646 research outputs found

    Engineering exotic phases for topologically-protected quantum computation by emulating quantum dimer models

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    We use a nonperturbative extended contractor renormalization (ENCORE) method for engineering quantum devices for the implementation of topologically protected quantum bits described by an effective quantum dimer model on the triangular lattice. By tuning the couplings of the device, topological protection might be achieved if the ratio between effective two-dimer interactions and flip amplitudes lies in the liquid phase of the phase diagram of the quantum dimer model. For a proposal based on a quantum Josephson junction array [L. B. Ioffe {\it et al.}, Nature (London) {\bf 415}, 503 (2002)] our results show that optimal operational temperatures below 1 mK can only be obtained if extra interactions and dimer flips, which are not present in the standard quantum dimer model and involve three or four dimers, are included. It is unclear if these extra terms in the quantum dimer Hamiltonian destroy the liquid phase needed for quantum computation. Minimizing the effects of multi-dimer terms would require energy scales in the nano-Kelvin regime. An alternative implementation based on cold atomic or molecular gases loaded into optical lattices is also discussed, and it is shown that the small energy scales involved--implying long operational times--make such a device impractical. Given the many orders of magnitude between bare couplings in devices, and the topological gap, the realization of topological phases in quantum devices requires careful engineering and large bare interaction scales.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Universal critical temperature for Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions in bilayer quantum magnets

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    Recent experiments show that double layer quantum Hall systems may have a ground state with canted antiferromagnetic order. In the experimentally accessible vicinity of a quantum critical point, the order vanishes at a temperature T_{KT} = \kappa H, where H is the magnetic field and \kappa is a universal number determined by the interactions and Berry phases of the thermal excitations. We present quantum Monte Carlo simulations on a model spin system which support the universality of \kappa and determine its numerical value. This allows experimental tests of an intrinsically quantum-mechanical universal quantity, which is not also a property of a higher dimensional classical critical point.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Interaction of vortices in superconductors with kappa close to 2^(-1/2)

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    Using a perturbative approach to the infinitely degenerate Bogomolnyi vortex state for a superconductor with kappa = 2^(-1/2), T -> T_c, we calculate the interaction of vortices in a superconductor with kappa close to 2^(-1/2). We find, numerically and analytically, that depending on the material the interaction potential between the vortices varies with decreasing kappa from purely repulsive (as in a type-II superconductor) to purely attractive (as in a type-I superconductor) in two different ways: either vortices form a bound state and the distance between them changes gradually from infinity to zero, or this transition occurs in a discontinuous way as a result of a competition between minima at infinity and zero. We study the discontinuous transition between the vortex and Meissner states caused by the non-monotonous vortex interaction and calculate the corresponding magnetization jump.Comment: v1:original submit v2:changed formate of images (gave problems to some) v3:corrected fig v4v6 (was -v4v6) orthographic corrections (and U_lat/int) mismatch v4:more small orthographic corrections v5:converted to revtex4 and bibTex v6:Renamed images to submit to pr

    Bosons in optical lattices - from the Mott transition to the Tonks-Girardeau gas

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    We present results from quantum Monte Carlo simulations of trapped bosons in optical lattices, focusing on the crossover from a gas of softcore bosons to a Tonks-Girardeau gas in a one-dimensional optical lattice. We find that depending on the quantity being measured, the behavior found in the Tonks-Girardeau regime is observed already at relatively small values of the interaction strength. A finite critical value for entering the Tonks-Girardeau regime does not exist. Furthermore, we discuss the computational efficiency of two quantum Monte Carlo methods to simulate large scale trapped bosonic systems: directed loops in stochastic series expansions and the worm algorithm.Comment: 7 pages with 9 figures;v2: improved discussion on Tonks-Girardeau ga

    Identification of Nuclear Relaxation Processes in a Gapped Quantum Magnet: Proton NMR in the S=1/2 Heisenberg Ladder Cu2(C5H12N2)2Cl4

