85 research outputs found

    Desinenze di vocativo come formanti antroponimici. I nomi propri maschili in -e e -o nelle lingue slave.

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    Proper nouns ending in -e and -o do not fit the classical morphologic patterns for masculine substantives in Slavic. As these elements resemble Slavic vocative endings and as on the synchronic level there is evidence for a reinterpretation of vocative endings as diminutive and hypocoristic suffixes, the paper addresses the question of the origin of Slavic proper nouns in -e and -o considering the vocative a possible source. After reviewing the various theories produced by linguists and philologists on this topic, a new hypothesis is formulated. On the basis of the functional proximity and the similar formation strategies between vocative and proper nouns, vocative is claimed to have contributed to the stabilization of proper nouns in -e and -o in Slavic and, more generally, to represent a source for creating new anthroponyms

    La codificazione della lingua montenegrina. La storia di un’idea

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    On July 30th, 2009 in the Republic of Montenegro the Pravopis crnogorskoga jezika [Orthography of the Montenegrin language] and the Rječnik crnogorskoga jezika (pravopisni rječnik) [Dictionary of the Montenegrin language (orthographic dictionary)] came into being. This fact sanctioned the offi cial birth, not only nominal, of the Montenegrin language which differs from Bosnian/Bosniak, Croatian and Serbian. The aim of the article is to illustrate the new orthography of the Montenegrin language and to delineate how the idea of an independent Montenegrin language came alive. Firstly, the main stages of the discussion in favour of a Montenegrin language are illustrated. Secondly, a recapitulation of the arguments deployed in order to demonstrate the diversity of the Montenegrin language from Serbo(Croatian) is offered. Finally, a description of the innovations introduced by the orthographic reform is presented

    Amori celesti e fratelli caldi. Come si dice ‘omosessuale uomo’ nelle lingue dell’Europa centrale e orientale

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    Nell'articolo si discute della etimologia e distribuzione di vari termini usati nelle lingue dell'Europa orientale per riferirsi a 'omosessuale uomo'. Da tali prospettive sono analizzate le parole che rimandano ai concetti di 'bulgaro', 'blu (piccione)', '(fratello) caldo', 'pederasta', 'omosessuale', 'gay', così come i numerosi derivati e i non pochi prestiti

    Strolling Around Central Europe. Histories, Philosophies and Literatures of ‘Mitteleuropa’. Book Review of Martin C. Putna, Obrazy z kulturních dějin Střední Evropy, Vyšehrad, Praha 2018.

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    The new book of Czech author Martin C. Putna offers a ‘deep insight’ and at the same time a ‘wide overview’ of the main historical and cultural facts that contributed to shape East-Central Europe over the centuries. All historical parts of the former Habsburg Empire (Austrian) are crossed – from Vorarlberg in the far west to Bukovina in the far east, from the former Ottoman Bosnia and Herzegovina in the south to the Austrian region of Bohemia in the north – focusing on major events as well as on important writers or relevant cultural movements of those areas.The new book of Czech author Martin C. Putna offers a ‘deep insight’ and at the same time a ‘wide overview’ of the main historical and cultural facts that contributed to shape East-Central Europe over the centuries. All historical parts of the former Habsburg Empire (Austrian) are crossed – from Vorarlberg in the far west to Bukovina in the far east, from the former Ottoman Bosnia and Herzegovina in the south to the Austrian region of Bohemia in the north – focusing on major events as well as on important writers or relevant cultural movements of those areas

    Per una storia comparata dei turchismi in bulgaro e bosniaco/bosgnacco

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    The strong and persistent language contact with (Ottoman) Turkish to which all Balkan Slav dialects had been exposed for centuries resulted in an extensive borrowing of Turkish lexical units. Despite the fact that since the 19th century the socio-political development (de-orientalization, nation building etc.) of Balkan countries and, most of all, purist approaches in the standardization of national languages have led to a substantial decrease in the number of Turkisms, Turkish lexical heritage has remained latently present in all Slavic Balkan languages. Starting from the last decade of the 20th century an extensive revival of Turkisms can be observed especially in Bulgarian and in Bosnian/Bosniak, mainly as a consequence of the democratization of the political and social systems of Balkan countries, as well, in the case of Bosnian/Bosniak, as the creation of Bosnian/ Bosniak as the national language of the Bosnian Muslims. In order to explain what the revival of latent Turkish lexical heritage consists of in these two languages, The author has traced the different paths of development in the approach to Turkish lexical borrowings in the history of Bulgarian and Bosnian/Bosniak

