1,364 research outputs found

    The Dramatic Theory of Maxwell Anderson and its Relationship to Review & Scholarly Criticism of the Tudor Trilogy

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    This study proposed to establish a basic overview of Maxwell Andersons’s dramatic theory, then to analyze review and scholarly criticism of the Anderson plays according to guidelines set up in the study. Finally, it proposed to draw conclusions concerning the critics’ emphases relating to Anderson’s theory and the contribution this playwright-critic “clash” exhibited for the study of theatre and dramatic criticism. Maxwell Anderson\u27s dramatic theory as stated in his essays was utilized as a framework agreement, comparison and contrast with a body of reviews and scholarly articles about Anderson\u27s three plays. This review and scholarly criticism was analyzed in respective chapters according to guidelines that were found to stem directly from ideas expressed in Anderson\u27s theory. The reviews analyzed were those from weekly and monthly magazines, quarterly journals, and issues of the New York Times on the following plays: Elizabeth the Queen, 1930; Mary of Scotland, 1933; Anne of the Thousand Days, 1948

    Letter from P. B. Van Trump to John Muir, 1910 Jul 8.

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    Yelm, Wash, Jul 8th - 10John Muir,Martinez, Cal.Dear Friend:I enclose this printed slip to show you that I am still harping on that old but genial theme, the mountain, and, seemly, by way of introducing the subject or motive of this letter. When you were, at various times in the past, in the Puget Sound Country, you doubtless learned of the wordy warfare that existed in relation to the mountain name. The rivalry that otherwise obtained between Seattle and Tacoma added to the intensity of this warfare, and it continued down thro\u27 the years since the founding of Tacoma.At a joint meeting of the048302Rotary Clubs of the two cities, held in Tacoma a couple of months ago, it was suggested by the president of the Seattle Club that both organizations adopt Tahoma as the permanent name of the mountain and that they should work for its general adoption as, in part, a means of restoring harmony between the rival cities. Being myself an old-time advocate of the name Tahoma [diacritic], I wrote congratuting the president of the Seattle Club on his suggestion and its adoption, and a portion of the letter was published in the Post-Intelligencer and one or two other papers. The work of bringing about the general adoption of Tahoma in place of Rainier04830 3will be uphill work and will require time and individual influence. I can not help thinking that you and I have a common sentiment in regard to a proper mountain nomenclature. To name sublime mountain peaks after individuals is, in my opinion, in very bad taste, however great those individuals may have been. it certainly is contrary to the example set us by the ancients. Now, Mr. Muir, if consistent with your views on the subject, will you not write me, in your happy [illegible], something in approval of Tahoma that may be used for publication in the campaign for this expressive and048304euphonious native name? Your voiced sentiment - should it prove to be what I believe it will - would have great effect, especially when the clubs come (as I suppose they will) to petition the government to make the change to Tahoma official. Your name is already inseparably connected with the mountain in its [illegible]ature and ascents. Let me urge you to further emphasize that connection by aiding to restore to this royalist of all the peaks of the Cascades its original, rightful and euphonious native name.Yours sincerely and with happy memories of Auld lang Syne .P. B. Van Trump0483

    Letter from P. B. Van Trump to John Muir, 1910 Jul 18.

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    [1]Yelm, Wash, July 18th, 1910.John Muir,Martinez, Cal.My Dear Friend:Your Kind, friendly and esteemed letter of 12th came duly to hand, and I thank you for it. Your acceptance and commendation of Tahoma will, I am sure, be very helpful in this matter. It is principally the Rotary Clubs and their friends, so far, that have publicly agreed to the compromise name, but they are large and influential organizations in both cities. The editors of the papers of the rival cities do not wrangle as much as they048332used to over the mountain name. The new comers to the state - and their number is on the increase - will naturally prefer the expressive and poetic native name, Altogether, the existing conditions seem to favor the movement for a change.Excuse my use of a pencil. In my old age I find writing with a pen difficult and [irksome.?]Most faithfully yours,P. B. Van Trump.P.S. Since writing the above yours of 14th has come.Yes, the mountain book sent is beautiful, and the mountain is thoroughly pictured nowadays. The views taken by Warner when04833 we visited and ascended the mountain with the Ingraham party were for some time the standards on Puget Sound, but since then five photographers ga[illegible]e have taken the mountain from many view points, and a perfect ar[illegible]y of amateur and of Kodak friends have taken shots at the old giant. That Warner turned out a bad but . He promised me duplicates of the views but never sent me one. Old man S[illegible] gave him money in advance for pictures, but never got one.P. B. V. T

