298 research outputs found

    Qualification Procedures of the CMS Pixel Barrel Modules

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    The CMS pixel barrel system will consist of three layers built of about 800 modules. One module contains 66560 readout channels and the full pixel barrel system about 48 million channels. It is mandatory to test each channel for functionality, noise level, trimming mechanism, and bump bonding quality. Different methods to determine the bump bonding yield with electrical measurements have been developed. Measurements of several operational parameters are also included in the qualification procedure. Among them are pixel noise, gains and pedestals. Test and qualification procedures of the pixel barrel modules are described and some results are presented.Comment: 7 Pages, 7 Figures. Contribution to Pixel 2005, September 5-8, 2005, Bonn, Germna

    Missed Opportunities: Evolution of Patients Leaving without Being Seen or against Medical Advice during a Six-Year Period in a Swiss Tertiary Hospital Emergency Department.

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    Aim. The study aimed at describing the evolution over a 6-year period of patients leaving the emergency department (ED) before being seen ("left without being seen" or LWBS) or against medical advice ("left against medical advice" or LAMA) and at describing their characteristics. Methods. A retrospective database analysis of all adult patients who are admitted to the ED, between 2005 and 2010, and who left before being evaluated or against medical advice, in a tertiary university hospital. Results. During the study period, among the 307,716 patients who were registered in the ED, 1,157 LWBS (0.4%) and 1,853 LAMA (0.9%) patients were identified. These proportions remained stable over the period. The patients had an average age of 38.5 ± 15.9 years for LWBS and 41.9 ± 17.4 years for LAMA. The median time spent in the ED before leaving was 102.4 minutes for the LWBS patients and 226 minutes for LAMA patients. The most frequent reason for LAMA was related to the excessive length of stay. Conclusion. The rates of LWBS and LAMA patients were low and remained stable. The patients shared similar characteristics and reasons for leaving were largely related to the length of stay or waiting time

    Diagnostic and interventional radiology: a strategy to introduce reference dose level taking into account the national practice

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    The purpose of this study is to present a strategy to define the reference dose levels for fluoroscopic, dose-intensive examinations. This work is a part of the project of the Federal Office of Public Health of Switzerland to translate the guidelines of the International Commission on Radiological Protection and the European Union into action. The study will also be used to set reference dose levels on the basis of a national survey. All the fluoroscopic units, involved in the survey, were equipped with a KAP (kerma-area product) meter. All KAP meters were first calibrated to ensure the comparability of the dose measurements. The doses and the dose rates together with subjective image quality measurements were acquired in all the centres. Eight types of examination were chosen by a panel of radiologists, and each of the five centres involved agreed to monitor 20 patients per examination type. A wide variation in the dose and the image quality in fixed geometry was observed. For example, the skin dose rate for abdominal examinations varied in the range of 12-42 mGy min−1 for comparable image quality. Average KAP values of 67, 178, 106, 102, 473, 205, 307 and 316 Gy cm2 were recorded for barium meal, abdominal angiography, cerebral angiography, barium enema, hepatic embolisation, biliary drainage, cerebral embolisation and femoral stenting, respectively. The values obtained in this limited study are generally higher than the ones available in the literature and strategies to optimise these studies have to be discussed. A strict control concerning the denomination of the examination type involved in such a study is mandatory to obtain reliable data. This can only be done through a close collaboration between physicians, radiographers and medical physicist

    Strategien zur Reduktion der CT-Strahlendosis

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    Zusammenfassung: Die rasante technische Weiterentwicklung der CT hat in den letzten Jahren zu einer deutlichen Zunahme der diagnostischen Möglichkeiten geführt, mit dem Resultat, dass die CT-Untersuchungszahlen weltweit angestiegen sind. Dies hat ebenfalls Auswirkung auf die Strahlenexposition der Bevölkerung. Bis heute sind zahlreiche Publikationen erschienen, die gezeigt haben, dass eine Dosisreduktion erreicht werden kann, ohne dadurch die Bildqualität und Sensitivität der CT zu beeinträchtigen. Die Mehrzahl der Strategien zur Dosisoptimierung sind einfach anzuwenden und unabhängig von der Detektorkonfiguration des CT-Scanners. Im vorliegenden Übersichtsartikel werden die wichtigsten Methoden vorgestellt: indikationsabhängige Methoden (z.B. rechtfertigende Indikation, Reduktion der Röhrenspannung für die CT-Angiographie, Wahl von Kollimation und Pitchfaktor, Minimierung der Untersuchungsphasen, Senkung der Röhrenspannung und des -stroms für die Nativphase), herstellerabhängige Methoden (z.B. automatische Röhrenstrommodulation, adaptive Filter zur Reduktion des Bildrauschens, iterative Bildrekonstruktion) und allgemeine Methoden (z.B. Patientenzentrierung im Isozentrum der CT-Gantry, Reduktion der Scanlänge, Anwendung von Röntgenschutzmitteln, Reduktion der Röhrenspannung und/oder des -stroms für den CT-Planungsscan