    Studi di linguistica slava. Nuove prospettive e metodologie di ricerca

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    The present paper examines the Russian discourse markers мол and дескать as Renarrative markers that generally are considered conventional means to indicate information sources. Etymologically, they derive from verba dicendi. In this paper, relying on a large amount of occurrences taken from Russian Italian bilingual corpus composed by the author, a qualitative analysis of their semantics is carries out. They can express different meanings: referring to someone else's text with accurate or inaccurate quoting, pointing to their information source, expressing doubts about the reliability of transmitted information, interpreting gestures through verbal means and sometimes have contact-establishing and intensifying functions. The survey allows to affirm that these markers indicate evidentiality, because they create a distance between the information and the person which communicates this information and make an important contribution to evaluate the truthfulness of a proposition

    The modal meaning за припомняне of the Bulgarian imperfect tense and its counterparts in other Slavic languages

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    Med slovanskimi jeziki je samo bolgarščina (in njej zelo podobna makedonščina) ohranila imperfekt, praslovansko sintetično obliko preteklika. Ta se ob svoji primarni temporalni vlogi uporablja tudi za izražanje različnih modalnih pomenov, ki, na splošno gledano, predvidevajo določeno spremembo v epistemični veljavnosti povedi. Modalni pomen за припомняне bolgarskega imperfekta nedovršnih glagolov se aktivira, kadar govorec sprašuje za informacijo, ki jo je že prej dobil, vendar jo je v trenutku govora pozabil. Izhajajoč iz predhodnih raziskav, se pričujoči prispevek osredotoča na vprašanje, ali in kako bi bilo možno isti pomen izraziti s pomočjo glagolske morfologije v tistih slovanskih jezikih, ki so imperfekt izgubili. Med analiziranimi jeziki so: bolgarščina, srbščina (hrvaščina), češčina, poljščina in ruščina

    Venezia e Dalmazia nei racconti dei viaggiatori cechi tra la fine del Quattrocento e l’inizio del Seicento

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    Nel contributo vengono ripercorsi i viaggi di tre pellegrini di origine ceca, Jan Hasištejnský, Oldřich Prefát, Kryštof Harant, che, rispettivamente, a fine Quattrocento, Cinquecento e inizio Seicento, si recano in pellegrinaggio in Terra Santa. Imbarcandosi a Venezia, particolare attenzione è dedicata al soggiorno a Venezia e ai relativi preparativi, così come alla navigazione lungo le coste e le città della Dalmazia

    Valore modale ‘epistemico-doxastico’ dell’imperfetto in italiano e nelle lingue slave

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    The imperfetto epistemico-doxastico in Italian and the имперфект на досещане in Bulgarian refer to the modal usage of the imperfect tense in interrogative sentences when asking for a reminder about information previously known, but forgotten at present. This article has two aims. Firstly, it is illustrated how such modal meaning is displayed in Bulgarian and Italian, two languages where the imperfect tense is fully functioning. Due to the existence of the future past and dedicated narrative verbal forms, in Bulgarian this modal usage of the imperfect shows bigger constraints. Secondly, a comparison with other Slavic languages is made. Whereas in Slavic languages lacking the imperfect tense this meaning cannot be usually conveyed, in Serbian and Croatian some exceptions are observed (the imperfect relic forms beše ‘he/she/it was’ and zvaše ‘he/she/it was called’; the development of a fixed imperfect marker beše, which is added to verbal forms in the present tense)

    Forme non normative di vocativo in ceco: accettabilità e valori stilistico-pragmatici

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    In Czech the vocative case is still obligatory and the set of vocative endings is best preserved amongst Slavic languages. However, in spoken Czech the following irregularities in the usage of the vocative can be observed: a) substitution of the nominative for the vocative on the second part of masculine addressative expressions such as ‘pan + surname’; b) substitution of the nominative for the vocative with single names; c) “new” vocative forms created by dropping final vowels on female first names. The article reports the results of a study on such irregular forms that has been carried out through a questionnaire, and aims to investigate their acceptability as well as to ascertain how they are perceived by native speakers especially with reference to their pragmatic values