    Planetarium Use In Introductory Astronomy Courses

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    Many planetariums are situated at institutions of higher learning, but there is little documentation about how these facilities are being used. We present an analysis of a survey designed to explore planetarium use in introductory astronomy courses taught to undergraduates. The survey asked about 11 learning objectives, which were chosen through an investigation of online course descriptions at 10 universities in the United States. Planetarium users answered questions about what they are teaching, how long they are teaching it, and what media they are using to teach it. We distributed the survey to approximately 289 institutions around the United States which were categorized as institutions of learning in the online Worldwide Planetariums Database. There were 85 responses to the survey with 78 providing enough information to be useful. Results show that college and university planetariums are primarily being used to teach the night sky and that planetarium users at these institutions prefer to teach through unscripted use rather than scripted shows. We discuss potential implications to content development and further research in instructional methodology

    Ballistic magnon heat conduction and possible Poiseuille flow in the helimagnetic insulator Cu2_2OSeO3_3

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    We report on the observation of magnon thermal conductivity κm\kappa_m\sim 70 W/mK near 5 K in the helimagnetic insulator Cu2_2OSeO3_3, exceeding that measured in any other ferromagnet by almost two orders of magnitude. Ballistic, boundary-limited transport for both magnons and phonons is established below 1 K, and Poiseuille flow of magnons is proposed to explain a magnon mean-free path substantially exceeding the specimen width for the least defective specimens in the range 2 K <T<<T< 10 K. These observations establish Cu2_2OSeO3_3 as a model system for studying long-wavelength magnon dynamics.Comment: 10pp, 9 figures, accepted PRB (Editor's Suggestion

    Effects of Weikart's Sequential Approach to Rhythmic Movement on Development of Rhythmic Competency in Primary Age Children

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    v, 97 leaves. Advisor: James CoxProblem. The purpose of this study was to compare the rhythmic competency of children receiving training using Weikart's Sequential Approach to Rhythmic Movement, and those receiving no training. Variables included gender and task alteration. Procedure. The sample consisted of 54 first graders. The Rhythmic Competency Analysis Test (RCAT) was administered to measure initial rhythmic competency. The experimental group received approximately 25 five-minute training sessions over a period of four months. Lessons were taken from Weikart's book, Music and Movement. The control grcup received no special training in rhythmic movement. An equivalent form of the RCAT was administered to all subjects at the end of the treatment period. Findinqs. RCAT data was treated statistically with t tests and with a 2(gender) x 2(instruction) factorial analysis of variance design. During the treatment period the subjects made significant improvement in RCAT scores, p<.001. Results showed locomotor tasks to be significantly more difficult than nonlocomotor tasks, p<.001. Gender was found to be significant only for Task 1 (patting bilaterally), p<.05. The experimental group made significantly better progress than the control group for locomotor tasks, p<.05, but there were no significant differences due to instruction for nonlocomotor tasks. Conclusions. The study concluded that while maturation was important to the development of rhythmic competency, instruction using Weikart's method could inprove performance, particularly locomotor skills. It was also found that the method of instruction could be implemented into a primary school music curriculum with a minimum investment of time and money. Recommendations. The study recommends that training in rhythmic movement be incorporated into elementary music classes, and that greater emphasis he placed on locomotor movement activities. Further research using an improved scoring method and a larger sample is needed in ordcr to clarify the effects of gender and to generalize these findings to other populations

    Calcification in Aging Canine Aortic Valve

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    Aging changes of aortic valves are thought to underlie the mechanism of calcification, which leads to calcific aortic stenosis in humans. The study of calcification in the aging valvular connective tissue has been hindered by the lack of a suitable animal model. In search of the model, canine aortic valves demonstrated age changes including calcification remarkably similar to those in humans. The mechanism of calcification was studied in the aortic valves of aged Beagles by electron microscopy. Fibroblasts in the canine aortic valves showed the most prominent age changes. The cells accumulated numerous residual bodies and appeared to disintegrate. The resultant membranous cellular degradation products which sequestered in the extracellular space were the nidi of calcification. It appeared that the membrane of cell debris played an important role in calcification. Canine aortic valve is an ideal model for the study of calcification in relation to aging of the valvular connective tissue