531 research outputs found

    A Study of the Coupling of FET Temperament Traits with Major Depression

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    Objective: Temperament and mental illness have been linked to the same systems of behavioural regulation. A temperament model, carefully structured to respond to subtle differences within systems of behavior regulation, should exhibit distinct temperament patterns in the presence of mental illness. Previous comparisons of temperament profiles in mental disorders used mostly emotionality-related traits. In contrast, the Functional Ensemble of Temperament (FET) model differentiates not only between emotionality traits, but also between traits related to physical, verbal and mental aspects of behavior and maps 12 functional aspects of behavior to temperament traits as well as to symptoms of mental illnesses. This article reports on the coupling of sex, age and temperament traits with Major Depression using the FET framework. Method: Intake records of 467, ages 17-24, 25-45, 46-65, 66-84 were examined, with temperament assessed by the Structure of Temperament Questionnaire (based on the FET). Results: The presence of Major Depression was associated with changes in mean temperament scores on 9 of the 12 traits. The results were in line with the DSM-5 criteria of fatigue (patients with MD reported a significant decrease in three types of endurance - motor-physical, social-verbal and mental), of psychomotor retardation (a significant decrease in physical and social-verbal tempo) and of worthlessness (as low Self-Confidence). The results also showed that three new symptoms, high Impulsivity, high Neuroticism and diminished Plasticity, should be considered as depressive symptoms in future versions of the DSM. As a significant negative result, no interaction of age or sex (with the exception of the Self-Confidence scale) with MD was found for temperament traits. Conclusions: The value of differentiating between physical, social and mental aspects of behaviour is demonstrated in the differential effects of major depression and gender. The value of differentiating between endurance, dynamical and orientation-related aspects of behaviour is demonstrated in the differential effects of age. The deleterious impact of Major Depression on temperament scores appeared to be similar across all age groups. The appearance of high impulsivity, neuroticism and low plasticity deserve further study as associated factors in future versions of the DSM/ICD

    Landsat imagery evidences great recent land cover changes induced by wild fires in central Siberia

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    The article discusses the methods of satellite image classification to determine general types of forest ecosystems, as well as the long-term monitoring of ecosystems changes using satellite imagery of medium spatial resolution and the daily data of space monitoring of active fires. The area of interest of this work is 100 km footprint of the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO), located near the Zotino settlement, Krasnoyarsk region. The study area is located in the middle taiga subzone of Western Siberia, are presented by the left and right banks of the Yenisei river. For Landsat satellite imagery supervised classification by the maximum likelihood method was made using ground-based studies over the last fifteen years. The results are the identification of the 10 aggregated classes of land surface and composition of the study area thematic map. Operational satellite monitoring and analysis of spatial information about ecosystem in the 100-kilometer footprint of the ZOTTO tall tower allows to monitor the dynamics of forest disturbance by fire and logging over a long time period and to estimate changes in forest ecosystems of the study area. Data on the number and area of fires detected in the study region for the 2000-2014 received in the work. Calculations show that active fires have burned more than a quarter of the footprint area over the study period. Fires have a significant impact on the redistribution of classes of land surface. Area of all types of vegetation ecosystems declined dramatically under the influence of fires, whereas industrial logging does not impact seriously on it. The results obtained in our work indicate the highest occurrence of fires for lichen forest types within study region, probably due to their high natural fire danger, which is consistent with other studies. The least damage the fire caused to the wetland ecosystem due to high content of moisture and the presence of a large number of fire breaks in the form of open water


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    The article considers the strategic aspects of anti-crisis management of enterprises during the crisis. The paper clarifies the concept of crisis management, analyses the stages of crisis management, and identifies possible threats that arise for enterprises in the current coronavirus pandemic. The use of the the author’s approach, based on the methods of scientific generalization, comparative analysis, system and situational approach, has allowed us to establish that actions taken to manage the crisis should be based on a carefully developed plan, should be effective, and should be applied as soon as possible. The scientific novelty of the study is that, based on the research, the author has identified the advantages of creating a strategic crisis management plan; proposed a sequence of actions for developing an anti-crisis plan; gave an example of implementing an anti-crisis plan for the COVID-19 pandemic; proposed, in order to ensure the sustainability of enterprises in the post-crisis period,  strategic recommendations. The practical significance of this scientific paper is that it can serve as a basis for further research in the field of strategic management based on anti-crisis technologies

