8 research outputs found

    Patient-reported measures integration into a hospital information system: bibliometric analysis and case study

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    Patient-reported measures are useful in the public interest to improve the quality of care and to assess patients’ needs and priorities by helping to identify existing barriers. A bibliometric analysis was carried out to investigate the use and relevance of patient-reported measures in other countries, which showed the growth of the topic in the scientific literature and allowed the identification of the most important integration processes. Patient-reported measures have been implemented in the information system of Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Clinics and a pilot study with real patients is planned for the future to evaluate the results and propose how this system could be integrated into the Lithuanian eHealth system. Article in Lithuanian. Pacientų įtraukties įrankių integravimas į ligoninės informacinę sistemą: bibliometrinė analizė ir atvejo tyrimas Santrauka Pacientų įtraukties įrankiai yra naudingi viešajam interesui, siekiant gerinti sveikatos priežiūros kokybę ir įvertinti pacientų poreikius bei prioritetus, nes padeda nustatyti esamas kliūtis. Siekiant išsiaiškinti pacientų įtraukties įrankių naudojimą ir aktualumą kitose valstybėse, buvo atlikta bibliometrinė analizė, kuri parodė temos plėtojimąsi mokslinėje literatūroje ir leido identifikuoti svarbiausius integravimo procesus. Vilniaus universiteto ligoninės Santaros klinikų informacinėje sistemoje buvo įdiegti pacientų įtraukties įrankiai ir ateityje planuojama atlikti bandomąjį tyrimą su realiais pacientais, įvertinti rezultatus ir pasiūlyti, kaip ši sistema galėtų būti integruota į Lietuvos e. sveikatos sistemą. Reikšminiai žodžiai: elektroniniai sveikatos įrašai, kokybė, pacientų įtraukties įrankiai, e. sveikata, bibliometrinė analizė

    Dalykinės srities ontologijos transformacija į koncepcinį modelį

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    The paper analyses graph oriented ontology transformation into conceptual data model. A number of methodswere proposed to develop conceptual datamodels, but only fewdealswith knowledge reuse. In this paperwe present an approach for knowledge represented by ontology automatic transformation into conceptual data model. The graph transformation language is presented and adapted for formal transformation of ontology into conceptualmodel. Details and examples of proposed ontology transformation into conceptual data model are presented.Straipsnyje analizuojama ontologijos transformacija į koncepcinį duomenų modelį. Atlikus literatūros analizę, nustatyta, kad egzistuoja daugybė metodų, kaip kurti koncepcinius modelius, tačiau tik keli iš jų siūlo pakartotinai panaudoti turimas žinias. Šiame straipsnyje pristatome koncepcinio modelio kūrimą panaudojant ontologiją

    Aktyviųjų duomenų bazės taisyklių aktyvumo analizė ir vertinimas

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    Article presents analysis and evaluationof ECA rules activity.Most of active rules are implemented by triggers and functions. Sophisticated rules based systems have several problems including difficulty to control and analyse the system. We propose to use Functional Size Measurement Method to evaluate activity of rules in ADBMS. A function point is a unit of measurement to express the amount of businessfunctionality an information system provides to a user. Paper provides major reasons and benefits for using this method.Šiuolaikinių informacinių sistemų  viena iš būtinų sudėtinių dalių yra aktyvi duomenų bazių valdymo sistema, kurioje yra realizuojamos verslo taisyklės. Paprastai dinaminės verslo taisyklės yra realizuojamos kaip trigeriai arba procedūros, o statinės verslo taisyklės – duomenu bazės struktūromis. Realizavus sudėtingą taisyklėmis gristą sistemą, dėl didelio taisykliu skaičiaus ir sudėtingos jų tarpusavio sąveikos susiduriama su sistemos valdymo ir analizės sunkumais. Šiame straipsnyje pateikiama aktyviųjų taisyklių aktyvumo samprata, o aktyvumo vertinimui kaip vien`ą iš galimų būdų siūlome panaudoti modifikuotą funkcinių  taškų metodą.&nbsp

    Viešojo sektoriaus mokymo institucijos: informacinių sistemų tobulinimas

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    Didėjantys gyventojų lūkesčiai ir nauji reikalavimai viešajam administravimui nuolat skatina tobulinti valstybės tarnautojų kompetenciją. Straipsnyje nagrinėjami viešojo sektoriaus mokymo institucijos veiklos procesai, apžvelgiamos problemos, kurias būtina spręsti organizuojant mokymus ir tobulinant mokymo bei jų apskaitos procesus. Analizuojamos kitose analogiškose organizacijose taikomos mokymo sistemos. Pateiktas galimas viešojo sektoriaus mokymo institucijų problemų sprendimo būdas taikant MOKIS informacinę sistemą. Nagrinėjami MOKIS kūrimo aspektai. Siūloma taikyti ontologiją siekiant patobulinti sistemos koncepcinį modelį

