2 research outputs found

    Sinequia vulvar: revisi贸n de literatura

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    OBJETIVO: Realizar una revisi贸n de la literatura internacional sobre factores de riesgo, etiolog铆a, tratamiento y pron贸stico de la sinequia vulvar. INTRODUCCI脫N: La fusi贸n de los labios menores o sinequia vulvar es un hallazgo com煤n y benigno. La incidencia se encuentra entre 0,3% y 3,3%. La edad de mayor incidencia es de los 3 meses a los 6 a帽os. MATERIALES Y M脡TODOS: B煤squeda sistem谩tica en bases de datos PubMed, Embase y ScienceDirect con revisi贸nde art铆culos de enero de 1999 a octubre de 2016. RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIONES: La sinequia vulvar es una patolog铆a benigna multifactorial y existen pocos estudios en Latinoam茅rica. Las l铆neas de tratamiento son observaci贸n y seguimiento, medicaci贸n t贸pica y separaci贸n manual o quir煤rgica. Los estr贸genos conjugados presentan una tasa de 茅xito del 50-90% con recurrenciadel 30%; los corticoides t贸picos tienen una tasa de 茅xito del68-80% yrecurrencia del 23%. La intervenci贸n posee una tasa de 茅xito del 100% y de recurrencia de 10%.INTRODUCTION: Fusion of the labia or sinequia vulvae is a common and benign finding in the pediatric female population. The reported incidence is 0. 3-3. 3% with a greater incidence between 3 months and 6 years old. OBJETIVE: Extensive review of the current international literature regarding the risk factors, etiology, treatment and prognosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic search in medical databases as PubMed, Embase and Science Direct for the papers published between January 1999 and October 2016. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Labial adhesion is a multicausal benign pathology and there were very few published studies in Latin America. The proposed lines of treatment are observation and periodic follow up, topical treatment and manual or surgical separation. Topical conjugated estrogens have a success rate of 50-90% with recurrence of 30% and topical corticoids reported 68-80% of success with 23% of recurrences. Surgical intervention has a success rate of 100% and recurrence of 10%

    Sinequia vulvar: revisi贸n de literatura

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    OBJETIVO: Realizar una revisi贸n de la literatura internacional sobre factores de riesgo, etiolog铆a, tratamiento y pron贸stico de la sinequia vulvar. INTRODUCCI脫N: La fusi贸n de los labios menores o sinequia vulvar es un hallazgo com煤n y benigno. La incidencia se encuentra entre 0,3% y 3,3%. La edad de mayor incidencia es de los 3 meses a los 6 a帽os. MATERIALES Y M脡TODOS: B煤squeda sistem谩tica en bases de datos PubMed, Embase y ScienceDirect con revisi贸nde art铆culos de enero de 1999 a octubre de 2016. RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIONES: La sinequia vulvar es una patolog铆a benigna multifactorial y existen pocos estudios en Latinoam茅rica. Las l铆neas de tratamiento son observaci贸n y seguimiento, medicaci贸n t贸pica y separaci贸n manual o quir煤rgica. Los estr贸genos conjugados presentan una tasa de 茅xito del 50-90% con recurrenciadel 30%; los corticoides t贸picos tienen una tasa de 茅xito del68-80% yrecurrencia del 23%. La intervenci贸n posee una tasa de 茅xito del 100% y de recurrencia de 10%.INTRODUCTION: Fusion of the labia or sinequia vulvae is a common and benign finding in the pediatric female population. The reported incidence is 0. 3-3. 3% with a greater incidence between 3 months and 6 years old. OBJETIVE: Extensive review of the current international literature regarding the risk factors, etiology, treatment and prognosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic search in medical databases as PubMed, Embase and Science Direct for the papers published between January 1999 and October 2016. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Labial adhesion is a multicausal benign pathology and there were very few published studies in Latin America. The proposed lines of treatment are observation and periodic follow up, topical treatment and manual or surgical separation. Topical conjugated estrogens have a success rate of 50-90% with recurrence of 30% and topical corticoids reported 68-80% of success with 23% of recurrences. Surgical intervention has a success rate of 100% and recurrence of 10%