870 research outputs found

    Rotulagem ambiental

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    SPP Toolbox : supporting sustainable public procurement in the context of socio-technical transitions

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    ABSTRACT: Public procurement can shape production and consumption trends and represents a stimulus for both innovation and diversification in products and services, through a direct increase in demand. In recent years, the interest in demand-side policies has grown and several approaches have emerged, such as Green Public Procurement (GPP), Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) and Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI), representing strategic goals to be achieved through public procurement. In this context, there is a need to guide and support public organizations in the uptake of GPP, SPP and PPI practices. To respond to the challenges raised by the operationalization of such strategies, this paper proposes a new tool—the SPP Toolbox—for guiding public organizations as they re-think the procurement process, raising their ambitions and broadening their vision, thus changing the organizational approach towards culture, strategies, structures and practices. This toolbox integrates insights from GPP, SPP and PPI objectives and practices, in the context of the emergence of socio-technical transitions. The toolbox coherently links GPP, SPP and PPI, allowing flexibility in terms of goals, yet promoting an increasing complexity of institutionalized practices and skills—from GPP to SPP and then from SPP to PPI, organized in a framework fully integrated into the organizational strategy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sustainable public procurement: a contribution to achieving low carbon footprint buildings

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    ABSTRACT: LIFE ReNatural NZEB project and is part of action B3 of the project "Demonstration experiences of NZEB with low carbon footprint". The article intends to present the results obtained in the development of the model, for which two surveys were sent to several construction companies and material supplying companies. These surveys aimed at knowing the market's ability to comply with the sustainability criteria for low carbon footprint residential buildings. The model was defined based on the analysis of national and international good practices that were collected, the EU GPP criteria and the manual "Green Public Procurement Criteria under ENCPE 2020 for Design, Construction and Management of Office Buildings". The model is divided into five parts: selection of the design team and contractors; detailed design and performance requirements; dismantling, demolition, and site preparation works; construction of the building or major renovation works; and finalization and handover. Overall, it was found that companies in the construction sector can meet most of the selection criteria for the design team and contractors and for some of the technical specifications. It was also found that material suppliers can meet the various sustainability criteria for materials.N/

    Supporting sustainable public procurement in the context of socio-technical transitions

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    LIFE + programme (contract number LIFE 09 ENV/PT/50). Pest-OE/AMB/UI4085/2013 from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation.Public procurement can shape production and consumption trends and represents a stimulus for both innovation and diversification in products and services, through a direct increase in demand. In recent years, the interest in demand-side policies has grown and several approaches have emerged, such as Green Public Procurement (GPP), Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) and Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI), representing strategic goals to be achieved through public procurement. In this context, there is a need to guide and support public organizations in the uptake of GPP, SPP and PPI practices. To respond to the challenges raised by the operationalization of such strategies, this paper proposes a new tool-the SPP Toolbox-for guiding public organizations as they re-think the procurement process, raising their ambitions and broadening their vision, thus changing the organizational approach towards culture, strategies, structures and practices. This toolbox integrates insights from GPP, SPP and PPI objectives and practices, in the context of the emergence of socio-technical transitions. The toolbox coherently links GPP, SPP and PPI, allowing flexibility in terms of goals, yet promoting an increasing complexity of institutionalized practices and skills-from GPP to SPP and then from SPP to PPI, organized in a framework fully integrated into the organizational strategy.publishersversionpublishe

    Compras públicas ecológicas: o papel do consumidor "Estado"

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    Compras públicas sustentáveis

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    O potencial estratégico das compras públicas

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    RESUMO: Na Europa, e durante décadas, as políticas ambientais focaram-se no lado da oferta (produção), enquanto as políticas orientadas para a procura (consumo) foram em grande parte subestimadas. Atualmente, é amplamente reconhecido o potencial de utilização da contratação pública como instrumento estratégico que pode contribuir para objetivos ambientais, sociais, de inovação ou desenvolvimento local.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Learning to have a life: how a local development association and its adult learners cope with this challenge

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    In recent times, one faces the emergence of shifts, even if still ambiguous and diffuse, in the relationships between the State, the market and the civil society. Although these changes may also be assessed from the point of view of the market and/or the civil society, in this paper we would like to stress shifts in the State itself. For this purpose, we will support our analysis in Roger Dale’s argument that the State, namely the Welfare State that expressed a specific intervention pattern up until the 1970s in western pluralistic democracies, in the last decades has been evidencing erosion mainly as a result of globalisation. Considering the referred understanding, this erosion is becoming clearer by emptying the State intervention in terms of public services provision and financing; from a State that was «doing everything» to a pattern of intervention oriented to «coordinate the coordination», a task meanwhile influenced by other levels besides the national one. Therefore, the mentioned author argues that nowadays one can find a State that is not in its original place, a State suffering from ectopia (Dale, 2005: 56).ATAHCA - Associação de Desenvolvimento das Terras Altas do Homem, Cávado e AveTrans…Formar para Agirinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Centro de ensino profissionalizante: formação para reabilitação do bairro Garcia - Blumenau SC

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. ArquiteturaTCC sem resumo