90 research outputs found

    Risk factors for childhood obesity: shift of the entire BMI distribution vs. shift of the upper tail only in a cross sectional study

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    Background: Previous studies reported an increase of upper body mass index (BMI) quantiles for formula fed infants compared to breastfed infants, while corresponding mean differences were low. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of known risk factors for childhood obesity on the BMI distribution. Methods: Data on 4,884 children were obtained at obligatory school entry health examinations in Bavaria (Germany). Exposure variables were formula feeding, maternal smoking in pregnancy, excessive TV-watching, low meal frequency, poor parental education, maternal overweight and high infant weight gain. Cumulative BMI distributions and Tukey mean-difference plots were used to assess possible shifts of BMI distributions by exposure. Results: Maternal overweight and high infant weight gain shifted the entire BMI-distribution with an accentuation on upper quantiles to higher BMI values. In contrast, parental education, formula feeding, high TV consumption, low meal frequency and maternal smoking in pregnancy resulted in a shift of upper quantiles only. Conclusion: The single shifts among upper parts of the BMI distribution might be due to effect modification of the corresponding exposures by another environmental exposure or genetic predisposition. Affected individuals might represent a susceptible subpopulation of the exposed

    Neuroacantocitose: relato de caso

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    Relatamos o caso de um paciente de 45 anos com neuroacantocitose. O paciente apresenta crises parciais complexas com automatismos e crises generalizadas tônico-clônicas, assim como distúrbios do movimento caracterizados por coréia do tronco e membros superiores, e discinesia orofacial. Os exames complementares revelam acantocitose de 11%, eletrencefalograma com foco irritativo no lobo temporal direito, creatino fosfoquinase sérica de 101 U/L e imagem de ressonância magnética com redução volumétrica e hiper-intensidade do sinal no núcleo caudado e putâmen bilateralmente

    Bone marrow transplantation in patients with storage diseases: a developing country experience

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    Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is a therapeutic option for patients with genetic storage diseases. Between 1979 and 2002, eight patients, four females and four males (1 to 13 years old) were submitted to this procedure in our center. Six patients had mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS I in 3; MPS III in one and MPS VI in 2), one had adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) and one had Gaucher disease. Five patients had related and three unrelated BMT donor. Three patients developed graft versus host disease (two MPS I and one MPS VI) and died between 37 and 151 days after transplantation. Five patients survived 4 to 16 years after transplantation. Three patients improved (one MPS I; one MPS VI and the Gaucher disease patient), one patient had no disease progression (ALD) and in one patient this procedure did not change the natural course of the disease (MPS III)

    Cerebellar hemorrhage as a complication of temporal lobectomy for refractory medial temporal epilepsy: report of three cases Hemorragia cerebelar como complicação de lobectomia temporal para epilepsia do lobo temporal medial: relato de três casos

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    Cerebellar hemorrhage is listed among the potential complications following neurosurgical pro ce dures. In this scenario it is usually reported as a rare condition. However, it seems that epilepsy surgery pa tients are somewhat more prone to this kind of complication, compared to other surgical groups. Head po si tioning, excessive cerebral spinal fluid draining and the excision of non-expanding encephalic tissue (or combinations among the three) are likely to be cause underlying remote cerebellar hemorrhage. Out of the 118 ATL/AH performed at our institution, between 1996 and 2002, we identified 3 (2.5%) patients pre sen ting with cerebellar hemorrhage. We report on such cases and review the literature on the topic.A hemorragia cerebelar faz parte das potenciais complicações dos procedimentos neurocirúrgicos. De forma geral, é considerada uma condição rara. Entretanto, há aparente propensão dos pacientes sub metidos ao tratamento cirúrgico de epilepsia em apresentar este tipo de complicação, quando compara dos com outros grupos cirúrgicos. O posicionamento da cabeça, excessiva drenagem de líquido cefalorraquidiano e a excisão de tecido cerebral não expansível (ou talvez combinações entre os três) constituem as po ten ciais causas da hemorragia cerebelar remota. Entre os 118 pacientes em nossa série de LTA ¼ AH, identifi camos 3(2.5%) casos de hemorragia cerebelar. Relatamos os três casos desta natureza, com revisão da lite ratura pertinente a esta complicação
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