    Business process outsourcing as a key strategy of enterprises in an unstable economic situation

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    The article considers business process outsourcing from the point of view of the strategic basis for the activities of enterprises in an unstable economy. The paper shows that, presently, the outsourcing strategy is becoming the new norm and is changing the entire world economy. The study uses the author’s approach, based on the methods of scientific generalization, comparative analysis, systemic and situational approach. The paper justifies the application of the outsourcing strategy at enterprises, ascertains the main advantages and disadvantages of its implementation. The author develops a model of enterprise transformation based on business process outsourcing. The study gives recommendations for outsourcing business processes, the implementation of which will allow enterprises to optimize their management strategy in an unstable economic situation. This article can serve as a basis for further research in the field of strategic management based on outsourcing technologies

    Occupational diseases among agricultural workers in the Russian Federation: review of statistical data

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    ArticleThe aim of the study is to analyze the epidemiological situation of occupational diseases among agricultural workers in Russia. To address this task, the analysis of occupational diseases incidence was carried out. Conclusions.For the last decades the proportion of rural working population in Russia is gradually decreasing, but remains noticeably higher than in other industrialized countries. There is a huge difference between entities of the Russian Federation in occupational illnesses incidence rates among agriculture workers, which can be explained by: (a) the distinction of health care availability; (b) lack of occupational physicians in rural areas; (c) the high level of the incidence of non-communicable diseases, which can disguise occupational illnesses among agricultural workers. The improvement of the health care regulatory legal framework, development of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, quality improvement in postgraduate education of medical doctors in rural areas, increasing in the number of occupational health physicians in rural areas, and implementation of long-term health promotion programs are necessary in order to maintain the heath of agricultural workers in the Russian Federation. This list of priority measures is not sufficient, as it highlights only the main issues in the field of occupational health

    Features and prospects of implementation of the integrated Lean Six Sigma methodology at the enterprise

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    The article considers the integrated Lean Six Sigma methodology. The author shows that today enterprises use the Lean Six Sigma methodology to improve production indicators, optimize the product portfolio, achieve strategic goals. The paper clarifies the essence of the American (Six Sigma) and Japanese (Lean) enterprise management methodology. The study highlights some features, system tools and methods of continuous improvement in the framework of the implementation of the integrated Lean Six Sigma methodology at the enterprise. The article highlights a number of key success factors for the implementation of this methodology. The paper proposes the criteria for assessing the readiness of the enterprise to its implementation. The scientific novelty of the study is that the author identified the advantages and problems of implementing the Lean Six Sigma methodology at enterprises. The author made a proposal on the need for mandatory assessment of the company's readiness to work on the Lean Six Sigma methodology using fuzzy logic tools, and also highlighted the stages of its implementation. The practical significance of the work done is that it can serve as a basis for further scientific research in the field of the Lean Six Sigma methodology


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    A study of the problematic issues of strategic management in Russian industry which arise during the digitalization of high-tech industries has been conducted. The research methodology was analytical in nature, with the author`s emphasis on the analysis of business process management of industrial enterprises in Russia at the current stage of transition to the digital economy. In practical terms, this will serve as the basis for creating effective tools for modernizing production processes and optimizing business processes in high-tech industries, based on the use of strategic analysis methods on management issues in the context of complex industrial digitalization. The novelty and scientific value of the work lies in the fact that the result of the study was a reasonable author’s approach to studying the specifics of the digital economy in Russian industry, as well as the development of an algorithm for identifying and solving existing problems of digitalization, taking into account the peculiarities of high-tech industries

    Current trends in corporate risk management in the system for ensuring the economic sustainability of industrial enterprises