    How to set up and apply reference levels in fluoroscopy at a national level

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    A nationwide survey was launched to investigate the use of fluoroscopy and establish national reference levels (RL) for dose-intensive procedures. The 2-year investigation covered five radiology and nine cardiology departments in public hospitals and private clinics, and focused on 12 examination types: 6 diagnostic and 6 interventional. A total of 1,000 examinations was registered. Information including the fluoroscopy time (T), the number of frames (N) and the dose-area product (DAP) was provided. The data set was used to establish the distributions of T, N and the DAP and the associated RL values. The examinations were pooled to improve the statistics. A wide variation in dose and image quality in fixed geometry was observed. As an example, the skin dose rate for abdominal examinations varied in the range of 10 to 45mGy/min for comparable image quality. A wide variability was found for several types of examinations, mainly complex ones. DAP RLs of 210, 125, 80, 240, 440 and 110Gy cm2 were established for lower limb and iliac angiography, cerebral angiography, coronary angiography, biliary drainage and stenting, cerebral embolization and PTCA, respectively. The RL values established are compared to the data published in the literatur

    Criteria for establishing shielding of multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) rooms

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    The aim of this work is to compare two methods used for determining the proper shielding of computed tomography (CT) rooms while considering recent technological advances in CT scanners. The approaches of the German Institute for Standardisation and the US National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements were compared and a series of radiation measurements were performed in several CT rooms at the Lausanne University Hospital. The following three-step procedure is proposed for assuring sufficient shielding of rooms hosting new CT units with spiral mode acquisition and various X-ray beam collimation widths: (1) calculate the ambient equivalent dose for a representative average weekly dose length product at the position where shielding is required; (2) from the maximum permissible weekly dose at the location of interest, calculate the transmission factor F that must be taken to ensure proper shielding and (3) convert the transmission factor into a thickness of lead shielding. A similar approach could be adopted to use when designing shielding for fluoroscopy rooms, where the basic quantity would be the dose area product instead of the load of current (milliampere-minute

    Adult reference levels in diagnostic and interventional radiology for temporary use in Switzerland

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    This work aims at establishing a set of diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) for various types of examinations performed in diagnostic and interventional radiology. The average doses for 257 types of radiological examinations were established during the 1998 nationwide survey on the exposure of the Swiss population by radiodiagnostics. They were calculated using appropriate dosimetric models and average technical parameters. The DRLs were derived from the average doses using a multiplying factor of 1.5. The DRLs obtained were rounded and compared to the data reported in the literature. The results are in most cases comparable to the DRLs determined by the 3rd-quartile method. These discrepancies registered in some cases, particularly for complex examinations, can be explained by significant differences in the protocols and/or the technical parameters used. A set of DRLs is proposed for a large number of examinations to be used in Switzerland as temporary values until a national dosimetric database is set u

    Signal height in silicon pixel detectors irradiated with pions and protons

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    Pixel detectors are used in the innermost part of multi purpose experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and are therefore exposed to the highest fluences of ionising radiation, which in this part of the detectors consists mainly of charged pions. The radiation hardness of the detectors has thoroughly been tested up to the fluences expected at the LHC. In case of an LHC upgrade the fluence will be much higher and it is not yet clear up to which radii the present pixel technology can be used. In order to establish such a limit, pixel sensors of the size of one CMS pixel readout chip (PSI46V2.1) have been bump bonded and irradiated with positive pions up to 6E14 Neq/cm^2 at PSI and with protons up to 5E15 Neq/cm^2. The sensors were taken from production wafers of the CMS barrel pixel detector. They use n-type DOFZ material with a resistance of about 3.7kOhm cm and an n-side read out. As the performance of silicon sensors is limited by trapping, the response to a Sr-90 source was investigated. The highly energetic beta-particles represent a good approximation to minimum ionising particles. The bias dependence of the signal for a wide range of fluences will be presented.Comment: Contribution to the 7th International Conference on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Materials, Detectors and Devices October 15-17, 2008 Firenze, Ital