27 research outputs found

    Strategies to optimize glucose control during exercise in subjects with type 1 diabetes

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    Regular physical activity is highly recommended in subjects with type 1 diabetes (T1D) because of its beneficial impact on body composition, cardiovascular disease risk profile, glucose control and psychological wellbeing. However, exercise is challenging for many individuals with T1D, particularly due to the fear of hypoglycaemia, loss of glycaemic control and lack of motivation. The aim of this commentary is to briefly summarize the patterns of dysregulation of glucose homeostasis during and after exercise in subjects with T1D. In addition, we focus on carbohydrate intake and adjustment of insulin dosing as the main strategies used in clinical settings to optimize glucose control and prevent hypoglycaemia before, during and after exercise

    Two cases of Wolfram syndrome who were initially diagnosed with type 1 diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE: Early diagnosis of syndromic monogenic diabetes allows for proper management and can lead to improved quality of life in the long term. This report aimed to describe 2 genetically confirmed cases of Wolfram syndrome, a rare endoplasmic reticulum disorder characterized by insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, optic nerve atrophy, and progressive neurodegeneration. CASE REPORT: A 16-year-old Caucasian male patient and a 25-year-old Caucasian female patient with a history of diabetes mellitus and optic nerve atrophy presented at our medical center. Both patients were initially diagnosed with type 1 diabetes but negative for islet autoantibodies. Their body mass indexes were under 25 at the diagnosis. Their history and presentation were highly suspicious for Wolfram syndrome. DISCUSSION: The genetic tests revealed a known Wolfram syndrome 1 (WFS1) pathogenic variant (homozygous) in the 16-year-old male patient and 2 known WFS1 pathogenic variants (compound heterozygous) in the 25-year-old female patient with diabetes mellitus and optic nerve atrophy, confirming the diagnosis of Wolfram syndrome. The first patient had a moderate form, and the second patient had a milder form of Wolfram syndrome. CONCLUSION: Providers should consider monogenic diabetes genetic testing, including WFS1 gene, for patients with early-onset diabetes who are negative for islet autoantibodies and lean. Two patients described in this article could have been diagnosed with Wolfram syndrome before they developed optic nerve atrophy. Genetic testing is a valuable tool for the early detection of Wolfram syndrome, which leads to proper management and improved quality of life in patients with this rare medical condition

    Energy response of GR-200A thermoluminescence dosemeters to CO-60 and to monoenergetic synchrotron radiation in the energy range 28-40 KEV

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    7noThe response of LiF:Mg,Cu,P thermoluminescence dosemeters (type GR-200A) to monoenergetic radiation of energy 28, 35, 38 and 40 keV was evaluated with respect to irradiation with a calibrated 60Co gamma-ray source. High-precision measurements of the relative air kerma response performed at the SYRMEP beamline of the ELETTRA synchrotron radiation facility (Trieste, Italy) showed a significant deviation of the average response to low-energy X-rays from that to 60Co, with an over-response from 6 % (at 28 keV) to 22 % (at 40 keV). These data are not consistent with literature data for these dosemeters, where model predictions gave deviation from unity of the relative air kerma response of about 10 %. The authors conclude for the need of additional determinations of the low-energy relative response of GR-200A dosemeters, covering a wider range of monoenergetic energies sampled at a fine energy step, as planned in future experiments by their group at the ELETTRA facility.Published online first 02 March 2015partially_openembargoed_20160302F. Emiro; F. Di Lillo; G. Mettivier; C. Fedon; R. Longo; G. Tromba; P. RussoF., Emiro; F., Di Lillo; G., Mettivier; Fedon, Christian; Longo, Renata; G., Tromba; P., Russ

    The optical method based on gas injection overestimates leaf vulnerability to xylem embolism in three woody species

