11 research outputs found

    A new database program installed at the SUERC radiocarbon laboratory

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    The SUERC Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory has recently replaced its spreadsheet-based record keeping with a new database program, custom designed to help laboratory staff manage the high throughput of nearly 5000 cathodes in the past year. The system can accept data from a variety of sources in addition to manual entry; experimental results can be uploaded from spreadsheets, while integration with graphitisation lines means that graphite yields are automatically recorded. The system is able to pass radiocarbon results directly to OxCal 4 for calibration, with the resulting plots incorporated into the dating certificates issued to submitters. There are also benefits to submitters, with electronic sample submission both eliminating transcription errors and speeding up the logging-in process which keeps turnaround times down. For bone samples, data on collagen yields are now stored electronically and are more readily obtainable from the laboratory. The new SUERC Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory database will make a significant contribution to maintaining the high quality of results produced by the laboratory, aiding staff in tracking sample progress and monitoring quality assurance (QA) samples going through the laboratory, eliminating transcription errors and making communication easier between laboratory staff and sample submitters

    A New Database Program Installed at the SUERC Radiocarbon Laboratory

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    Introduction of interactive remote monitoring at SUERC

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    SUERC has implemented remote control of routine and experimental NEC spectrometer operations. Through secure tunnelling, a dedicated laptop for each spectrometer can execute parts of the AccelNET (Accelerator NETwork control system) suite and communicate remotely with the underlying database: instrument control pages are accessible and changes to the run list can be effected in the dosimetry manager (DMAN). X-forwarding facilitates the use of the abc data reduction software upon the large remote dataset, allowing the operator to evaluate data quality mid-run, while screen-sharing is employed to provide flexible access options. AccelNET’s read-only html output (formerly the predominate form of remote monitoring) remains accessible for ‘casual’ progress checking by non-operators. While there are limitations to each technology used, these changes to our setup and operating procedures have had positive effects both for operators, and upon the smooth delivery of sample data

    Temporal trend in the transfer of Sellafield-derived 14C into different size fractions of the carbonate component of NE Irish Sea sediment

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    From 1994 onwards, 14C discharges from the Sellafield nuclear fuel reprocessing plant have been made largely to the Northeast Irish Sea. They represent the largest contributor to UK and European populations of the collective dose commitment derived from the entire nuclear industry discharges. Consequently, it is important to understand the long-term fate of 14C in the marine environment. Research undertaken in 2000 suggested that the carbonate component of Northeast Irish Sea sediments would increase in 14C activity as mollusc shells, which have become enriched in Sellafield-derived 14C, are broken down by physical processes including wave action and incorporated into intertidal and sub-tidal sediments. The current study, undertaken in 2011, tested this hypothesis. The results demonstrate significant increases in 14C enrichments found in whole mussel shells compared to those measured in 2000. Additionally, in 2000, there was an enrichment above ambient background within only the largest size fraction (>500 μm) of the intertidal inorganic sediment at Nethertown and Flimby (north of Sellafield). In comparison, the present study has demonstrated 14C enrichments above ambient background in most size fractions at sites up to 40 km north of Sellafield, confirming the hypothesis set out more than a decade ago

    Carbon isotope changes through the recent past: f14c and δ13c values in single barley grain from 1852 to 2020

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    Radiocarbon (F14C) and stable carbon (δ13C) values were measured in single grains of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) from the sample archive from two adjacent sites of the Long-term Experiments (LTEs) Hoosfield Spring Barley at Rothamsted Research (Harpenden, Hertfordshire, UK), covering the growing periods (March to September) of 1852 to 2020. F14C data of the barley grain confirm that recent values are approaching and will decline below the “nominal” F14C value of 1, tracking a similar decrease reported in other studies. Importantly, the measured δ13C values reveal a different temporal decline over the pre-bomb and post-bomb timescale. Detailed statistical analysis of δ13C data along with δ13C analysis of independent, archived barley mash samples, verifies and quantifies the extent and rate of this decline. Evidence presented from the barley grain and barley mash samples suggests a clear breakpoint in δ13C data occurring in 1995, where the rate of change alters, in that the slope in δ13C data for the pre-1995 period is declining at 1.4‰ per century, and the slope in δ13C for the post-1995 period is declining at 3.6‰ per century. Such a consistent shift in δ13C data could be used with F14C values to extend the use of the bomb peak for forensic, ecological, and environmental applications