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    The proton hyperfine shift K and NMR relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 have been measured as a function of temperature in the S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic ladder Cu2(C5H12N2)2Cl4. The presence of a spin gap Δ≃J⊥−J∥\Delta \simeq J_\perp-J_\parallel in this strongly coupled ladder (J∥<J⊥J_\parallel < J_\perp) is supported by the K and 1/T11/T_1 results. By comparing 1/T11/T_1 at two different proton sites, we infer the evolution of the spectral functions Sz(q,ωn)S_z(q,\omega_n) and S⊥(q,ωn)S_\perp(q,\omega_n). When the gap is significantly reduced by the magnetic field, two different channels of nuclear relaxation, specific to gapped antiferromagnets, are identified and are in agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Ashkin-Teller universality in a quantum double model of Ising anyons

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    We study a quantum double model whose degrees of freedom are Ising anyons. The terms of the Hamiltonian of this system give rise to a competition between single and double topologies. By studying the energy spectra of the Hamiltonian at different values of the coupling constants, we find extended gapless regions which include a large number of critical points described by conformal field theories with central charge c=1. These theories are part of the Z_2 orbifold of the bosonic theory compactified on a circle. We observe that the Hilbert space of our anyonic model can be associated with extended Dynkin diagrams of affine Lie algebras which yields exact solutions at some critical points. In certain special regimes, our model corresponds to the Hamiltonian limit of the Ashkin-Teller model, and hence integrability over a wide range of coupling parameters is established.Comment: 11 pages, minor revision

    Quantum impurity in an antiferromagnet: non-linear sigma model theory

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    We present a new formulation of the theory of an arbitrary quantum impurity in an antiferromagnet, using the O(3) non-linear sigma model. We obtain the low temperature expansion for the impurity spin susceptibilities of antiferromagnets with magnetic long-range order in the ground state. We also consider the bulk quantum phase transition in d=2 to the gapped paramagnet (d is the spatial dimension): the impurity is described solely by a topological Berry phase term which is an exactly marginal perturbation to the critical theory. The physical properties of the quantum impurity near criticality are obtained by an expansion in (d-1).Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; (v2) added re

    Naïve rat umbilical cord matrix stem cells significantly attenuate mammary tumor growth through modulation of endogenous immune responses

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    Background: Un-engineered human and rat umbilical cord matrix stem cells (rUCMSC) attenuate growth of several types of tumors in mice and rats. However, the mechanism by which UCMSC attenuate tumor growth has not been studied rigorously. Methods- The possible mechanisms of tumor growth attenuation by rUCMSC were studied using orthotopic Mat B III rat mammary tumor grafts in female F344 rats. Tumor-infiltrating leukocytes were identified and quantified by immunohistochemical image analysis. Potential cytokines involved in lymphocyte infiltration in the tumors were determined by microarray and Western blot analysis. The Boyden chamber migration assay was performed for the functional analysis of identified cytokines. Results: rUCMSC markedly attenuated the tumor growth; this attenuation was accompanied by considerable lymphocyte infiltration. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the majority of infiltrating lymphocytes in the rUCMSC-treated tumors were CD3+ T cells. In addition, treatment with rUCMSC significantly increased infiltration of CD 8+ and CD4+ T cells and NK cells throughout tumor tissue. CD68+ monocytes/macrophages and FoxP3+ regulatory T cells were scarcely observed, only in the tumors of the PBS control group. Microarray analysis of rUCMSC identified that monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1 is involved in rUCMSCinduced lymphocyte infiltration in the tumor tissues. Discussion: These results suggest that naïve rUCMSC attenuated mammary tumor growth at least in part by enhancing host anti-tumor immune responses. Thus, naïve UCMSC can be used as powerful therapeutic cells for breast cancer treatment, and MCP-1 may be a key molecule to enhance the effect of UCMSC at the tumor site

    On the nature of the transition from the spontaneously dimerized to the Neel phase in the two-dimensional J1-J2 model

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    We analyze the spectrum of the 2D S=1/2 frustrated Heisenberg model near the transition from the spontaneously dimerized spin-liquid phase into the Neel ordered phase. Two excitation branches: the triplet magnon, and the collective singlet mode, both become gapless at the transition point. However we find that the length scales associated with these modes are well separated at the quantum transition. While in the quantum disordered phase the singlet excitation has finite spectral weight and reflects the existence of spontaneous dimer order, near the transition point the size of the singlet bound state grows exponentially with the correlation length, and hence the quasiparticle residue is exponentially small. Therefore the critical dynamics remains in the O(3) universality class in spite of the four gapless modes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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