5 research outputs found

    Faktor Risiko Kematian Akibat Dengue di Rumah Sakit Sardjito YOGYAKARTA

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    Risk factors of death due to dengue hemorrhagic fever in a tertiary public teaching hospital of YogyakartaPurposeWe examined risk factors of dengue hemorrhagic fever death in Dr. Sardjito Hospital.MethodWe conducted a case control study from patient medical records and interviews with parents.ResultsWe found 29 deaths and 58 patients who survived. The probability of death among obese children was 6 times higher than non obese children and the probability of death in children with prolonged shock was 12 times higher than children without prolonged shock. Other variables were family occupation, family income, residential zones, transportation, treatment financing, accuracy of diagnosis in previous health facilities, and fluid resuscitation before being referred had no significant relationship with dengue mortality.ConclusionObesity and prolonged shock were risk factors of dengue hemorrhagic fever death in children. Improved education to parents about high risk of shock syndrome among patients is needed especially for obese children. Further studies related to social determinants in dengue hemorrhagic fever death are also necessary

    Faktor risiko kematian akibat dengue di rumah sakit Sardjito Yogyakarta

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    Latar Belakang: Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) merupakan penyakit yang terjadi karena infeksi virus dengue dan sangat berhubungan dengan kematian DBD. Di RSUP Dr. Sardjito, kematian DBD meningkat dari 11 orang tahun 2014 menjadi 35 orang pada tahun 2015. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui faktor risiko kematian akibat dengue di RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta.Metode: Desain studi yang digunakan matched case control dengan perbandingan kasus dan kontrol 1:2.  Kasus adalah pasien DSS rujukan meninggal dunia yang berusia ≤18 tahun. Kontrol adalah pasien DSS rujukan sembuh yang berusia ≤18 tahun. Data diambil dari rekam medis pasien di RSUP dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta tahun 2015-2016 dan wawancara dengan kuesioner kepada orangtua pasien. Tehnik pengambilan sampel dengan metode totality sampling dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji simple dan multiple conditional logistic regression dengan α 5%.Hasil: Dilaporkan 87 anak terdiri dari 29 meninggal dan 58 sembuh. Probabilitas terjadinya kematian pada anak dengan obesitas 6,29 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan anak yang tidak obesitas (OR = 6,29; 95% CI  = 1,14 - 34,57; p-value = 0,03) dan probabilitas kematian pada anak yang mengalami prolonged shock 12,14 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan anak yang tidak mengalami prolomged shock (OR = 12,14; 95% CI  = 3,22 - 45,82; p-value = 0,00). Variabel lain seperti pekerjaan keluarga, pendapatan keluarga, zona tempat tinggal, transportasi, pembiayaan pengobatan, ketepatan diagonosis di fasilitas kesehatan sebelumnya, dan resusitasi cairan sebelum rujukan tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna terhadap kematian akibat dengue.Kesimpulan: Status gizi dan prolonged shock merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya kematian akibat dengue pada anak. Meningkatkan edukasi kepada orangtua terkait bahaya syok sindrom pada penderita DBD khusunya pada anak obesitas. Penelitian lebih lanjut terkait determinan sosial pada kasus kematian akibat dengue juga perlu dilakukan.Risk factors of death due to dengue hemorrhagic fever in a tertiary public teaching hospital of YogyakartaPurposeWe examined risk factors of dengue hemorrhagic fever death in Dr. Sardjito Hospital.MethodWe conducted a case control study from patient medical records and interviews with parents.ResultsWe found 29 deaths and 58 patients who survived. The probability of death among obese children was 6 times higher than non obese children and the probability of death in children with prolonged shock was 12 times higher than children without prolonged shock. Other variables were family occupation, family income, residential zones, transportation, treatment financing, accuracy of diagnosis in previous health facilities, and fluid resuscitation before being referred had no significant relationship with dengue mortality.ConclusionObesity and prolonged shock were risk factors of dengue hemorrhagic fever death in children. Improved education to parents about high risk of shock syndrome among patients is needed especially for obese children. Further studies related to social determinants in dengue hemorrhagic fever death are also necessary

    Well Water Consumed and Urolithiasis in Gedangsari Subdistrict, YOGYAKARTA

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    The land in Gedangsari Subdistrict area composes of limestone. Many local people consume drinking water from wells that contain high levels of calcium. Many people suffer from urolithiasis. This study aimed to describe calcium or Ca(OH)2 distribution in the well water and explain its relation with urolithiasis incidence. This study was conducted in Gedangsari Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul District from July to November 2013. The study was cross sectional confirmed with titration test in laboratory. Samples were 94 wells of 3,849 well population as selected randomly. Criteria of sample selection included wells used for drinking by the population aged older than 30 years already, with less than 15 meter of depth. Laboratory test of Ca (OH)2 level was conducted by titration. Suspect urolithiasis was clinically diagnosed by doctor and data analysis used chi-square test. Results showed relation between water hardness and urolithiasis (RP = 2.27), although statistically not significant. In conclusion, there was no relation between mineral water consumption, age, and length of stay with urolithiasis incidence in Gedangsari Subdistrict, Gunungkidul District