52 research outputs found

    Russia's Human Capital: Performance and Comparisons

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    Article discusses the results of the valuation of human capital in Russia by analyzing the dynamics of in the period from 2007 to 2012 in nominal and real terms. The changes in the value of human capital by age groups are studied, cross-country differences in the estimates of human capital are revealed. The cost of human capital is estimated via two methods: the cost method proposed by Russian scientist M.M. Kritsliy, and the income method developed by the OECD. Current study reflects on the modified OECD method, which is applicable for statistical information disaggregated by five-year age intervals. Calculations show that in 2012 the total value of the human capital in Russia amounted to 768.7 trillion rubles if counted using M.M. Kritsliy' method and 504.6 trillion rubles using OECD method. In real terms, growth in comparison with 2007 was 40 percent using the first method 10 percent using OECD method. The comparison of the estimates on the value of Russia's human capital by age groups showed that the younger ages are ‘richer' than those in older age groups. Comparison of macro characteristics of the Russian economy showed that the gross stock of human capital at times exceeds the GDP and the stock of physical capital. The study revealed cross-country differences in the cost of and the level of equipment with human capital in Russia and the United States. Keywords: human capital, Russia, dynamics, age groups, cross-country comparisons JEL Classifications: O15; R1

    Сопоставление информативности МР-перфузии и ПЭТ с [11С]метионином в дифференциации продолженного роста церебральных опухолей и лучевых поражений головного мозга после комбинированного лечения

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    The aim of the study was to compare T2*-weighted MR-perfusion (pMRI) and positron emission tomography using [11C]methionine (PET-Met) in differentiating recurrent brain tumor (RT) from posttreatment radiation effect (PTRE). Material and methods. PET-Met and pMRIwere performed in 45 patients with previously treated brain tumor A total 57 lesions were analyzed. The rCBV index and [11C] methionine uptake index (UI-Met) were calculated as the ratios of the highest lesion value to the that in the reference region. The diagnostic accuracy of UI-Met and rCBV for correct identification of recurrent tumor (RT) versus PTRE was evaluated by ROC-analysis using subsequent histologic analysis or clinical and radiological follow-up. Results. According to the final diagnosis patientsexhibitedthetwo typesofabnormalities: recurrent tumor (n = 33) and non-progressive lesions (n = 24). The inter-individual agreement between the both techniques was observed in 93% of cases. In 4 patients results were discordant. High [11C]methionine uptake and low rCBV were detected in 2 cases of radiation necrosis. In 2 patients PET-Met was able to distinguish foci of radionecrosis and the viable tumor tissue. Conclusion. T2*-weighted MR-perfusion and PET-Met could be efficiently used for differentiation RT from PTRE. Inter-individual comparison of the both methods showed that PET-Met was more sensitive in imaging recurrent tumor, but perfusion MRI had higher specificity.Цель исследования: сравнительный анализ результатов Т2* МР-перфузии (пМРТ) и позитронно-эмиссионной томографии с [11С]метионином (ПЭТ-Мет) в дифференциальной диагностике продолженного роста опухоли (ПРО) и лучевого повреждения головного мозга (ЛП). Материал и методы. ПЭТ-Мет и пМРТ были выполнены 45 пациентам после комбинированного лечения церебральных опухолей. Было проанализировано 57 контрастно-позитивных очагов, для каждого из которых вычислялся индекс накопления [11С]метионина и индекс rCBV. Верификация результатов базировалась на патогистологическом исследовании (n = 20) или динамическом клинико-радиологическом наблюдении (n = 24). Для определения информативности выбранных показателей и оптимальных величин для принятия решения использован ROC-анализ. Результаты. Согласно окончательному диагнозу, пациенты были разделены на 2 группы: группа ПРО (n = 33) и группа с отсутствием ПРО (n = 24). Совпадение результатов ПЭТ и пМРТ наблюдали в 93% случаев. У 4 пациентов отмечалось расхождение результатов. В 2 случаях лучевого поражения определялось высокое накопление метионина при пониженных значения rCBV. У других 2 больных ПЭТ позволила выявить участок активной опухолевой ткани на фоне постлучевых изменений. Выводы. nМРТ и ПЭТ-Мет могут быть эффективно использованы для дифференциации ПРО и ЛП головного мозга. Сопоставление результатов показало, что ПЭТ-Мет обладает большей чувствительностью в выявлении и контурировании границ ПРО, но уступает по специфичности nМР

    Modern view on the issues of diagnosis and verification of axillary lymph nodes involvement in early breast cancer

