40 research outputs found

    Fresh market tomatoes (2016)

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    The demand for locally-grown, vine-ripened tomatoes remains strong in Missouri. If you can produce high yields of good-quality tomatoes, the opportunity exists for you to make a reasonable return on your investment. The resources essential for profitable tomato production are relatively fertile land, sufficient water for irrigation, and an adequate labor supply

    Growing herbs at home (2012)

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    In a botanical sense, an herb is a plant that does not produce a woody stem and dies back to the ground each winter to a perennial root system. In the garden sense, herbs are plants that serve as a major source of seasonings in food preparation. In an even broader sense, herbs include plants that are also useful for scents in cosmetics or for medicinal purposes. Some of them are woody and outstep the definition of a herbaceous plant.Reviewed 1/12/2M

    Exhibiting and judging garden vegetables (2012)

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    Whether on an individual basis at fairs or in 4-H, FFA or a garden club competition, exhibiting vegetables is an excellent way to learn more about quality and handling of vegetables. While setting up an exhibit, you have a chance to meet others with similar interests and learn from them. Win or lose, you can learn from the experience and accept the challenge to improve future displays and exhibits.Reviewed 1/12/2M

    Roses : care after planting (2014)

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    Roses are among our most treasured garden plants. Throughout history their elegant, symbolic flowers have occupied a special place in the hearts and minds of people everywhere. However, proper care after planting is essential to develop plants into beautiful, productive specimens.New 6/74; Revised 10/14/500

    Caring for houseplants (2017)

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    New 10/71; Revised 4/10; Reviewed 7/17/Web

    Terrariums (2017)

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    New 5/74; Revised 5/02; Reviewed 7/17/Web

    Growing asparagus in Missouri (2012)

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    Revised 2/05; Reviewed 2/12/1M

    Lighting indoor houseplants (2016)

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    Original author: Ray R. RothenbergerHouseplants are popular indoor decorations. Attractive and constantly changing, they add a softness of line and provide a bit of nature indoors. However, the ideal location of a plant for decoration may not be the ideal spot for plant growth. Lack of adequate light is the most common factor limiting the growth of plants in many areas of the home. Supplementary electric lighting is usually the easiest and least expensive way to provide enough light for plants that do not receive adequate natural light

    Watering and fertilizing tomatoes in a high tunnel (2014)

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    Proper watering and fertilization are essential for producing tomatoes in a high tunnel. High tunnels keep out natural rainfall, so timely irrigation is necessary. Additionally, growers must consider the special needs of high tunnel soil to ensure availability of appropriate levels of nutrients.New 6/06; Reviewed 6/14/400

    Flowering perennials : characteristics and culture (2012)

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    Flowering perennials represent a large group of garden plants with roots that persist from year to year. Stems and leaves of some may remain, but in most, the tops die back to the soil each winter. Perennials are suitable for many locations. Most frequently, they are incorporated in a flower border that they share with annual flowers and shrubs. Perennials with similar cultural requirements are grouped into plantings known as rock gardens, wildflower gardens, bog gardens or perennial flower borders.Revised 5/02; Reviewed 4/10; Reprinted 1/12/1M