1 research outputs found

    Methodological Strategies That Benefit Students With ADHD

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    El abordaje de las necesidades educativas especiales (NEE) dentro del aula es un gran desaf铆o para los docentes en la actualidad, ya que al querer generar mayor inclusi贸n dentro de la educaci贸n se hace un poco m谩s dificil al momento de escoger estrategias que vayan acorde a cada necedidad espec铆fica de los estudiantes; especialmente en los estudiantes que presentan TDAH ya que al ser un trastorno del neurodesarrollo tan extenso, se presenta en una amplia gama de dimensiones que hace que cada ni帽o presente una peculiaridad. En este 煤ltimo tiempo se ha tomado muy a consideraci贸n el implementar diferentes estrategias metodol贸gicas para reforzar y motivar el aprendizaje y complementarlo. Por ello, el objetivo principal es analizar y desarrollar estrategias metodol贸gicas efectivas que beneficien a estudiantes con Trastorno por D茅ficit de Atenci贸n e Hiperactividad (TDAH) en su proceso de aprendizaje, promoviendo un entorno educativo inclusivo y facilitando su participaci贸n activa en el s茅ptimo de b谩sica de la Unidad Educativa XXX. La metodolog铆a utilizada fue de tipo descriptiva y documental. Se aplic贸 a una muestra no probabil铆stica de diez docentes los cuales respondieron una encuesta para poder medir la aplicaci贸n de diferentes estrategias metodol贸gicas dentro del aula en los estudiantes con TDAH y evidenciar si los docentes los utilizan de una manera adecuada e inclusiva. Los resultados obtenidos fueron que las diferentes estrategias metodol贸gicas son herramientas de gran utlidad para reforzar y motivar el aprendizaje de estudiantes con TDAH.Addressing special educational needs (SEN) within the classroom is a great challenge for teachers today, since wanting to generate greater inclusion within education makes it a little more difficult when choosing strategies that are in accordance with each specific need of the students; especially in students who have ADHD since it is such an extensive neurodevelopmental disorder, it occurs in a wide range of dimensions that makes each child present a peculiarity. In recent times, great consideration has been given to implementing different methodological strategies to reinforce and motivate learning and complement it. Therefore, the main objective is to analyze and develop effective methodological strategies that benefit students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in their learning process, promoting an inclusive educational environment and facilitating their active participation in the seventh grade of basic education. Educational Unit XXX. The methodology used was descriptive and documentary. It was applied to a non-probabilistic sample of ten teachers who responded to a survey to measure the application of different methodological strategies within the classroom in students with ADHD and to demonstrate whether teachers use them in an appropriate and inclusive way. The results obtained were that the different methodological strategies are very useful tools to reinforce and motivate the learning of students with ADHD