5 research outputs found

    Содержание и эффективность системы медико-психологической помощи в клинике детской онкологии

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    Проведено комплексное исследование в области детской психоонкологии, которое включало изучение психоэмоционального состояния, личностных и поведенческих особенностей онкобольных детей и их родителей, связанных с реагированием на онкологическое заболевание, семейное функционирование. Определены факторы профессионального дистресса медицинских работников и волонтеров. На основе полученных результатов разработана целостная система медико−психологической помощи и проведена оценка ее эффективности.Проведено комплексне дослідження в галузі дитячої онкології, що містило вивчення психоемоційного стану, особистісних і поведінкових особливостей онкохворих дітей та їхніх батьків, пов'язаних із реагуванням на онкологічне захворювання, сімейне функціонування. Визначено чинники професійного дистресу медичних працівників та волонтерів. На основі отриманих результатів розроблено цілісну систему медико−психологічної допомоги і проведено оцінку її ефективності.A complex investigation in the area of pediatric psychooncology including investigation of the psychoemotional state, personality and behavior peculiarities of cancer children and their parents, associated with reaction to cancer and family function, was performed. The factors of professional distress of medical staff and volunteers were determined. The obtained findings were used to work out a comprehensive system of medical psychological aid and to assess its efficacy

    Особенности процессов перекисного окисления липидов и антиоксидантной защиты у больных с сочетанной протозойно-урогенитальной микст-инфекцией при озонотерапии

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    Изучены состояние и динамика перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) и общей антиоксидантной защиты (ОАОЗ) у 124 пациентов, из которых 99 (79,8 %) страдали сочетанной хронической протозойно−урогенитально−вирусной инфекцией. Определены резервные возможности ОАОЗ при проведении озонотерапии с установленной индивидуальной дозой озона. При включении в комплексное лечение оригинальных методов озонотерапии достигнуты достоверное улучшение и нормализация всех показателей ПОЛ и ОАОЗ, что обеспечивает санацию организма больных от возбудителей инфекции и восстановление физико−химических свойств его клеточных мембран.Досліджено стан і динаміку перекисного окислення ліпідів (ПОЛ) і загального антиоксидантного захисту (ЗАОЗ) у 124 пацієнтів, з яких 99 (79,8 %) хворіли на сполучену хронічну протозойно−урогенітально−вірусну інфекцію. Визначено резервні можливості ЗАОЗ під час проведення озонотерапії з установленою індивідуальною дозою озону. При включенні в комплексне лікування оригінальних методів озонотерапії було досягнуто достовірне поліпшення й нормалізацію всіх показників ПОЛ та ЗАОЗ, що забезпечує санацію організму хворих від збудників штфекції і відновлення фізико−хімічних властивостей його клітинних мембран.The state and dynamics of lipid peroxidation (LP) and general antioxidant protection (GAOP) were investigated in 123 patients, of them 99 (79,8 %) had combined chronic protozoal urogenital viral infection. The reserve capabilities of GAOP were determined at ozone therapy with individually adjusted ozone dose. The use of the original methods of ozone therapy significantly improved and normalized all LP and GAOP parameters, which promoted treatment of the organism from the infection agents and restoration of physicochemical properties of the cellular membranes

    Different patterns of depressive symptoms during pregnancy

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    Recently, the US Preventive Services Task Force has advocated to screen pregnant and postpartum women for depression. However, we questioned the meaning of a single elevated depression score: does it represent just one episode of depression or do these symptoms persist throughout the entire pregnancy? This study assessed depressive symptoms at each trimester in a cohort of 1813 pregnant women and evaluated whether women with different patterns of depressive symptoms showed other characteristics. Depending on the trimester, elevated depression scores were prevalent in 10–15% of the pregnant women. Up to 4% reported persistent symptoms of depression throughout pregnancy. Different patterns of depressive symptoms were observed, for which persistent symptoms were related to other characteristics than incidentally elevated symptoms. Besides a previous history of mental health problems as best overall predictor, incidentally elevated depression scores were related to major life events. Furthermore, persistently depressive symptoms were related to unplanned pregnancy and multiparity. An EDS assessment at 12 weeks of gestation including three additional items (history of mental health problems, unplanned pregnancy and multiparity) enabled us to identify 83% of the women with persistent depressive symptoms. A depression screening strategy in pregnant women should take into account the potential chronicity of depressive symptoms by repeated assessments in order to offer an intervention to the most vulnerable women

    Comparison of the psychological and physiological effects on students of a video-assisted or text introduction to a simulated task

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    Introduction The use of different methods for introducing the scenario in simulation-based medical education has not been investigated before and may be a useful element to optimise the effectiveness of learning. The aim of this study was to compare an immersive video-assisted introduction to a minimal text-based one, with regard to emotional assessment of the situation. Methods In this pilot study, 39 students participated in a medical simulated scenario. The students were randomly assigned to an experimental group (video-assisted introduction) or a control group (minimal textual introduction) and both were followed by performing surgery on LapSim (Surgical Science, Gothenburg, Sweden). The emotional assessment of the situation, cognitive appraisal, was defined as the ratio of the demands placed by an individual's environment (primary appraisal) to that person's resources to meet the demands (secondary appraisal). Secondary outcomes were anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory), physiological parameters (heart rate, heart rate variability, skin conductance, salivary cortisol), engagement (Game Engagement Questionnaire), motivation (Intrinsic Motivation Inventory) and performance (mean score in percentage calculated by LapSim of predefined levels). Results Participants in the immersive video group (n=17) were overloaded in terms of their perceived demands (a ratio of 1.17, IQR 0.30) compared with those in the control group (a ratio of 1.00, IQR 0.42, n=22) (P=0.01). No significant differences were found between the groups in secondary outcomes. Both groups showed an increase of anxiety after the introduction method. In the experimental group, this score increased from 9.0 to 11.0, and in the textual group from 7.5 to 10.5, both P<0.01. Discussion This study shows that the method of introducing a simulated scenario may influence the emotional assessment of the situation. It may be possible to make your simulation introduction too immersive or stimulating, which may interfere with learning. Further research will be necessary to investigate the impact and usefulness of these findings on learning in simulation-based medical education