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    Plant hydraulic traits related to leaf drought tolerance like the water potential at turgor loss point (TLP) and the water potential inducing 50% loss of hydraulic conductance (P50), are extremely useful to predict potential impacts of drought on plants. While novel techniques allowed the inclusion of TLP in studies targeting a large group of species, fast and reliable protocols to measure leaf P50 are still lacking. Recently, the optical method coupled with the gas-injection (GI) technique has been proposed as a possibility to speed up P50 estimation. Here, we present a comparison of leaf optical vulnerability curves (OVc) measured in three woody species, namely F Acer campestre (Ac), Ostya carpinifolia (Oc) and Populus nigra (Pn), based on bench dehydration (BD) or gas-injection (GI) of detached branches. For Pn, we also compared optical data with direct micro-CT imaging in both intact saplings and cut shoots subjected to BD. Based on the BD e procedure, Ac, Oc and Pn had P50 values of -2.87, -2.47 and -2.11 MPa, respectively, while the GI procedure overestimated leaf vulnerability (2.68, 2.04 and 1.54 MPa for Ac, Oc and Pn, respectively). The overestimation was higher for Oc and Pn than for Ac, likely reflecting the species-specific e vessel lengths. According to micro-CT observations performed on Pn, the leaf midrib showed none or very few embolized conduits at -1.2 MPa, consistent with the OVc obtained with the BD procedure but at odds with that derived on the basis of GI. Overall, our data suggest that coupling the optical method with GI might not be a reliable technique to quantify leaf hydraulic vulnerability, since it could be affected by the ‘open-vessel’ artefact. Accurate detection of xylem embolism in the leaf vein network should be based on BD, preferably of intact up-rooted plants

    Contrasting Responses of Two Grapevine Cultivars to Drought: The Role of Non-structural Carbohydrates in Xylem Hydraulic Recovery

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    Xylem embolism is one of the possible outcomes of decreasing xylem pressure when plants face drought. Recent studies have proposed a role for non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs) in osmotic pressure generation, required for refilling embolized conduits. Potted cuttings of grapevine Grenache and Barbera, selected for their adaptation to different climatic conditions, were subjected to a drought stress followed by re-irrigation. Stem embolism rate and its recovery were monitored in vivo by X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). The same plants were further analyzed for xylem conduit dimension and NSC content. Both cultivars significantly decreased & psi;(pd) in response to drought and recovered from xylem embolism after re-irrigation. However, although the mean vessel diameter was similar between the cultivars, Barbera was more prone to embolism. Surprisingly, vessel diameter was apparently reduced during recovery in this cultivar. Hydraulic recovery was linked to sugar content in both cultivars, showing a positive relationship between soluble NSCs and the degree of xylem embolism. However, when starch and sucrose concentrations were considered separately, the relationships showed cultivar-specific and contrasting trends. We showed that the two cultivars adopted different NSC-use strategies in response to drought, suggesting two possible scenarios driving conduit refilling. In Grenache, sucrose accumulation seems to be directly linked to embolism formation and possibly sustains refilling. In Barbera, maltose/maltodextrins could be involved in a conduit recovery strategy via the formation of cell-wall hydrogels, likely responsible for the reduction of conduit lumen detected by micro-CT

    Multilevel X-ray imaging approach to assess the sequential evolution of multi-organ damage in multiple sclerosis

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    The 3D complexity of biological tissues and intricate structural-functional connections call for state-of-the-art X-ray imaging approaches to overcome limitations of classical imaging. Unlike other imaging techniques, X-ray phase-contrast tomography (XPCT) offers a highly sensitive 3D imaging approach to investigate different disease-relevant networks at levels ranging from single cell through to intact organ. We present here a concomitant study of the evolution of tissue damage and inflammation in different organs affected by the disease in the murine model for multiple sclerosis, a demyelinating autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system. XPCT identifies and monitors structural and cellular alterations throughout the central nervous system, but also in the gut, and eye, of mice induced to develop multiple sclerosis-like disease and sacrificed at pre-symptomatic and symptomatic time points. This study details the sequential evolution of multi-organ damages in the murine multiple sclerosis model showing the disease development and progression which is of relevance for the human case.X-ray phase-contrast tomography offers a highly sensitive 3D imaging approach to investigate different disease-relevant networks at levels ranging from single cell through to intact organ. The authors present a concomitant study of the evolution of tissue damage and inflammation in different organs affected by the disease in the murine model for multiple sclerosis