    Using carbon isotopes to fight the rise in fraudulent whisky

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    A major threat to the Scotch whisky industry is the sale of counterfeit single malt whiskies with purported distillation years in the 19th and early- to mid-20th centuries. However, these are often much more recent spirits, distilled in the latter part of the 20th or first part of the 21st centuries. These sales impinge upon the reputation of auction houses, retailers, brand owners and distillers. The atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons in the 1950s and early 1960s has enabled a precise calibration curve to be created, however, there are several reasons why this may not be appropriate for establishing the year of whisky distillation. We have created a 14C calibration curve derived from known-age, single malt whiskies for the period 1950–2015 that enables whisky distilled during the period from 1955 onwards to have the distillation year determined to within 1–3 years for certain periods. However, because of the shape of the curve, two possible age ranges are often possible. The correct range can often be determined from a further plot of δ13C values against distillation year, which shows a trend of decreasing values through time. Several examples are given of the determination of both genuine and fake products

    Radiocarbon releases from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident

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    Radiocarbon activities were measured in annual tree rings for the years 2009 to 2015 from Japanese cedar trees (Cryptomeria japonica) collected at six sites ranging from 2.5–38 km northwest and north of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. The 14C specific activity varied from 280.4 Bq kg−1 C in 2010 to 226.0 Bq kg−1 C in 2015. The elevated 14C activities in the 2009 and 2010 rings confirmed 14C discharges during routine reactor operations, whereas those activities that were indistinguishable from background in 2012–2015 coincided with the permanent shutdown of the reactors after the accident in 2011. High-resolution 14C analysis of the 2011 ring indicated 14C releases during the Fukushima accident. The resulted 14C activity decreased with increasing distance from the plant. The maximum 14C activity released during the period of the accident was measured 42.4 Bq kg−1 C above the natural ambient 14C background. Our findings indicate that, unlike other Fukushima-derived radionuclides, the 14C released during the accident is indistinguishable from ambient background beyond the local environment (~30 km from the plant). Furthermore, the resulting dose to the local population from the excess 14C activities is negligible compared to the dose from natural/nuclear weapons sources

    Another 6 years of radiocarbon secondary-standard AMS with two spectrometers

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    The Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC) has analysed >100,000 individual graphite preparations with two accelerator mass spectrometers. Analysis quality is maintained by a programme of secondary-standards measurement, and annual assessment of the resulting large dataset can provide insight into subtle effects. The same analyses that are used to derive external errors within individual batches of samples, or to monitor inter-batch variance, are also employed in aggregate to determine overall instrument and process performance. The recent 2021 findings are consistent with prior years’, including the apparent contradiction that secondary standard analysis can be both consistent and slightly discordant between the two instruments. However, individual sample radiocarbon measurement on both machines remains accurate and typically 3 ‰ precise

    <sup>14</sup>C levels in the vicinity of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant prior to the 2011 accident

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    A 50-year-old Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) from Okuma, ∼1 km southwest of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant, was cored and each annual ring was analysed for 14C. The 14C specific activity values varied from 330.4 Bq kg−1 C in the tree ring formed in 1971 to 231.2 Bq kg−1 C in the 2014 ring. During the periods 1971–1976 and 2011–2014, the 14C specific activities are indistinguishable from the ambient background values. However, compared with the ambient atmospheric levels, the 14C specific activities between 1977 and 2010 are significantly elevated, clearly indicating 14C discharges from the reactors during their normal operations. In addition, the specific activities are positively correlated with the annual electricity generation values. The excess 14C specific activities were &lt;36 Bq kg−1 C, corresponding to an additional annual effective dose of &lt;2 μSv via the food ingestion pathway in the study location. The primary wind direction is east-southeast/southeast with a frequency of ∼30%, in comparison to ∼20% frequency for the direction of the site under study (north-northeast/northeast). This would tend to indicate a similar magnitude of additional effective dose and consequently no significant radiological impact of atmospheric 14C discharges from the FDNPP during the entire period of normal operations. Additionally, no 14C pulse in activity can be observed in the year 2011 ring. This might be caused by a limited 14C release from the damaged reactors during the accident or that the prevailing wind during the short period of release (11th–25th March 2011) was not in the direction of Okuma