    Decision-making in information systems based on new development framework and business process mining

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    The studies on software project failures have identified problems in capturing requirements, managing complexity and dynamic changes of the environment because of the using traditional software engineering, where requirement capturing is static and prolonged. This issue is especially important for decision-making in dynamically changing business. The paper offers modernization of information system development methods used for implementation of automated information-, rule-, knowledge-, model-based decision processes. The paper propose to assist processes by early separation and development of a business logic model and implementation of decision-making, knowledge discovery process models and business process analysis using probabilistic models by proposing an information systems development framework. The advantages of such approach are early separation and development of a business logic model and further support for business people for modification of business logic without involvement of software developers and minimizing their persistence in the latter exploitation stages. Finally, the paper presents experimental results for stochastic decision extraction from system database using process mining and probabilistic models to ease framework implementation

    Integrated collection of patient-reported outcomes and experiences in children with kidney and hematological diseases: a pilot study

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    We aimed to explore the feasibility and potential relevance of integrated electronic collection of patient-reported outcome and experience measures (PROM and PREM) in children with special healthcare needs (CSHCN) by using the example of children with kidney and hematological diseases. We performed a cross-sectional, single-center study of children <18 years of age. Children (≥10 years) and their parents received Generic PedsQL Core Scale 4.0 and custom PREM surveys to their email addresses via the REDCap platform, and the results were integrated into the hospital’s electronic health records system. A total of 192 patients (98 with kidney diseases and 94 with hematological diseases) were enrolled. The overall response rate was 51%, and the median time for completion of each proxy questionnaire was approximately three minutes. The lowest PROM scores were observed in the emotional and school functioning dimensions. More favorable experiences in the diagnosis establishment process were associated with higher scores in physical, social, school functioning, and total PROM scores. A better evaluation of the hospital’s environment was associated with higher social functioning, while better information provision correlated with higher physical functioning and total PROM scores. Our data indicates that integrated electronic collection of PROMs and PREMs in the population of CSHCN is feasible, but efforts to increase the response rate are needed. The associations between PROMs and PREMs suggest that future studies exploring targeted interventions at the healthcare service level to improve subjective patient outcomes are needed

    Development and Integration of Patient-Reported Measures into E-Health System: Pilot Feasibility Study

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    Patient-centered care is recognized as a key element in recent healthcare management strategies. However, the integrated collection of patient feedback capturing the entire journey of patients with complex medical conditions remains understudied. Herein, we aimed to describe the development of an instrument prototype for the collection of PROMs and PREMs that would encompass a whole patient journey at a single time point. We further describe the process of its integration into a hospital’s information system (HIS) and the results of a pilot feasibility study in adult patients with kidney and hematological diseases. We developed an instrument consisting of original PREM and generic EQ-5D-5L questionnaires. E-questionnaires were handled with REDCap software (version 12.5.14) and integrated into the HIS. Patients refusing to use e-questionnaires (48%) were offered paper administration and were older (64 vs. 50 years). The overall response rate for e-questionnaires was 57.1% with a median completion time of 2.0 and 3.7 min for PROM and PREM, respectively. Psychological and social services and primary care setting (diagnosis establishment and involvement in continuous care) were identified as most problematic. The majority of PREM dimensions encompassing different levels of care significantly correlated with PROM responses. Our data indicate the feasibility and potential relevance of the proposed approach, although wider-scale studies in diverse settings are needed

    Factors influencing implementation of the survivorship passport: the IT perspective

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    Compared to the general population, childhood cancer survivors represent a vulnerable population as they are at increased risk of developing health problems, known as late effects, resulting in excess morbidity and mortality. The Survivorship Passport aims to capture key health data about the survivors and their treatment, as well as personalized recommendations and a care plan with the aim to support long-term survivorship care. The PanCareSurPass (PCSP) project building on the experience gained in an earlier implementation in Giannina Gaslini Institute, Italy, will implement and rigorously assess an integrated, HL7 FHIR based, implementation of the Survivorship Passport. The six implementation countries, namely Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, and Spain, are supported by different national or regional digital health infrastructures and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems. Semi structured interviews were carried out to explore potential factors affecting implementation, identify use cases, and coded data that can be semi-automatically transferred from the EMR to SurPass. This paper reflects on findings of these interviews and confirms the need for a multidisciplinary and multi-professional approach towards a sustainable and integrated large-scale implementation of the Survivorship Passport across Europe