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    The results of research of risk management trends in the system for ensuring the economic sustainability of industrial enterprises have been presented in the article. The purpose of the study was to identify and analyse trends in corporate risk management of industrial enterprises. The study solved the following tasks: clarified the concepts of risk management and the main risks of the enterprise; determined the composition of corporate risks; disclosed the sources of risks that affect the economic stability of an industrial enterprise; investigated modern methodology of strategic corporate risk management. The necessity of identifying, assessing and determining priorities among risks with the further application of methods for their minimization, monitoring and control of risk events has been substantiated. The trends in corporate risk management in the field of intangible risk management have been analysed.As a result of the study, the author proposed the main elements of the risk management planning process, including: managing operational risks of an industrial enterprise that cannot be planned in advance; management of financial risks arising from the impact of various markets on the assets of an industrial enterprise; strategic risk management or longterm planning of the industrial enterprise. Measures to reduce the risk in industrial enterprises have been developed: abandonment of business processes with the highest risks; optimization, minimization and / or reduction of risks; transfer of risks to outsourcing or insurance; taking risks and creating a backup plan of action in the event of a risk event at an industrial enterprise. The revealed current trends in corporate risk management in the system for ensuring the economic sustainability of industrial enterprises have been summarized and systematized, including: achieving a balance between the realization of opportunities for making profit and minimizing losses; implementation of risk management practices based on GOST R ISO 31000-2019; application of relevant risk management strategies; development ofbusiness processes with adequate means to control and contain risks; audit of risks and timely adjustment of measures to reduce them; risk outsourcing to an external agency; risk avoidance; accounting for risk management of intangible assets


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    The article considers the key factors for increasing the satisfaction of employees of an industrial enterprise. The concept of satisfaction is clarified, the areas of a multidimensional approach to satisfaction are highlighted, and the key factors of a workplace focused on increasing employee satisfaction are identified. The use of the author’s approach, based on the methods of scientific generalization and a systematic approach, allowed us to establish that actions taken to increase employee satisfaction should be based on care; creating places of rest; reducing career growth; showing respect; having feedback; achieving a work-life balance; regularly evaluating relationships; observing fair and inclusive policies; developing creative talents and innovation; ensuring safety, confidence, importance and need for the enterprise. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the key factors of jobs focused on increasing satisfaction are identified, and indicators for assessing the level of satisfaction of employees of an industrial enterprise are proposed. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that it can serve as a basis for further research in the field of personnel management and increase the level of their satisfaction with work at an industrial  enterprise

    The need to minimize personnel resistance to innovative changes in the management system of a high-technological enterprise

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    The article considers ways to minimize resistance to innovations in the management system of a high-tech enterprise. It has been shown that a decrease in the level of resistance of personnel to innovations can be achieved through the use of certain measures that contribute to the gradual preparation of the workforce of an enterprise for the implementation and implementation of the planned innovations. The concept of “personnel resistance” has been clarified. Based on empirical research, various categories of personnel resistance to  innovation have been analysed, signs of personnel resistance in the management system of a high-tech  enterprise have been highlighted. Possible reactions of personnel in cases of personnel resistance to innovative changes in the management system of a high-tech enterprise have been investigated. Special attention is paid to the reasons for the emergence of resistance in situations of innovation implementation. The use of an integrated author’s approach, based on the methods of scientific generalization, comparative analysis, systemic and situational approach, made it possible to establish the main consequences of the resistance of the personnel of hightech enterprises to socio-economic, organizational, managerial and technological innovations, taking into account their influence on the formation of the innovative potential of the organization. High-tech enterprises were offered to introduce a subsystem for managing personnel resistance to innovations in the general management system.The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author, on the basis of the research conducted, has developed a set of measures, the implementation of which in the context of the innovative development of a high-tech enterprise will significantly minimize the resistance of personnel in the management system of a high-tech enterprise. The practical significance of the work done is in the fact that it can serve as a basis for further scientific research in the field of personnel resistance management for an individual enterprise, taking into account the specifics of its activities in the field of innovative development