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    The involvement of axillary lymph nodes is one of the most important prognostic factors, significantly affecting the treatment strategy for early breast cancer (BC). The risk of axillary lymph node metastases depends directly on a number of factors (age of women, size of tumor, presence of lymphovascular invasion and biological characteristics of cancer). The evaluation of regional lymph node status in patients with early BC includes the clinical examination of regional zones and the ultrasound study (US), using these methods can help to study lymph nodes shape, borders, margins and structure. The sensitivity of ultrasound in the evaluation of regional lymph nodes status directly depends on the biological subtype of the tumor; the minimum level of ultrasound sensitivity in the evaluation of lymph nodes status is detected for luminal HER2-negative cancer (less than 40%), and maximum sensitivity is detected for triple negative and HER2-positive subtypes (6871%). Clinical examination and modern ultrasound are the most accessible methods for the evaluation of regional lymph nodes status, but the possibility to misjudge metastatic process can be detected in 1/4 of patients. Verification of the diagnosis in the preoperative phase (fine-needle aspiration biopsy/core-needle biopsy under ultrasound guidance) allows minimize the number of errors for the regional staging. The sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is the gold standard of regional treatment in patients with early stage BC, nowadays. The randomized trials (NSABP B-32, ACOSOG q0011) show the safety of recession of performing regional lymph node dissection in favor of SLNB not only in case of clinically negative lymph nodes, but also in patients with metastases in 2 sentinel lymph nodes, upon condition that organ-conservative treatment and subsequent radiation therapy will be used. High-quality regional staging, the choice of the therapeutic algorithm in accordance with the biological characteristics of carcinoma, the application of the most effective modern drug regimes, the optimal radiation therapy allow not only minimize the extent of surgery, but also achieve high long-term survival results, provide excellent functional results and high quality of life in patients with the involvement of axillary lymph nodes

    Persistent disparities in antiretroviral treatment (ART) coverage and virological suppression across Europe, 2004 to 2015

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    Background: Direct comparisons between countries in core HIV care parameters are often hampered by differences in data collection. Aim: Within the EuroSIDA study, we compared levels of antiretroviral treatment (ART) coverage and virological suppression (HIV RNA < 500 copies/mL) across Europe and explored temporal trends. Methods: In three cross-sectional analyses in 2004—05, 2009—10 and 2014—15, we assessed country-specific percentages of ART coverage and virological suppression among those on ART. Temporal changes were analysed using logistic regression. Results: Overall, the percentage of people on ART increased from 2004—05 (67.8%) to 2014—15 (78.2%), as did the percentage among those on ART who were virologically suppressed (75.2% in 2004—05, 87.7% in 2014—15). However, the rate of improvement over time varied significantly between regions (p < 0.01). In 2014—15, six of 34 countries had both ART coverage and virological suppression of above 90% among those on ART. The pattern varied substantially across clinics within countries, with ART coverage ranging from 61.9% to 97.0% and virological suppression from 32.2% to 100%. Compared with Western Europe (as defined in this study), patients in other regions were less likely to be virologically suppressed in 2014—15, with the lowest odds of suppression (adjusted odds ratio = 0.16; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.13—0.21) in Eastern Europe. Conclusions: Despite overall improvements over a decade, we found persistent disparities in country-specific estimates of ART coverage and virological suppression. Underlying reasons for this variation warrant further analysis to identify a best practice and benchmark HIV care across EuroSIDA

    Risk assessment related to the choice of contractors performing the job

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    Construction and investment projects inherent risks in an extremely wide range of human activity fields. An analysis of risks from the viewpoint of management and mitigation is conducted in this article. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of risk events related to the choice of an unqualified contractors performing the job. The compliance of duration implementation project, the budget amount, and the quality of performed work depend on this choice. The contractors risk assessment methods analysis showed that besides the overall criterion for all methods connected to the cost of work it is vital to take into account the qualifications, reputation, material and technical base of a contractor, the time and quality of the work performed previously. Existing methods with criteria of the choice of contractors performing the job are considered. The universal methodology with a set of criteria that satisfies all construction process participants, and based on publicly accessible information about companies and their experience is essential

    Risk assessment related to the choice of contractors performing the job

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    Construction and investment projects inherent risks in an extremely wide range of human activity fields. An analysis of risks from the viewpoint of management and mitigation is conducted in this article. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of risk events related to the choice of an unqualified contractors performing the job. The compliance of duration implementation project, the budget amount, and the quality of performed work depend on this choice. The contractors risk assessment methods analysis showed that besides the overall criterion for all methods connected to the cost of work it is vital to take into account the qualifications, reputation, material and technical base of a contractor, the time and quality of the work performed previously. Existing methods with criteria of the choice of contractors performing the job are considered. The universal methodology with a set of criteria that satisfies all construction process participants, and based on publicly accessible information about companies and their experience is essential