23 research outputs found

    On the electron to proton mass ratio and the proton structure

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    We derive an expression for the electron to nucleon mass ratio from a reinterpreted lattice gauge theory Hamiltonian to describe interior baryon dynamics. We use the classical electron radius as our fundamental length scale. Based on expansions on trigonometric Slater determinants for a neutral state a specific numerical result is found to be less than three percent off the experimental value for the neutron. Via the exterior derivative on the Lie group configuration space u(3) we derive approximate parameter free parton distribution functions that compare rather well with those for the u and d valence quarks of the proton.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Neutron to proton mass difference, parton distribution functions and baryon resonances from dynamics on the Lie group u(3)

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    We present a hamiltonian structure on the Lie group u(3) to describe the baryon spectrum. The ground state is identified with the proton. From this single fit we calculate approximately the relative neutron to proton mass shift to within half a percentage of the experimental value. From the same fit we calculate the nucleon and delta resonance spectrum with correct grouping and no missing resonances. For specific spin eigenfunctions we calculate the delta to nucleon mass ratio to within one percent. Finally we derive parton distribution functions that compare well with those for the proton valence quarks. The distributions are generated by projecting the proton state to space via the exterior derivative on u(3). We predict scarce neutral flavour singlets which should be visible in neutron diffraction dissociation experiments or in invariant mass spectra of protons and negative pions in B-decays and in photoproduction on neutrons. The presence of such singlet states distinguishes experimentally the present model from the standard model as does the prediction of the neutron to proton mass splitting. Conceptually the Hamiltonian may describe an effective phenomenology or more radically describe interior dynamics implying quarks and gluons as projections from u(3) which we then call allospace.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures, 6 table

    The Higgs mass derived from the U(3) Lie group

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    The Higgs mass value is derived from a Hamiltonian on the Lie group U(3) where we relate strong and electroweak energy scales. The baryon states of nucleon and delta resonances originate in specific Bloch wave degrees of freedom coupled to a Higgs mechanism which also gives rise to the usual gauge boson masses. The derived Higgs mass is around 125 GeV. From the same Hamiltonian we derive the relative neutron to proton mass ratio and the N and Delta mass spectra. All compare rather well with the experimental values. We predict scarce neutral flavor baryon singlets that should be visible in scattering cross sections for negative pions on protons, in photoproduction on neutrons, in neutron diffraction dissociation experiments and in invariant mass spectra of protons and negative pions in B-decays. The fundamental predictions are based on just one length scale and the fine structure constant. More particular predictions rely also on the weak mixing angle and the up-down quark flavor mixing matrix element. With differential forms on the measure-scaled wavefunction, we could generate approximate parton distribution functions for the u and d valence quarks of the proton that compare well with established experimental analysis.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, 3 table

    Neutron charge radius from intrinsic quark flavour generation

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    The finite, non-zero mean square neutron charge radius is understood in the present work to have a topological origin from an intrinsic neutron configuration in the Lie group U(3). We introduce up and down quark orbits in the configuration for the neutron mass eigenstate. From reciprocal Gaussian curvatures we infer a mean square charge radius of −0.1075 square fermis a few standard deviations away from the world average of −0.1161 square fermis

    Transverse proton gluon anisotropy points behind the Standard Model

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    The present work focuses on transverse gluon densities in the proton and derives exemplar distributions showing azimuthal anisotropies. Such anomalies relative to the Standard Model may be visible in scattering experiments involving protons. I describe baryons as mass eigenstates of a Hamiltonian structure on an intrinsic U(3) configuration space. This has yielded the neutral flavour baryon spectrum and given a rather accurate value for the neutron mass 939.9(5) MeV from first principles. Quark and gluon fields are shaped by the momentum form of the intrinsic wave function. This has led to parton distribution functions for the u and d valence quarks for the proton and to a proton spin structure function agreeing with experiments over four orders of magnitude in the parton momentum fraction

    On gravity and quantum interactions

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    We introduce the metric of general relativity into a description of baryon mass spectra which otherwise has been founded entirely on the concept of an intrinsic configuration space, the Lie group U(3). We find that the general relativistic metric influences the mass eigenstates in gravitational fields. We discuss parts per million effects that may be observed in space missions close to the Sun or the planet Jupiter, for instance by accurate Cavendish experiments or energy shifts in gamma decays of metastable nuclei like Ba-137m. We review how the particle and gauge fields are generated by momentum forms on the intrinsic wave functions to form the quantum field bases for instance of quantum chromodynamics. Our strategy to combine quantum interactions and general relativity is that of geometrising quantum mechanics rather than quantising gravity