142 research outputs found

    Minority groups perceive unequal treatment from local governments

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    From the unequal application of stop-and-frisk to the slow snow removal from wealthy areas of New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio has sparked a discussion about local government’s responsiveness to and treatment of different factions. Jessica Trounstine examines group levels of satisfaction with local government services. She and co-author Zoltan Hajnal find that racial minorities perceive the largest level of inequality, but when the government pursues policy to change this impression, whites become less satisfied with it

    How segregation has helped lead to greater inequality in cities’ public services

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    The ongoing segregation of Blacks who live in many of America’s cities has not only economic, but political consequences as well. In new research, Jessica Trounstine finds that not only are the most segregated cities more likely to see racially polarized voting, they also spend less on services for their residents. She writes that her results mean that compared to whites, nonwhites are much more likely to live in communities that are unable to provide adequate public services for their residents

    Race and Regulation Podcast Episode 3 - Redlined Forever?

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    Racial segregation in American cities is no accident. Building on research from her award-winning book, Segregation by Design, political scientist Jessica Trounstine of UC Merced examines how local land use regulations aimed at protecting the property values of white homeowners have generated segregation across racial and class lines that persists today—and how that segregation brings serious inequities in access to quality schools and public amenities. But just as segregation resulted from policy choices, Trounstine shows how desegregation can be a purposeful choice, too, with the right regulatory decisions

    Sacred Spaces

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    Drama in the prison classroom teaches that transgression can enhance spirituality

    Political Jujitsu Would Reframe California's Budget Debate

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    Reviews Anne E. Mullin. Teaching Writing Creatively. (David Starkey, Ed., 1998). Keith Rhodes. Zen in the Art of Rhetoric: An Inquiry into Coherence. (Mark Lawrence McPhail, 1996). Ellen Davis. Women in Praise of the Sacred: 43 Centuries of Spiritual Poetry by Women. (Jane Hirshfield, Ed., 1994). Jean R. Trounstine. Educational Drama and Language Arts: What Research Shows. (Betty Jane Wagner, 1998)

    Voters, Non-Voters, and the Implications of Election Timing for Public Policy

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