19 research outputs found

    Analisis Jaringan Pipa Transmisi Air Bersih Kecamatan Kandis

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    The need for clean water in Kecamatan Kandis increases with population growth. The community of kecamatan kandis utilizes water source from rain water and Samsam River water. The water obtained will be transmitted to the IPA to be processed into clean water. The minimum plunge of Samsam River was obtained at 217.89 liters / sec. The net water demand after 20 years is 127 liters / sec. In this research, the plan of raw water transmission pipeline system is divided into two networks that will be simulated with EPANET program. Old network along 14674.54 meters and new network along 33708,86 meters by using HDPE pipe. The head and debit values obtained from the simulated results determine which pump to use. This pump is a type of Grundfos type 2 pole pump. This transmission network simulation is expected to be a guide in PDAM planning in Kecamatan Kandis

    Analisa Sistem Jaringan Pipa Distribusi Air Bersih Kecamatan Lubuk dalam Kabupaten Siak (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Lubuk dalam Kabupaten Siak)

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    The clean water obtained by the people of Kecamatan Lubuk Dalam is still very minimal. This is because the groundwater source located in Lubuk Dalam does not qualify as clean water. So far, the people of Kecamatan Lubuk Dalam utilize watersource from rain water and drilled well. Rainwater that is accommodated by the community is not able to meet the needs of the community during the dry season, while the groundwater source obtained from the well has a poor quality so it is not good for public health. Due to the growing progress of Kecamatan Lubuk Dalam, the Siak regency government is seeking to build a clean water treatment plant deep in order to meet the water needs of the local community. The new will be built in the area of LubukDalam, a source of water obtained from the Sungai Basas, the Siak River in the Koto Gasip area

    Simulasi Kolam Retensi untuk Mengatasi Banjir Genangan di Kota Bangkinang Bagian Barat

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    Most of the surface run off water in rainy season in Bangkinang flow to Petai I river, and this condition makes the Petai I river unable to deliver it anymore to Kampar river, it will flood some region in Bangkinang. A concept has been developed according to this condition it devides the raining region into two parts for the Jendral Ahmad Yani street, the east region to Petai I river and the west to Polsek Bangkinang channel. Soil permeability is determined to get a rate of infiltration in the retention pond. Soil samples were taken in the location of research using hand auger and then taken to the laboratory for testing permeability values with permeameter. From the test results obtained by the value of the infiltration is 7.44 x10-7 cm/sec. The retention pond is simulated to reduce debit of surface run off, and at the end it will reduce planned channel dimension, also the lands for drainage channel can be reduced. Retention pond are planned about six retention ponds then simulated by reducing the surface run off water approximately20%, but the retention pond size needed is too big ie between 28,7-5000 hectare, that's why the retention pond size must be suited with the size of the land. After the making of this retention pond, the debit surface run off so small, and it makes the channel dimension stable. So the making of retention pond in west Bangkinang cant be made as alternetive to reduce the surface run off water

    Analisa Jaringan Pipa Distribusi Air Bersih Kecamatan Kerinci Kanan (Studi Kasus: Kecamtan Kerinci Kanan, Kabupaten Siak)

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    The area to be reviewed in this writing is a district located in Riau Province, namely Kerinci Kanan District. Kerinci area Right water is difficult due to its location far from the water source and the soil is not safe to be drilled. Previous drilling efforts have been made for the wellbore, but from inside the soil emit a kind of gas odor so that drilling is stopped. The Local Government has built a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) located in Lubuk Dalam District to meet the needs of clean water in Lubuk Dalam District and Kerinci Kanan District. For water sources taken from Buatan River. Distribution pipes are still in progress and need testing in software or lab tests. This test aims to ensure that the water discharged can meet the needs of the community as planned

    Analisis Investasi Sistem Penyediaan Air Bersih Kota Duri (Intake Air Baku Sungai Jurong II)

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    This thesis aims to analyze the water supply system investment Duri city. City water needs spines increasing in line with population growth and urban growth. Currently the water supply held by PDAM, but its capacity can not meet all the needs of the citizens, to be sufficient, the water supply system needs to be developed, one of which is by way of searching for new sources of raw water. Source of raw water in the city is very limited capacity spines and long distances. Raw water sourced from Sungai Jurong II to supply raw water 140 liters/sec for PDAM Tirta Dharma Duri which is about 26 km. Analysis of investments in PDAM Tirta Dharma Duri performed by analyzing the use of the Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Break Even Point (BEP) and Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) to determine the water supply system of investment and determine the price of water from the source of raw water to PDAM Tirta Dharma Duri IPA. The calculation of the price of raw water obtained before affixing is Rp. 981/m3

    Model Prediksi Liku Kalibrasi Menggunakan Pendekatan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan (ZST) (Studi Kasus : Sub DAS Siak Hulu)

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    The purpose of this research is to predict the rating curve equation on the site Pantai Cermin Sub-watershed Siak Hulu Siak River in 2009. This is based due to the unavailability of rating curve equation on the site Pantai Cermin Sub-watershed Siak Hulu in 2009 until 2012 so hopefully this research can be used as an alternative method for determining the rating curve equation turns more quickly and accurately. This research was conducted using an artificial neural network approach to the backpropagation algorithm. Configuration of network model used is the single input and single output. This approach uses auxiliary program that is Matlab (R2008b). Results of this research showed that the artificial neural network model results of training, testing and validation have a very good level of correlation with the value of R 0.92996, 0.94469 and 0.97513. The rating curve equation for 2009 is Q = 22.93 x H1.265 with the level of correlation R = 0.9975