29 research outputs found


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    Pulse storm is a term to mention the occurrence of storms that have a short duration with the nature of its weak updraft. The results of the Transportable X-band radar campaign were able to capture a pulse storm at a location 25 km southwest from a radar position. Convective core with echo value > 50 dbz is detected at 4 km altitude but has a weak updraft so that it dissipated in the next 40 minutes. This convective activity is also showed by convective index value as well as Tbb value from Himawari Satellite data in those area. The microburst effect showed from the surface wind shear that expand along + 6.6 km with the edge of the area experiencing high wind with maximum speed from combine shear showed up to 14.5 m/s. The microburst category is dry microburst based on the increase in precipitation value from AWS surface dat

    Development Processes of Oceanic Convective Systems Inducing the Heavy Rainfall over the Western Coast of Sumatra on 28 October 2007

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    This study analyzed the oceanic convective systems that induced heavy rainfall over the western coast of Sumatra on 28 October 2007. The convective systems that satisfied the definition of a mesoscale convective complex (MCC), as identified by infrared satellite imagery, developed repeatedly for 16 hours over the Indian Ocean near Sumatra. The MCC developed from midnight on 27 October until the early morning of 28 October, and it was intensified by the land breeze from Sumatra. New convective systems around the decaying MCC were generated during the daytime of 28 October, and they propagated to the western coast of Sumatra in the evening because of a divergent outflow from a cold pool. The combination of the land breeze from Sumatra and cold pool outflows from the decaying MCC was a significant factor in the formation of the convective system that induced strong rainfall up to 46 mm h?1 over the western coast of Sumatra

    Karakteristik Harian Dan Distribusi Musiman Dari Kompleks Konvektif Skala Meso Di Samudera Hindia Selama 10 Tahun (Periode 2000-2009)

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    Effects of Mesoscale Convective Complexes (MCC) in Indian Ocean on convections over Sumatera Island have been investigated using Multi-functional Transport SATellite (MTSAT) infrared (IR1) imageries, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) rainfall data, and Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP) surface wind data of 10-year period (2000-2009). Occurrences of MCC were identified using an algorithm that combines criteria of cloud coverage, eccentricity, and cloud lifetime. Then, we do analyze of the spatial and temporal characteristics of daily and seasonal distribution of MCC in theIndian Ocean for 10 years. And also study the relationship MCC against convective index and surface wind anomalies. From this study, we found about a number of 553 MCC events have been identified over western Indian Ocean or there are about 55 MCC events per year in average. However, it is of interest to note MCC events tend to occur with significantly higher frequency during the monsoon transition season of March- April-May (MAM) period. Available data suggest that the life cycle of MCCs over western Indian Ocean is about 12 to 15 hours. The daily characteristics of MCC in the Indian Oceanshows that the initial phase of MCC common in 17:00 UTC, and the maximum phase of MCC dominant occurred at 00:00 UTC, while the dissipation phase of MCC dominant occurs at 12:00 UTC. And we also found a strong linkage between MCC with the convective index, especially in DJF and JJA seasons, and MCC affecting the convective clouds in the surrounding area for every season. Distribution of convective index during dissipation phase of MCC every season of DJF, MAM, JJA and SON shows the number of distribution of convective cloud over the Sumatra island, which had not previously seen in the maximum phase of MCC, it indicates that there are movement of the convective cloud when the dissipation phase of MCC.hal. 296-30

    Karakteristik Angin Zonal Dan Meridional Di Atas Kototabang Saat Adanya Kompleks Konvektif Skala Meso Di Samudera Hindia

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    Kajian ini dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi kejadian Kompleks Konvektif Skala Meso (KKSM) atau yang biasa disebut Mesoscale Convective Complexes (MCC) di Samudera Hindia menggunakan data citra infra-red (IR1) dari Multi-functional Transport SATellite (MTSAT) periode 2000-2009 dan membagi area kejadian KKSM menjadi beberapa area berdasarkan lokasi yang sama, kemudian di lakukan analisis komposit dengan merata-ratakan seluruh kejadian KKSM setiap area dan juga dilakukan komposit dengan merata-ratakan data angin zonal dan meridional dari data Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR) per jam sesuai kejadian KKSM pada saat fase maksimumnya pada jam 00.00 UTC. Hal yang menarik dari hasil ini adalah terlihatnya propagasi fase kecepatan ke bawah dari lapisan atas pada komposit angin zonal serta adanya propagasi angin zonal dari ketinggian 12 km sampai 8 km saat kejadian KKSM. Propagasi ini di duga memicu aktivitas konvektif di wilayah Samudera Hindia saat terjadinya KKSM di Samudera Hindia. Hal ini memperkuat gagasan mengenai perambatan gelombang ekuatorial terkait dengan aktivitas konvektif di wilayah tropis. Rata-rata kecepatan meridional bergerak ke arah selatan dan zonal bergerak ke arah timur, angin meridional dan zonal terlihat melemah seiring dengan ketinggian terutama di atas ketinggian 14 km pada beberapa Area KKSM di Samudera Hindia.Hlm.383-39

