404 research outputs found

    The contrast of magnetic elements in synthetic CH- and CN-band images of solar magnetoconvection

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    We present a comparative study of the intensity contrast in synthetic CH-band and violet CN-band filtergrams computed from a high-resolution simulation of solar magnetoconvection. The underlying simulation has an average vertical magnetic field of 250 G with kG fields concentrated in its intergranular lanes, and is representative of a plage region. To simulate filtergrams typically obtained in CH- and CN-band observations we computed spatially resolved spectra in both bands and integrated these spectra over 1 nm FWHM filter functions centred at 430.5 nm and 388.3 nm, respectively. We find that the average contrast of magnetic bright points in the simulated filtergrams is lower in the CN-band by a factor of 0.96. This result strongly contradicts earlier semi-empirical modeling and recent observations, which both etimated that the bright-point contrast in the CN-band is \emph{higher} by a factor of 1.4. We argue that the near equality of the bright-point contrast in the two bands in the present simulation is a natural consequence of the mechanism that causes magnetic flux elements to be particularly bright in the CN and CH filtergrams, namely the partial evacuation of these elements and the concomitant weakening of molecular spectral lines in the filter passbands. We find that the RMS intensity contrast in the whole field-of-view of the filtergrams is 20.5% in the G band and 22.0% in the CN band and conclude that this slight difference in contrast is caused by the shorter wavelength of the latter. Both the bright-point and RMS intensity contrast in the CN band are sensitive to the precise choice of the central wavelength of the filter.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Ap

    Narrow-band Imaging in the CN Band at 388.33 nm

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    We promote the use of narrow-band (0.05 -- 0.20 nm FWHM) imaging in the molecularvCN band head at 388.33 nm as an effective method for monitoring small-scale magnetic field elements because it renders them with exceptionally high contrast. We create synthetic narrow-band CN filtergrams from spectra computed from a three-dimensional snapshot of a magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the solar convection to illustrate the expected high contrast and explain its nature. In addition, we performed observations with the horizontal slit spectrograph at the Dunn Solar Tower at 388.3 nm to experimentally confirm the high bright-point contrast, and to characterize and optimize the transmission profile of a narrow-band (0.04 FWHM) Lyot filter, which was built by Lyot and tailored to the CN band at Sacramento Peak in the early 70's. The presented theoretical computations predict that bright-point contrast in narrow-band (0.04 FWHM) CN filtergrams is more than 3 times higher than in CN filtergrams taken with 1 nm FWHM wide filters, and in typical G-band filtergrams

    Imaging Spectropolarimetry with IBIS: Evolution of Bright Points in the Quiet Sun

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    We present the results from first spectropolarimetric observations of the solar photosphere acquired at the Dunn Solar Telescope with the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer. Full Stokes profiles were measured in the Fe I 630.15 nm and Fe I 630.25 nm lines with high spatial and spectral resolutions for 53 minutes, with a Stokes V noise of 0.003 the continuum intensity level. The dataset allows us to study the evolution of several magnetic features associated with G-band bright points in the quiet Sun. Here we focus on the analysis of three distinct processes, namely the coalescence, fragmentation and cancellation of G-band bright points. Our analysis is based on a SIR inversion of the Stokes I and V profiles of both Fe I lines. The high spatial resolution of the G-band images combined with the inversion results helps to interpret the undergoing physical processes. The appearance (dissolution) of high-contrast G-band bright points is found to be related to the local increase (decrease) of the magnetic filling factor, without appreciable changes in the field strength. The cancellation of opposite-polarity bright points can be the signature of either magnetic reconnection or the emergence/submergence of magnetic loops.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Plasma flows and magnetic field interplay during the formation of a pore

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    We studied the formation of a pore in AR NOAA 11462. We analysed data obtained with the IBIS at the DST on April 17, 2012, consisting of full Stokes measurements of the Fe I 617.3 nm lines. Furthermore, we analysed SDO/HMI observations in the continuum and vector magnetograms derived from the Fe I 617.3 nm line data taken from April 15 to 19, 2012. We estimated the magnetic field strength and vector components and the LOS and horizontal motions in the photospheric region hosting the pore formation. We discuss our results in light of other observational studies and recent advances of numerical simulations. The pore formation occurs in less than 1 hour in the leading region of the AR. The evolution of the flux patch in the leading part of the AR is faster (< 12 hour) than the evolution (20-30 hour) of the more diffuse and smaller scale flux patches in the trailing region. During the pore formation, the ratio between magnetic and dark area decreases from 5 to 2. We observe strong downflows at the forming pore boundary and diverging proper motions of plasma in the vicinity of the evolving feature that are directed towards the forming pore. The average values and trends of the various quantities estimated in the AR are in agreement with results of former observational studies of steady pores and with their modelled counterparts, as seen in recent numerical simulations of a rising-tube process. The agreement with the outcomes of the numerical studies holds for both the signatures of the flux emergence process (e.g. appearance of small-scale mixed polarity patterns and elongated granules) and the evolution of the region. The processes driving the formation of the pore are identified with the emergence of a magnetic flux concentration and the subsequent reorganization of the emerged flux, by the combined effect of velocity and magnetic field, in and around the evolving structure.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic


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    We present observational evidence for the existence of a current sheet in the chromosphere above a sunspot umbra based on high angular resolution two-dimensional spectroscopic observations in the Ca II 854.21 nm line. In the core of this line we observe a very stable bright ribbon-like structure separating magnetic field configurations that connect to different parts of the active region. We make plausible that the structure is a string of sheets carrying vertical currents that result from dissipation when the different parts of the active region are moved around in the photosphere. To our knowledge this is the first direct observation of the heating caused by the dissipation in such a current sheet in the chromosphere
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