    High resolution propagation-based lung imaging at clinically relevant X-ray dose levels

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    Absorption-based clinical computed tomography (CT) is the current imaging method of choice in the diagnosis of lung diseases. Many pulmonary diseases are affecting microscopic structures of the lung, such as terminal bronchi, alveolar spaces, sublobular blood vessels or the pulmonary interstitial tissue. As spatial resolution in CT is limited by the clinically acceptable applied X-ray dose, a comprehensive diagnosis of conditions such as interstitial lung disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or the characterization of small pulmonary nodules is limited and may require additional validation by invasive lung biopsies. Propagation-based imaging (PBI) is a phase sensitive X-ray imaging technique capable of reaching high spatial resolutions at relatively low applied radiation dose levels. In this publication, we present technical refinements of PBI for the characterization of different artificial lung pathologies, mimicking clinically relevant patterns in ventilated fresh porcine lungs in a human-scale chest phantom. The combination of a very large propagation distance of 10.7 m and a photon counting detector with [Formula: see text] pixel size enabled high resolution PBI CT with significantly improved dose efficiency, measured by thermoluminescence detectors. Image quality was directly compared with state-of-the-art clinical CT. PBI with increased propagation distance was found to provide improved image quality at the same or even lower X-ray dose levels than clinical CT. By combining PBI with iodine k-edge subtraction imaging we further demonstrate that, the high quality of the calculated iodine concentration maps might be a potential tool for the analysis of lung perfusion in great detail. Our results indicate PBI to be of great value for accurate diagnosis of lung disease in patients as it allows to depict pathological lesions non-invasively at high resolution in 3D. This will especially benefit patients at high risk of complications from invasive lung biopsies such as in the setting of suspected idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)

    Evolving trends in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 waves. The ACIE appy II study

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    Background: In 2020, ACIE Appy study showed that COVID-19 pandemic heavily affected the management of patients with acute appendicitis (AA) worldwide, with an increased rate of non-operative management (NOM) strategies and a trend toward open surgery due to concern of virus transmission by laparoscopy and controversial recommendations on this issue. The aim of this study was to survey again the same group of surgeons to assess if any difference in management attitudes of AA had occurred in the later stages of the outbreak. Methods: From August 15 to September 30, 2021, an online questionnaire was sent to all 709 participants of the ACIE Appy study. The questionnaire included questions on personal protective equipment (PPE), local policies and screening for SARS-CoV-2 infection, NOM, surgical approach and disease presentations in 2021. The results were compared with the results from the previous study. Results: A total of 476 answers were collected (response rate 67.1%). Screening policies were significatively improved with most patients screened regardless of symptoms (89.5% vs. 37.4%) with PCR and antigenic test as the preferred test (74.1% vs. 26.3%). More patients tested positive before surgery and commercial systems were the preferred ones to filter smoke plumes during laparoscopy. Laparoscopic appendicectomy was the first option in the treatment of AA, with a declined use of NOM. Conclusion: Management of AA has improved in the last waves of pandemic. Increased evidence regarding SARS-COV-2 infection along with a timely healthcare systems response has been translated into tailored attitudes and a better care for patients with AA worldwide

    Vegetarianism and type 1 diabetes in children

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by an absolute deficiency of insulin secretion. T1D management rests on three pillars: insulin therapy, correct diet and physical exercise. The aim is to focus the attention on diet and mainly on vegetarian diet, in order to evaluate if this kind of food style can offer the correct supply of nutrients, necessary for growth and well control glycaemic management. This paper is a short commentary on vegetarianism in the pediatric and adolescent population with Type 1 Diabetes. In all non-omnivorous diets there is a risk of a lack of some nutrients, as B12 vitamin and n 3 fatty acids which must therefore be measured. It is also important to monitor eating disorders especially in adolescent girls. About vegan diet, attention must be paid to the possible injury on growth brain already at risk, in diabetic children compared to the general population, due to insults related to frequent glucose variability (periods of prolonged hyperglycaemia alternating with hypoglycaemic episodes).In conclusion, vegetarian diet could be suitable for children with type 1 diabetes; vegan diet could be too restrictive but with appropriate additions can be followed by these patients