(x1,...,xdi;Mi).\ell(M/(x_1^{n_1}, ..., x_d^{n_d})M)-\sum_{i=0}^tn_1...n_{d_i}e(x_1,..., x_{d_i};M_i). We prove that pF(M)p_\mathcal F(M) is independent of the choices of good systems of parameters xβ€Ύ=x1,...,xd\underline x=x_1, ..., x_d. When \F is the dimension filtration of MM we also present some relations between p_\F(M) and the polynomial type of each Mi/Miβˆ’1M_i/M_{i-1} and the dimension of the non-sequentially Cohen-Macaulay locus of MM.Comment: To appear in the Journal of Algebra and its Application

    When are the Rees algebras of parameter ideals almost Gorenstein graded rings?

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    Let AA be a Cohen-Macaulay local ring with dim⁑A=dβ‰₯3\operatorname{dim} A = d\ge 3, possessing the canonical module KA{\mathrm K}_A. Let a1,a2,…,ara_1, a_2, \ldots, a_r (3≀r≀d)(3 \le r \le d) be a subsystem of parameters of AA and set Q=(a1,a2,…,ar)Q= (a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_r). It is shown that if the Rees algebra R(Q){\mathcal R}(Q) of QQ is an almost Gorenstein graded ring, then AA is a regular local ring and a1,a2,…,ara_1, a_2, \ldots, a_r is a part of a regular system of parameters of AA.Comment: 9 page

    On Hilbert coefficients and sequentially Cohen-Macaulay rings

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    In this paper, we explore the relation between the index of reducibility and the Hilbert coefficients in local rings. Consequently, the main result of this study provides a characterization of a sequentially Cohen-Macaulay ring in terms of its Hilbert coefficients for non-parameter ideals. As corollaries to the main theorem, we obtain characterizations of a Gorenstein/Cohen-Macaulay ring in terms of its Chern coefficients for parameter ideals.Comment: 14 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1508.0280

    Pseudo-Frobenius numbers versus defining ideals in numerical semigroup rings

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    The structure of the defining ideal of the semigroup ring k[H]k[H] of a numerical semigroup HH over a field kk is described, when the pseudo-Frobenius numbers of HH are multiples of a fixed integer
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