4 research outputs found

    Angioneurotic edema: report of two cases

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    Pediatric angioedema exhibits a different cause and clinical manifestations than does adult angioedema. Unlike angioedema in adults, pediatric angioedema is caused mostly due to food, followed by insect bites, infection and antibiotics. Reactions to insect stings, both allergic and toxic, are commonly seen in medical pediatric practice but uncommonly encountered by pediatric dentists. Here we present two cases of angioedema involving the face mainly in children who presented insect bite in the affected region. Treatment and case resolution are described

    Angioneurotic edema: report of two cases

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    ic angioedema exhibits a different cause and clinical manifestations than does adult angioedema. Unlike angioedema in adults, pediatric angioedema is caused mostly due to food, followed by insect bites, infection and antibiotics. Reactions to insect stings, both allergic and toxic, are commonly seen in medical pediatric practice but uncommonly encountered by pediatric dentists. Here we present two cases of angioedema involving the face mainly in children who presented insect bite in the affected region. Treatment and case resolution are described

    Knowledge, attitude, and practices of oral health care in prevention of early childhood caries among parents of children in Belagavi city: A Questionnaire study

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the existing knowledge, attitude, and practices of “oral health care” in the prevention of early childhood caries (ECCs) among parents of children in Belagavi city. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the outpatient Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka. Institutional Ethical Clearance was obtained. The study was conducted during the month of April 2014 to October 2014 after taking prior informed consent from the 218 parents. Inclusion criteria were parents getting their children treated for dental caries and who were willing to participate. Parents who could not read and write were excluded from the study. The self-administered, close-ended questionnaire was written in English. It was then translated in local languages, i.e. Kannada and Marathi, and a pilot study was conducted on 10 parents to check for its feasibility and any changes if required were done. Results: The response rate was 100% as all 218 parents completed the questionnaire. Of 218 parents, 116 were mothers and 102 were fathers. The overall mean knowledge score was 69.5%. The overall mean attitude score was 53.5%. The overall attitude toward prevention of ECC was not in accordance to knowledge. The overall mean of “good” practices and “bad” practices score was 33.5% and 18.5%, respectively. Good knowledge and attitude toward oral health do not necessarily produce good practices