    Kontribusi Kompleks Konvektif Skala Meso Terhadap Curah Hujan Di Sumatera (Studi Kasus 1617 Agustus 2005 Dan 27-28 Oktober 2007)

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    Identifikasi Kompleks Konvektif Skala Meso (KKSM) atau yang biasa disebut Mesoscale Convective Complexes (MCC) dilakukan menggunakan data citra infra-red (IR1) dari Multifunctional Transport SATellite (MTSAT) dengan membuat algoritma untuk digunakan dalam mendeteksi KKSM dari data citra IR1 yang dibangun dengan menggabungkan beberapa kriteria dari luasan tutupan awan, tingkat kelonjongan dan lama masa hidupnya. Pada kajian ini, telah diidentifikasi KKSM yang berada di Samudera Hindia dan dilakukan dua studi kasus yaitu tanggal 16-17 Agustus 2005 dan 27-28 Oktober 2007, dari kedua kasus tersebut terlihat bahwa KKSM menginduksi aktivitas konvektif disekitarnya sehingga menyebabkan curah hujan yang cukup signifikan di beberapa wilayah Sumatera. Dari kajian tersebut disimpulkan bahwa KKSM mempunyai pengaruh terhadap aktivitas konvektif di atas wilayah sekitarnya yang menyebabkan curah hujan yang cukup signifikan di atas wilayah di sekitar KKSMHlm.374-38

    Identifikasi Curah Hujan Ekstrem Menggunakan Metode Analisis Mesoscale Convective Complexe (MCC) Dari Data MTSAT IR1

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    Identification of Mesoscale Convective Complexes (MCC) was done using infra-red image data (IR1) of the Multi-functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT) to create algorithms for use in the detection of MCC from IR1 image data which built by combining multiple criteria of the extent of cloud cover, eccentricity and lifetimes. The linkage for MCC with extreme rainfall is done spatial analysis to analyze the evolution of the development of MCC at each phase is the initial phase, maximum phase and the dissipation phase of MCC. In this study, we also use surface wind from CCMP data to analyze the movementof MCC with seen the surface vectors wind anomaly at each phase of the MCC. And we use also TRMM rainfall data to analyze the influence of MCC on extremes rainfall. MCC can produce extreme rainfall through the mechanism of cold pool with a new convection cell formation system that induces the growth of convection around it so as to make the growth of significant convective clouds around it so that it can lead to extreme rainfallHal. 283-29

    Mekanisme Pergerakan Mesoscale Convective Complexes(MCCs) Di Atas Pesisir Barat Sulawesi Dalam Mempengaruhi Curah Hujan Di Pulau Kalimantan

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    Makalah ini menjelaskan karakteristik dan mekanisme perambatan mesoscale convective complexes (MCCs) yang diamati di pesisir barat Sulawesi pada tanggal 22-23 Oktober 2011. Analisis komposit juga dilakukan pada sebelas kasus MCC yang terjadi di pesisir barat Sulawesi. MCC diidentifikasi oleh citra satelit inframerah menggunakan algoritma yang menggabungkan informasi tentang cakupan awan, eksentrisitas, dan masa hidup awan MCC. Brightness temperature (TBB) diperoleh dari data satelit generasi Himawari yang terdiri dari Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (GMS-5), Multi-functional Satellite imagery Transport SATellite (MTSAT 1R and MTSAT 2), Himawari 8 and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES-9). Data curah hujan dari TRMM (Tropical Measurement Measurement Mission) Multi-satelit Precipitation Analysis (TMPA-RT) 3B41RT v7 dan data sinoptik dari OGIMET. Data angin permukaan dari Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP). Data parameter lingkungan diperoleh dari data reanalisis Europe Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)-ERAInterim. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa MCC di pesisir Sulawesi berkembang mulai tengah malam dan mencapai maksimum pada pagi hari yang diintensifkan oleh angin konvergensi dari utara dan selatan Sulawesi. Sistem konvektif baru yang dihasilkan oleh kolam dingin saat MCC punah pada sore hari menyebar ke Pulau Kalimantan karena arus keluar divergensi dari kolam dingin yang juga dibantu oleh angin laut. Kombinasi angin laut dan arus keluar dari kolam dingin merupakan faktor signifikan dalam pembentukan dan pergerakkan sel konvektif baru sehingga membuat curah hujan lebat di Pulau Kalimantan. MCC yang terjadi di pesisir Sulawesi mempunyai karakteristik bergerak kearah barat (westward-propagating MCC). Perambatan sistem konvektif baru juga berhubungan suhu potensial ekuivalen tinggi (?E ridge)dan pusat konvergensi yang sangat berperan dalam perkembangan awan-awan konfektif.Hlm.271-28